This commit simplifies the sending process of the best route suggested by the router.
It also makes the sending process the same for accounts (key pairs) migrated to a keycard
and those stored locally in local keystore files.
Deprecated endpoints:
- `CreateMultiTransaction`
- `ProceedWithTransactionsSignatures`
Deprecated signal:
- `wallet.sign.transactions`
New endpoints:
- `BuildTransactionsFromRoute`
- `SendRouterTransactionsWithSignatures`
The flow for sending the best router suggested by the router:
- call `BuildTransactionsFromRoute`
- wait for the `wallet.router.sign-transactions` signal
- sign received hashes using `SignMessage` call or sign on keycard
- call `SendRouterTransactionsWithSignatures` with the signatures of signed hashes from the previous step
- `wallet.router.transactions-sent` signal will be sent after transactions are sent or if an error occurs
New signals:
- `wallet.router.sending-transactions-started` // notifies client that the sending transactions process started
- `wallet.router.sign-transactions` // notifies client about the list of transactions that need to be signed
- `wallet.router.transactions-sent` // notifies client about transactions that are sent
- `wallet.transaction.status-changed` // notifies about status of sent transactions
A signal type `wallet` which had an event `type` set to `sing-transactions` is now a new signal
type `wallt.sing.transactions` with event which represents list of transactions that need to be signed.
This functionality is needed in case the user wants to send a transaction and
signs it using the signature provided by the keycard (or any other compatible way).