* chore(wallet)_: stickers service removed from the router, not needed after recent changes
* chore(wallet)_: missed check for error added to few processors
`AddressDetails` is added, basically it is the same as `GetAddressDetails`,
but does the check for address activity (if has balance) across all chains if the
chainIDs list is empty. Setting `timeoutInMilliseconds` param ensures that in case
of network congestion or no internet `AddressDetails` will return the response
setting `hasActivity` property to `false`.
Add `wallet_SafeSignTypedDataForDApps` with support for
`eth_signTypedData` and `eth_signTypedData_v4`
Reject if the chain to sign doesn't matches the target chain
for typed data signing
Add `wallet_HashMessageForSigning` with to support hashing messages
for signing in a safe way as per EIP-191 v45 and supporting
to hash messages for signing on the client side (keycard)
Deprecate `wallet_SignTypedDataV4``
Updates: #15361