mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 02:38:13 +00:00
fix_: chats and message history loading after login takes too much time (#5932)
* fix_: chats and message history loading after login takes too much time * chore_: split to small functions to writing unit test easily * test_: add test * chore_: improve OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs function - Use 'any' type instead of 'interface{}' for args slice - Add error check after rows iteration * chore_: optimize OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs query This commit simplifies and optimizes the SQL query in the OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs function. The changes include: 1. Removing the subquery and ROW_NUMBER() function 2. Using MIN() and GROUP BY instead of the previous approach 3. Directly selecting the required columns in a single query These changes should improve the performance of the function, especially for large datasets, while maintaining the same functionality.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2001,6 +2001,12 @@ func (m *Manager) EditChatFirstMessageTimestamp(communityID types.HexBytes, chat
return community, changes, nil
func (m *Manager) UpdateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(community *Community, chatID string, timestamp uint32) (*CommunityChanges, error) {
communityID := community.ID().String()
chatID = strings.TrimPrefix(chatID, communityID)
return community.UpdateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chatID, timestamp)
func (m *Manager) ReorderCategories(request *requests.ReorderCommunityCategories) (*Community, *CommunityChanges, error) {
defer m.communityLock.Unlock(request.CommunityID)
@ -4430,6 +4436,10 @@ func (m *Manager) accountsHasPrivilegedPermission(preParsedCommunityPermissionDa
return false
func (m *Manager) SaveAndPublish(community *Community) error {
return m.saveAndPublish(community)
func (m *Manager) saveAndPublish(community *Community) error {
err := m.persistence.SaveCommunity(community)
if err != nil {
@ -1305,26 +1305,49 @@ func (db sqlitePersistence) MessageByChatIDs(chatIDs []string, currCursor string
return result, newCursor, nil
func (db sqlitePersistence) OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatID(chatID string) (timestamp uint64, hasAnyMessage bool, err error) {
var whisperTimestamp uint64
err = db.db.QueryRow(
user_messages m1
m1.local_chat_id = ?
ORDER BY substr('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' || m1.clock_value, -64, 64) || m1.id ASC
`, chatID).Scan(&whisperTimestamp)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return 0, false, nil
func (db sqlitePersistence) OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs(chatIDs []string) (map[string]uint64, error) {
if len(chatIDs) == 0 {
return nil, nil
args := make([]any, len(chatIDs))
for i, id := range chatIDs {
args[i] = id
inVector := strings.Repeat("?, ", len(chatIDs)-1) + "?"
query := fmt.Sprintf(`
MIN(substr('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' || m1.clock_value, -64, 64) || m1.id)
FROM user_messages m1
WHERE m1.local_chat_id IN (%s)
GROUP BY m1.local_chat_id
`, inVector)
rows, err := db.db.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return 0, false, err
return nil, err
return whisperTimestamp, true, nil
defer rows.Close()
result := make(map[string]uint64)
for rows.Next() {
var chatID string
var whisperTimestamp uint64
var cursor string
if err := rows.Scan(&chatID, &whisperTimestamp, &cursor); err != nil {
return nil, err
result[chatID] = whisperTimestamp
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
// EmojiReactionsByChatID returns the emoji reactions for the queried messages, up to a maximum of 100, as it's a potentially unbound number.
@ -1859,17 +1859,18 @@ func (m *Messenger) InitFilters() error {
communityInfo := make(map[string]*communities.Community)
var validChats []*Chat
for _, chat := range chats {
if err := chat.Validate(); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to validate chat", zap.Error(err))
validChats = append(validChats, chat)
if err = m.initChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to init first message timestamp", zap.Error(err))
m.initChatsFirstMessageTimestamp(communityInfo, validChats)
for _, chat := range validChats {
if !chat.Active || chat.Timeline() {
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
@ -2043,24 +2044,84 @@ func (m *Messenger) Mailservers() ([]string, error) {
return nil, ErrNotImplemented
func (m *Messenger) initChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat *Chat) error {
if !chat.CommunityChat() || chat.FirstMessageTimestamp != FirstMessageTimestampUndefined {
func (m *Messenger) initChatsFirstMessageTimestamp(communityCache map[string]*communities.Community, chats []*Chat) {
communityChats, communityChatIDs := m.filterCommunityChats(chats)
if len(communityChatIDs) == 0 {
oldestMessageTimestamps, err := m.persistence.OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs(communityChatIDs)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to get oldest message timestamps", zap.Error(err))
changedCommunities := m.processCommunityChats(communityChats, communityCache, oldestMessageTimestamps)
func (m *Messenger) filterCommunityChats(chats []*Chat) ([]*Chat, []string) {
var communityChats []*Chat
var communityChatIDs []string
for _, chat := range chats {
if chat.CommunityChat() && chat.FirstMessageTimestamp == FirstMessageTimestampUndefined {
communityChats = append(communityChats, chat)
communityChatIDs = append(communityChatIDs, chat.ID)
return communityChats, communityChatIDs
func (m *Messenger) processCommunityChats(communityChats []*Chat, communityCache map[string]*communities.Community, oldestMessageTimestamps map[string]uint64) []*communities.Community {
var changedCommunities []*communities.Community
for _, chat := range communityChats {
community := m.getCommunity(chat.CommunityID, communityCache)
if community == nil {
oldestMessageTimestamp, ok := oldestMessageTimestamps[chat.ID]
timestamp := uint32(FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage)
if ok {
if oldestMessageTimestamp == FirstMessageTimestampUndefined {
timestamp = whisperToUnixTimestamp(oldestMessageTimestamp)
changes, err := m.updateChatFirstMessageTimestampForCommunity(chat, timestamp, community)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to init first message timestamp", zap.Error(err), zap.String("chatID", chat.ID))
if changes != nil {
changedCommunities = append(changedCommunities, community)
return changedCommunities
func (m *Messenger) getCommunity(communityID string, communityCache map[string]*communities.Community) *communities.Community {
community, ok := communityCache[communityID]
if ok {
return community
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to get community", zap.Error(err), zap.String("communityID", communityID))
return nil
communityCache[communityID] = community
return community
oldestMessageTimestamp, hasAnyMessage, err := m.persistence.OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatID(chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if hasAnyMessage {
if oldestMessageTimestamp == FirstMessageTimestampUndefined {
return nil
func (m *Messenger) saveAndPublishCommunities(communities []*communities.Community) {
for _, community := range communities {
err := m.communitiesManager.SaveAndPublish(community)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to save and publish community", zap.Error(err), zap.String("communityID", community.IDString()))
return m.updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat, whisperToUnixTimestamp(oldestMessageTimestamp), &MessengerResponse{})
return m.updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat, FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage, &MessengerResponse{})
func (m *Messenger) addMessagesAndChat(chat *Chat, messages []*common.Message, response *MessengerResponse) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
@ -2557,6 +2618,13 @@ func (m *Messenger) updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat *Chat, timestamp uint32
return nil
func (m *Messenger) updateChatFirstMessageTimestampForCommunity(chat *Chat, timestamp uint32, community *communities.Community) (*communities.CommunityChanges, error) {
if community.IsControlNode() && chat.UpdateFirstMessageTimestamp(timestamp) {
return m.communitiesManager.UpdateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(community, chat.ID, chat.FirstMessageTimestamp)
return nil, nil
func (m *Messenger) ShareImageMessage(request *requests.ShareImageMessage) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
if err := request.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
@ -2515,3 +2516,115 @@ func (s *MessengerSuite) TestSendMessageMention() {
s.Require().Equal("Alice talk to bobby", response.Notifications()[0].Message)
func (s *MessengerSuite) TestInitChatsFirstMessageTimestamp() {
createRequest := &requests.CreateCommunity{
Name: "status",
Description: "status community description",
Membership: protobuf.CommunityPermissions_AUTO_ACCEPT,
communityManager := s.m.communitiesManager
c, err := communityManager.CreateCommunity(createRequest, true)
chat := &protobuf.CommunityChat{
Identity: &protobuf.ChatIdentity{
DisplayName: "chat1",
Description: "description",
Permissions: &protobuf.CommunityPermissions{
Access: protobuf.CommunityPermissions_AUTO_ACCEPT,
Members: make(map[string]*protobuf.CommunityMember),
_, err = s.m.CreateCommunityChat(c.ID(), chat)
community, err := communityManager.GetByID(c.ID())
s.Require().Len(community.Chats(), 1)
communityDefaultChat, ok := s.m.allChats.Load(community.ChatIDs()[0])
s.Require().Equal(FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage, int(communityDefaultChat.FirstMessageTimestamp))
// prepared community and chat, now start test each case
// case 1: FirstMessageTimestamp is FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage, so no changes in communityCache
communityCache := make(map[string]*communities.Community)
s.m.initChatsFirstMessageTimestamp(communityCache, []*Chat{communityDefaultChat})
// chat FirstMessageTimestamp is FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage, so no changes in communityCache
s.Require().Len(communityCache, 0)
// case 2: FirstMessageTimestamp is FirstMessageTimestampUndefined,
// for oldestMessageTimestamp, ok := oldestMessageTimestamps[chat.ID] within initChatsFirstMessageTimestamp
// now `ok` will be false but 1 change expected in communityCache
forceFirstMessageTimestampUndefined := func() {
// force FirstMessageTimestamp to FirstMessageTimestampUndefined so we can still get chats after filterCommunityChats
communityDefaultChat.FirstMessageTimestamp = FirstMessageTimestampUndefined
err = s.m.SaveChat(communityDefaultChat)
communityCache = make(map[string]*communities.Community)
s.m.initChatsFirstMessageTimestamp(communityCache, []*Chat{communityDefaultChat})
s.Require().Len(communityCache, 1)
// case 3: FirstMessageTimestamp is FirstMessageTimestampUndefined and send a message,
// for oldestMessageTimestamp, ok := oldestMessageTimestamps[chat.ID] within initChatsFirstMessageTimestamp
// now `ok` will be true, `oldestMessageTimestamp`(e.g. 1728886305475) will be greater than 1
msg := &common.Message{CommunityID: community.IDString(), ChatMessage: &protobuf.ChatMessage{
Text: "text",
ChatId: communityDefaultChat.ID,
MessageType: protobuf.MessageType_COMMUNITY_CHAT,
ContentType: protobuf.ChatMessage_TEXT_PLAIN,
_, err = s.m.sendChatMessage(context.Background(), msg)
communityCache = make(map[string]*communities.Community)
s.m.initChatsFirstMessageTimestamp(communityCache, []*Chat{communityDefaultChat})
s.Require().Len(communityCache, 1)
s.Require().Greater(communityDefaultChat.FirstMessageTimestamp, uint32(1))
func (s *MessengerSuite) TestFilterCommunityChats() {
communityChat1 := &Chat{
ID: "community-chat-1",
ChatType: ChatTypeCommunityChat,
FirstMessageTimestamp: FirstMessageTimestampUndefined,
communityChat2 := &Chat{
ID: "community-chat-2",
ChatType: ChatTypeCommunityChat,
FirstMessageTimestamp: FirstMessageTimestampUndefined,
nonCommunityChat := &Chat{
ID: "non-community-chat",
ChatType: ChatTypeOneToOne,
communityWithTimestamp := &Chat{
ID: "community-with-timestamp",
ChatType: ChatTypeCommunityChat,
FirstMessageTimestamp: 12345,
chats := []*Chat{communityChat1, nonCommunityChat, communityChat2, communityWithTimestamp}
filteredChats, filteredIDs := s.m.filterCommunityChats(chats)
s.Require().Len(filteredChats, 2, "Should have filtered 2 community chats")
s.Require().Len(filteredIDs, 2, "Should have 2 community chat IDs")
s.Require().Contains(filteredChats, communityChat1, "Should contain communityChat1")
s.Require().Contains(filteredChats, communityChat2, "Should contain communityChat2")
s.Require().Contains(filteredIDs, communityChat1.ID, "Should contain ID of communityChat1")
s.Require().Contains(filteredIDs, communityChat2.ID, "Should contain ID of communityChat2")
s.Require().NotContains(filteredChats, nonCommunityChat, "Should not contain nonCommunityChat")
s.Require().NotContains(filteredChats, communityWithTimestamp, "Should not contain communityWithTimestamp")
s.Require().NotContains(filteredIDs, nonCommunityChat.ID, "Should not contain ID of nonCommunityChat")
s.Require().NotContains(filteredIDs, communityWithTimestamp.ID, "Should not contain ID of communityWithTimestamp")
@ -322,15 +322,15 @@ func TestLatestMessageByChatID(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, m[0].ID, ids[9])
func TestOldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatID(t *testing.T) {
func TestOldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs(t *testing.T) {
db, err := openTestDB()
require.NoError(t, err)
p := newSQLitePersistence(db)
chatID := testPublicChatID
_, hasMessage, err := p.OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatID(chatID)
timestamps, err := p.OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs([]string{chatID})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, hasMessage)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(timestamps))
var messages []*common.Message
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ func TestOldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatID(t *testing.T) {
err = p.SaveMessages(messages)
require.NoError(t, err)
timestamp, hasMessage, err := p.OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatID(chatID)
timestamps, err = p.OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatIDs([]string{chatID})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, hasMessage)
require.Equal(t, uint64(10), timestamp)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(timestamps))
require.Equal(t, uint64(10), timestamps[chatID])
func TestPinMessageByChatID(t *testing.T) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user