
51 lines
1.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

syntax = "proto3";
package chat;
// What is sent through the wire
message ChatMessagePayload {
// Message content
string content = 1;
// MIME type
string content_type = 2;
// Message type
string message_type = 3;
// Sender's clock value for message ordering
double clock_value = 4;
// ContactUpdatePayload is sent when a user updates its profile
message ContactUpdatePayload {
// Contact display name
string name = 1;
// Contact profile image, using the data URI scheme (e.g. "...")
string profile_image = 2;
// Contact address
string address = 3;
// Contact Firebase Cloud Messaging token
string fcm_token = 4;
// Incoming RPC messages
message OneToOneRPC {
string src = 1;
string dst = 2;
bytes payload = 3;
//ChatMessagePayload payload = 3;
message ContactUpdateRPC {
string src = 1;
string dst = 2;
ContactUpdatePayload payload = 3;
// Incoming messages
message ChatProtocolMessage {
bytes payload = 1;
//oneof payload {
// ChatMessagePayload one_to_one_payload = 1;
// ContactUpdatePayload contact_updated_payload = 2;