This folder contains setup for running your own Status Bootnode.
It uses [Systemd]( for managing the Status Bootnode service.
The steps it takes are:
* Builds `bootnode`
* Generates & saves a private key
* Generates `systemd` service
* Starts the service
# Usage
To simply configure and start the service run `make`.
In order to manage the new `statusd` service you use other `Makefile` targets:
*`make info` - Info about service
*`make enode` - Get enode address
*`make start` - Start the service
*`make stop` - Stop the service
*`make status` - Check service status
*`make enable` - Enable the service
*`make disable` - Disable the service
*`make logs` - Read the service logs
*`make clean` - Stop service and remove it
All the above commands are just wrappers around the [`systemctl`]( and [`journalctl`]( commands.
# Settings
All settings are passed through environment variables:
*`SERVICE_NAME` - Name of the `systemd` service to be created. (Default: `statusd`)
*`PUBLIC_IP` - Your IP visible from the internet and advertised by the Bootnode.
By default this `Makefile` configures the Bootnode as a [systemd user service]( This is done to simplify the proces and remove the need for `sudo`. The disadvantage of this solution is that the service is stopped when the user logs out.
In order to make your service a system service use `sudo make`.