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// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package tracers
import (
duktape ""
// bigIntegerJS is the minified version of
const bigIntegerJS = `var bigInt=function(undefined){"use strict";var BASE=1e7,LOG_BASE=7,MAX_INT=9007199254740992,MAX_INT_ARR=smallToArray(MAX_INT),LOG_MAX_INT=Math.log(MAX_INT);function Integer(v,radix){if(typeof v==="undefined")return Integer[0];if(typeof radix!=="undefined")return+radix===10?parseValue(v):parseBase(v,radix);return parseValue(v)}function BigInteger(value,sign){this.value=value;this.sign=sign;this.isSmall=false}BigInteger.prototype=Object.create(Integer.prototype);function SmallInteger(value){this.value=value;this.sign=value<0;this.isSmall=true}SmallInteger.prototype=Object.create(Integer.prototype);function isPrecise(n){return-MAX_INT<n&&n<MAX_INT}function smallToArray(n){if(n<1e7)return[n];if(n<1e14)return[n%1e7,Math.floor(n/1e7)];return[n%1e7,Math.floor(n/1e7)%1e7,Math.floor(n/1e14)]}function arrayToSmall(arr){trim(arr);var length=arr.length;if(length<4&&compareAbs(arr,MAX_INT_ARR)<0){switch(length){case 0:return 0;case 1:return arr[0];case 2:return arr[0]+arr[1]*BASE;default:return arr[0]+(arr[1]+arr[2]*BASE)*BASE}}return arr}function trim(v){var i=v.length;while(v[--i]===0);v.length=i+1}function createArray(length){var x=new Array(length);var i=-1;while(++i<length){x[i]=0}return x}function truncate(n){if(n>0)return Math.floor(n);return Math.ceil(n)}function add(a,b){var l_a=a.length,l_b=b.length,r=new Array(l_a),carry=0,base=BASE,sum,i;for(i=0;i<l_b;i++){sum=a[i]+b[i]+carry;carry=sum>=base?1:0;r[i]=sum-carry*base}while(i<l_a){sum=a[i]+carry;carry=sum===base?1:0;r[i++]=sum-carry*base}if(carry>0)r.push(carry);return r}function addAny(a,b){if(a.length>=b.length)return add(a,b);return add(b,a)}function addSmall(a,carry){var l=a.length,r=new Array(l),base=BASE,sum,i;for(i=0;i<l;i++){sum=a[i]-base+carry;carry=Math.floor(sum/base);r[i]=sum-carry*base;carry+=1}while(carry>0){r[i++]=carry%base;carry=Math.floor(carry/base)}return r}BigInteger.prototype.add=function(v){var n=parseValue(v);if(this.sign!==n.sign){return this.subtract(n.negate())}var a=this.value,b=n.value;if(n.isSmall){return new BigInteger(addSmall(a,Math.abs(b)),this.sign)}return new BigInteger(addAny(a,b),this.sign)};;SmallInteger.prototype.add=function(v){var n=parseValue(v);var a=this.value;if(a<0!==n.sign){return this.subtract(n.negate())}var b=n.value;if(n.isSmall){if(isPrecise(a+b))return new SmallInteger(a+b);b=smallToArray(Math.abs(b))}return new BigInteger(addSmall(b,Math.abs(a)),a<0)};;function subtract(a,b){var a_l=a.length,b_l=b.length,r=new Array(a_l),borrow=0,base=BASE,i,difference;for(i=0;i<b_l;i++){difference=a[i]-borrow-b[i];if(difference<0){difference+=base;borrow=1}else borrow=0;r[i]=difference}for(i=b_l;i<a_l;i++){difference=a[i]-borrow;if(difference<0)difference+=base;else{r[i++]=difference;break}r[i]=difference}for(;i<a_l;i++){r[i]=a[i]}trim(r);return r}function subtractAny(a,b,sign){var value;if(compareAbs(a,b)>=0){value=subtract(a,b)}else{value=subtract(b,a);sign=!sign}value=arrayToSmall(value);if(typeof value==="number"){if(sign)value=-value;return new SmallInteger(value)}return new BigInteger(value,sign)}function subtractSmall(a,b,sign){var l=a.length,r=new Array(l),carry=-b,base=BASE,i,difference;for(i=0;i<l;i++){difference=a[i]+carry;carry=Math.floor(difference/base);difference%=base;r[i]=difference<0?difference+base:difference}r=arrayToSmall(r);if(typeof r==="number"){if(sign)r=-r;return new SmallInteger(r)}return new BigInteger(r,sign)}BigInteger.prototype.subtract=function(v){var n=parseValue(v);if(this.sign!==n.sign){return this.add(n.negate())}var a=this.value,b=n.value;if(n.isSmall)return subtractSmall(a,Math.abs(b),this.sign);return subtractAny(a,b,this.sign)};BigInteger.prototype.minus=BigInteger.prototype.subtract;SmallInteger.prototype.subtract=function(v){var n=parseValue(v);var a=this.value;if(a<0!==n.sign){return this.add(n.negate())}var b=n.value;if(n.isSmall){return new SmallInteger(a-b)}return subtractSmall(b,Math.abs(a),a>=0)};SmallInteger.prototype.minus=SmallInteger.prototype.subtract;BigInte
// makeSlice convert an unsafe memory pointer with the given type into a Go byte
// slice.
// Note, the returned slice uses the same memory area as the input arguments.
// If those are duktape stack items, popping them off **will** make the slice
// contents change.
func makeSlice(ptr unsafe.Pointer, size uint) []byte {
var sl = struct {
addr uintptr
len int
cap int
}{uintptr(ptr), int(size), int(size)}
return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sl))
// popSlice pops a buffer off the JavaScript stack and returns it as a slice.
func popSlice(ctx *duktape.Context) []byte {
blob := common.CopyBytes(makeSlice(ctx.GetBuffer(-1)))
return blob
// pushBigInt create a JavaScript BigInteger in the VM.
func pushBigInt(n *big.Int, ctx *duktape.Context) {
// opWrapper provides a JavaScript wrapper around OpCode.
type opWrapper struct {
op vm.OpCode
// pushObject assembles a JSVM object wrapping a swappable opcode and pushes it
// onto the VM stack.
func (ow *opWrapper) pushObject(vm *duktape.Context) {
obj := vm.PushObject()
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushInt(int(ow.op)); return 1 })
vm.PutPropString(obj, "toNumber")
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushString(ow.op.String()); return 1 })
vm.PutPropString(obj, "toString")
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushBoolean(ow.op.IsPush()); return 1 })
vm.PutPropString(obj, "isPush")
// memoryWrapper provides a JavaScript wrapper around vm.Memory.
type memoryWrapper struct {
memory *vm.Memory
// slice returns the requested range of memory as a byte slice.
func (mw *memoryWrapper) slice(begin, end int64) []byte {
if mw.memory.Len() < int(end) {
// TODO(karalabe): We can't js-throw from Go inside duktape inside Go. The Go
// runtime goes belly up
log.Warn("Tracer accessed out of bound memory", "available", mw.memory.Len(), "offset", begin, "size", end-begin)
return nil
return mw.memory.Get(begin, end-begin)
// getUint returns the 32 bytes at the specified address interpreted as a uint.
func (mw *memoryWrapper) getUint(addr int64) *big.Int {
if mw.memory.Len() < int(addr)+32 {
// TODO(karalabe): We can't js-throw from Go inside duktape inside Go. The Go
// runtime goes belly up
log.Warn("Tracer accessed out of bound memory", "available", mw.memory.Len(), "offset", addr, "size", 32)
return new(big.Int)
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(mw.memory.GetPtr(addr, 32))
// pushObject assembles a JSVM object wrapping a swappable memory and pushes it
// onto the VM stack.
func (mw *memoryWrapper) pushObject(vm *duktape.Context) {
obj := vm.PushObject()
// Generate the `slice` method which takes two ints and returns a buffer
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
blob := mw.slice(int64(ctx.GetInt(-2)), int64(ctx.GetInt(-1)))
ptr := ctx.PushFixedBuffer(len(blob))
copy(makeSlice(ptr, uint(len(blob))), blob[:])
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "slice")
// Generate the `getUint` method which takes an int and returns a bigint
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
offset := int64(ctx.GetInt(-1))
pushBigInt(mw.getUint(offset), ctx)
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getUint")
// stackWrapper provides a JavaScript wrapper around vm.Stack.
type stackWrapper struct {
stack *vm.Stack
// peek returns the nth-from-the-top element of the stack.
func (sw *stackWrapper) peek(idx int) *big.Int {
if len(sw.stack.Data()) <= idx {
// TODO(karalabe): We can't js-throw from Go inside duktape inside Go. The Go
// runtime goes belly up
log.Warn("Tracer accessed out of bound stack", "size", len(sw.stack.Data()), "index", idx)
return new(big.Int)
return sw.stack.Data()[len(sw.stack.Data())-idx-1]
// pushObject assembles a JSVM object wrapping a swappable stack and pushes it
// onto the VM stack.
func (sw *stackWrapper) pushObject(vm *duktape.Context) {
obj := vm.PushObject()
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushInt(len(sw.stack.Data())); return 1 })
vm.PutPropString(obj, "length")
// Generate the `peek` method which takes an int and returns a bigint
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
offset := ctx.GetInt(-1)
pushBigInt(sw.peek(offset), ctx)
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "peek")
// dbWrapper provides a JavaScript wrapper around vm.Database.
type dbWrapper struct {
db vm.StateDB
// pushObject assembles a JSVM object wrapping a swappable database and pushes it
// onto the VM stack.
func (dw *dbWrapper) pushObject(vm *duktape.Context) {
obj := vm.PushObject()
// Push the wrapper for statedb.GetBalance
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
pushBigInt(dw.db.GetBalance(common.BytesToAddress(popSlice(ctx))), ctx)
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getBalance")
// Push the wrapper for statedb.GetNonce
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getNonce")
// Push the wrapper for statedb.GetCode
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
code := dw.db.GetCode(common.BytesToAddress(popSlice(ctx)))
ptr := ctx.PushFixedBuffer(len(code))
copy(makeSlice(ptr, uint(len(code))), code[:])
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getCode")
// Push the wrapper for statedb.GetState
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
hash := popSlice(ctx)
addr := popSlice(ctx)
state := dw.db.GetState(common.BytesToAddress(addr), common.BytesToHash(hash))
ptr := ctx.PushFixedBuffer(len(state))
copy(makeSlice(ptr, uint(len(state))), state[:])
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getState")
// Push the wrapper for statedb.Exists
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "exists")
// contractWrapper provides a JavaScript wrapper around vm.Contract
type contractWrapper struct {
contract *vm.Contract
// pushObject assembles a JSVM object wrapping a swappable contract and pushes it
// onto the VM stack.
func (cw *contractWrapper) pushObject(vm *duktape.Context) {
obj := vm.PushObject()
// Push the wrapper for contract.Caller
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
ptr := ctx.PushFixedBuffer(20)
copy(makeSlice(ptr, 20), cw.contract.Caller().Bytes())
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getCaller")
// Push the wrapper for contract.Address
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
ptr := ctx.PushFixedBuffer(20)
copy(makeSlice(ptr, 20), cw.contract.Address().Bytes())
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getAddress")
// Push the wrapper for contract.Value
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
pushBigInt(cw.contract.Value(), ctx)
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getValue")
// Push the wrapper for contract.Input
vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
blob := cw.contract.Input
ptr := ctx.PushFixedBuffer(len(blob))
copy(makeSlice(ptr, uint(len(blob))), blob[:])
return 1
vm.PutPropString(obj, "getInput")
// Tracer provides an implementation of Tracer that evaluates a Javascript
// function for each VM execution step.
type Tracer struct {
inited bool // Flag whether the context was already inited from the EVM
vm *duktape.Context // Javascript VM instance
tracerObject int // Stack index of the tracer JavaScript object
stateObject int // Stack index of the global state to pull arguments from
opWrapper *opWrapper // Wrapper around the VM opcode
stackWrapper *stackWrapper // Wrapper around the VM stack
memoryWrapper *memoryWrapper // Wrapper around the VM memory
contractWrapper *contractWrapper // Wrapper around the contract object
dbWrapper *dbWrapper // Wrapper around the VM environment
pcValue *uint // Swappable pc value wrapped by a log accessor
gasValue *uint // Swappable gas value wrapped by a log accessor
costValue *uint // Swappable cost value wrapped by a log accessor
depthValue *uint // Swappable depth value wrapped by a log accessor
errorValue *string // Swappable error value wrapped by a log accessor
ctx map[string]interface{} // Transaction context gathered throughout execution
err error // Error, if one has occurred
interrupt uint32 // Atomic flag to signal execution interruption
reason error // Textual reason for the interruption
// New instantiates a new tracer instance. code specifies a Javascript snippet,
// which must evaluate to an expression returning an object with 'step', 'fault'
// and 'result' functions.
func New(code string) (*Tracer, error) {
// Resolve any tracers by name and assemble the tracer object
if tracer, ok := tracer(code); ok {
code = tracer
tracer := &Tracer{
vm: duktape.New(),
ctx: make(map[string]interface{}),
opWrapper: new(opWrapper),
stackWrapper: new(stackWrapper),
memoryWrapper: new(memoryWrapper),
contractWrapper: new(contractWrapper),
dbWrapper: new(dbWrapper),
pcValue: new(uint),
gasValue: new(uint),
costValue: new(uint),
depthValue: new(uint),
// Set up builtins for this environment
tracer.vm.PushGlobalGoFunction("toHex", func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
return 1
tracer.vm.PushGlobalGoFunction("toWord", func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
var word common.Hash
if ptr, size := ctx.GetBuffer(-1); ptr != nil {
word = common.BytesToHash(makeSlice(ptr, size))
} else {
word = common.HexToHash(ctx.GetString(-1))
copy(makeSlice(ctx.PushFixedBuffer(32), 32), word[:])
return 1
tracer.vm.PushGlobalGoFunction("toAddress", func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
var addr common.Address
if ptr, size := ctx.GetBuffer(-1); ptr != nil {
addr = common.BytesToAddress(makeSlice(ptr, size))
} else {
addr = common.HexToAddress(ctx.GetString(-1))
copy(makeSlice(ctx.PushFixedBuffer(20), 20), addr[:])
return 1
tracer.vm.PushGlobalGoFunction("toContract", func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
var from common.Address
if ptr, size := ctx.GetBuffer(-2); ptr != nil {
from = common.BytesToAddress(makeSlice(ptr, size))
} else {
from = common.HexToAddress(ctx.GetString(-2))
nonce := uint64(ctx.GetInt(-1))
contract := crypto.CreateAddress(from, nonce)
copy(makeSlice(ctx.PushFixedBuffer(20), 20), contract[:])
return 1
tracer.vm.PushGlobalGoFunction("isPrecompiled", func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
_, ok := vm.PrecompiledContractsByzantium[common.BytesToAddress(popSlice(ctx))]
return 1
tracer.vm.PushGlobalGoFunction("slice", func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
start, end := ctx.GetInt(-2), ctx.GetInt(-1)
blob := popSlice(ctx)
size := end - start
if start < 0 || start > end || end > len(blob) {
// TODO(karalabe): We can't js-throw from Go inside duktape inside Go. The Go
// runtime goes belly up
log.Warn("Tracer accessed out of bound memory", "available", len(blob), "offset", start, "size", size)
return 1
copy(makeSlice(ctx.PushFixedBuffer(size), uint(size)), blob[start:end])
return 1
// Push the JavaScript tracer as object #0 onto the JSVM stack and validate it
if err := tracer.vm.PevalString("(" + code + ")"); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to compile tracer", "err", err)
return nil, err
tracer.tracerObject = 0 // yeah, nice, eval can't return the index itself
if !tracer.vm.GetPropString(tracer.tracerObject, "step") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Trace object must expose a function step()")
if !tracer.vm.GetPropString(tracer.tracerObject, "fault") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Trace object must expose a function fault()")
if !tracer.vm.GetPropString(tracer.tracerObject, "result") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Trace object must expose a function result()")
// Tracer is valid, inject the big int library to access large numbers
// Push the global environment state as object #1 into the JSVM stack
tracer.stateObject = tracer.vm.PushObject()
logObject := tracer.vm.PushObject()
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "op")
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "stack")
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "memory")
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "contract")
tracer.vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushUint(*tracer.pcValue); return 1 })
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "getPC")
tracer.vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushUint(*tracer.gasValue); return 1 })
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "getGas")
tracer.vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushUint(*tracer.costValue); return 1 })
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "getCost")
tracer.vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int { ctx.PushUint(*tracer.depthValue); return 1 })
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "getDepth")
tracer.vm.PushGoFunction(func(ctx *duktape.Context) int {
if tracer.errorValue != nil {
} else {
return 1
tracer.vm.PutPropString(logObject, "getError")
tracer.vm.PutPropString(tracer.stateObject, "log")
tracer.vm.PutPropString(tracer.stateObject, "db")
return tracer, nil
// Stop terminates execution of the tracer at the first opportune moment.
func (jst *Tracer) Stop(err error) {
jst.reason = err
atomic.StoreUint32(&jst.interrupt, 1)
// call executes a method on a JS object, catching any errors, formatting and
// returning them as error objects.
func (jst *Tracer) call(method string, args ...string) (json.RawMessage, error) {
// Execute the JavaScript call and return any error
for _, arg := range args {
jst.vm.GetPropString(jst.stateObject, arg)
code := jst.vm.PcallProp(jst.tracerObject, len(args))
defer jst.vm.Pop()
if code != 0 {
err := jst.vm.SafeToString(-1)
return nil, errors.New(err)
// No error occurred, extract return value and return
return json.RawMessage(jst.vm.JsonEncode(-1)), nil
func wrapError(context string, err error) error {
2018-08-07 13:31:06 +00:00
return fmt.Errorf("%v in server-side tracer function '%v'", err, context)
// CaptureStart implements the Tracer interface to initialize the tracing operation.
func (jst *Tracer) CaptureStart(from common.Address, to common.Address, create bool, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) error {
jst.ctx["type"] = "CALL"
if create {
jst.ctx["type"] = "CREATE"
jst.ctx["from"] = from
jst.ctx["to"] = to
jst.ctx["input"] = input
jst.ctx["gas"] = gas
jst.ctx["value"] = value
return nil
// CaptureState implements the Tracer interface to trace a single step of VM execution.
func (jst *Tracer) CaptureState(env *vm.EVM, pc uint64, op vm.OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *vm.Memory, stack *vm.Stack, contract *vm.Contract, depth int, err error) error {
if jst.err == nil {
// Initialize the context if it wasn't done yet
if !jst.inited {
jst.ctx["block"] = env.BlockNumber.Uint64()
jst.inited = true
// If tracing was interrupted, set the error and stop
if atomic.LoadUint32(&jst.interrupt) > 0 {
jst.err = jst.reason
return nil
jst.opWrapper.op = op
jst.stackWrapper.stack = stack
jst.memoryWrapper.memory = memory
jst.contractWrapper.contract = contract
jst.dbWrapper.db = env.StateDB
*jst.pcValue = uint(pc)
*jst.gasValue = uint(gas)
*jst.costValue = uint(cost)
*jst.depthValue = uint(depth)
jst.errorValue = nil
if err != nil {
jst.errorValue = new(string)
*jst.errorValue = err.Error()
_, err :="step", "log", "db")
if err != nil {
jst.err = wrapError("step", err)
return nil
// CaptureFault implements the Tracer interface to trace an execution fault
// while running an opcode.
func (jst *Tracer) CaptureFault(env *vm.EVM, pc uint64, op vm.OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *vm.Memory, stack *vm.Stack, contract *vm.Contract, depth int, err error) error {
if jst.err == nil {
// Apart from the error, everything matches the previous invocation
jst.errorValue = new(string)
*jst.errorValue = err.Error()
_, err :="fault", "log", "db")
if err != nil {
jst.err = wrapError("fault", err)
return nil
// CaptureEnd is called after the call finishes to finalize the tracing.
func (jst *Tracer) CaptureEnd(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, t time.Duration, err error) error {
jst.ctx["output"] = output
jst.ctx["gasUsed"] = gasUsed
jst.ctx["time"] = t.String()
if err != nil {
jst.ctx["error"] = err.Error()
return nil
// GetResult calls the Javascript 'result' function and returns its value, or any accumulated error
func (jst *Tracer) GetResult() (json.RawMessage, error) {
// Transform the context into a JavaScript object and inject into the state
obj := jst.vm.PushObject()
for key, val := range jst.ctx {
switch val := val.(type) {
case uint64:
case string:
case []byte:
ptr := jst.vm.PushFixedBuffer(len(val))
copy(makeSlice(ptr, uint(len(val))), val[:])
case common.Address:
ptr := jst.vm.PushFixedBuffer(20)
copy(makeSlice(ptr, 20), val[:])
case *big.Int:
pushBigInt(val, jst.vm)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported type: %T", val))
jst.vm.PutPropString(obj, key)
jst.vm.PutPropString(jst.stateObject, "ctx")
// Finalize the trace and return the results
result, err :="result", "ctx", "db")
if err != nil {
jst.err = wrapError("result", err)
// Clean up the JavaScript environment
return result, jst.err