test_: Code Migration from status-cli-tests
author shashankshampi <shashank.sanket1995@gmail.com> 1729780155 +0530
committer shashankshampi <shashank.sanket1995@gmail.com> 1730274350 +0530
test: Code Migration from status-cli-tests
fix_: functional tests (#5979)
* fix_: generate on test-functional
* chore(test)_: fix functional test assertion
Co-authored-by: Siddarth Kumar <siddarthkay@gmail.com>
feat(accounts)_: cherry-pick Persist acceptance of Terms of Use & Privacy policy (#5766) (#5977)
* feat(accounts)_: Persist acceptance of Terms of Use & Privacy policy (#5766)
The original GH issue https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/21113
came from a request from the Legal team. We must show to Status v1 users the new
terms (Terms of Use & Privacy Policy) right after they upgrade to Status v2
from the stores.
The solution we use is to create a flag in the accounts table, named
hasAcceptedTerms. The flag will be set to true on the first account ever
created in v2 and we provide a native call in mobile/status.go#AcceptTerms,
which allows the client to persist the user's choice in case they are upgrading
(from v1 -> v2, or from a v2 older than this PR).
This solution is not the best because we should store the setting in a separate
table, not in the accounts table.
Related Mobile PR https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/pull/21124
* fix(test)_: Compare addresses using uppercased strings
Co-authored-by: Icaro Motta <icaro.ldm@gmail.com>
test_: restore account (#5960)
feat_: `LogOnPanic` linter (#5969)
* feat_: LogOnPanic linter
* fix_: add missing defer LogOnPanic
* chore_: make vendor
* fix_: tests, address pr comments
* fix_: address pr comments
fix(ci)_: remove workspace and tmp dir
This ensures we do not encounter weird errors like:
+ ln -s /home/jenkins/workspace/go_prs_linux_x86_64_main_PR-5907 /home/jenkins/workspace/go_prs_linux_x86_64_main_PR-5907@tmp/go/src/github.com/status-im/status-go
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/jenkins/workspace/go_prs_linux_x86_64_main_PR-5907@tmp/go/src/github.com/status-im/status-go': File exists
script returned exit code 1
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <jakub@status.im>
chore_: enable windows and macos CI build (#5840)
- Added support for Windows and macOS in CI pipelines
- Added missing dependencies for Windows and x86-64-darwin
- Resolved macOS SDK version compatibility for darwin-x86_64
The `mkShell` override was necessary to ensure compatibility with the newer
macOS SDK (version 11.0) for x86_64. The default SDK (10.12) was causing build failures
because of the missing libs and frameworks. OverrideSDK creates a mapping from
the default SDK in all package categories to the requested SDK (11.0).
fix(contacts)_: fix trust status not being saved to cache when changed (#5965)
Fixes https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/16392
added logger and cleanup
review comments changes
fix_: functional tests (#5979)
* fix_: generate on test-functional
* chore(test)_: fix functional test assertion
Co-authored-by: Siddarth Kumar <siddarthkay@gmail.com>
feat(accounts)_: cherry-pick Persist acceptance of Terms of Use & Privacy policy (#5766) (#5977)
* feat(accounts)_: Persist acceptance of Terms of Use & Privacy policy (#5766)
The original GH issue https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/21113
came from a request from the Legal team. We must show to Status v1 users the new
terms (Terms of Use & Privacy Policy) right after they upgrade to Status v2
from the stores.
The solution we use is to create a flag in the accounts table, named
hasAcceptedTerms. The flag will be set to true on the first account ever
created in v2 and we provide a native call in mobile/status.go#AcceptTerms,
which allows the client to persist the user's choice in case they are upgrading
(from v1 -> v2, or from a v2 older than this PR).
This solution is not the best because we should store the setting in a separate
table, not in the accounts table.
Related Mobile PR https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/pull/21124
* fix(test)_: Compare addresses using uppercased strings
Co-authored-by: Icaro Motta <icaro.ldm@gmail.com>
test_: restore account (#5960)
feat_: `LogOnPanic` linter (#5969)
* feat_: LogOnPanic linter
* fix_: add missing defer LogOnPanic
* chore_: make vendor
* fix_: tests, address pr comments
* fix_: address pr comments
chore_: enable windows and macos CI build (#5840)
- Added support for Windows and macOS in CI pipelines
- Added missing dependencies for Windows and x86-64-darwin
- Resolved macOS SDK version compatibility for darwin-x86_64
The `mkShell` override was necessary to ensure compatibility with the newer
macOS SDK (version 11.0) for x86_64. The default SDK (10.12) was causing build failures
because of the missing libs and frameworks. OverrideSDK creates a mapping from
the default SDK in all package categories to the requested SDK (11.0).
fix(contacts)_: fix trust status not being saved to cache when changed (#5965)
Fixes https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/16392
test_: remove port bind
chore(wallet)_: move route execution code to separate module
chore_: replace geth logger with zap logger (#5962)
closes: #6002
feat(telemetry)_: add metrics for message reliability (#5899)
* feat(telemetry)_: track message reliability
Add metrics for dial errors, missed messages,
missed relevant messages, and confirmed delivery.
* fix_: handle error from json marshal
chore_: use zap logger as request logger
iterates: status-im/status-desktop#16536
test_: unique project per run
test_: use docker compose v2, more concrete project name
fix(codecov)_: ignore folders without tests
Otherwise Codecov reports incorrect numbers when making changes.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <jakub@status.im>
test_: verify schema of signals during init; fix schema verification warnings (#5947)
fix_: update defaultGorushURL (#6011)
fix(tests)_: use non-standard port to avoid conflicts
We have observed `nimbus-eth2` build failures reporting this port:
"lvl": "NTC",
"ts": "2024-10-28 13:51:32.308+00:00",
"msg": "REST HTTP server could not be started",
"topics": "beacnde",
"address": "",
"reason": "(98) Address already in use"
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <jakub@status.im>
fix_: create request logger ad-hoc in tests
Fixes `TestCall` failing when run concurrently.
chore_: configure codecov (#6005)
* chore_: configure codecov
* fix_: after_n_builds
2024-10-24 14:29:15 +00:00
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