2022-03-10 10:44:48 +01:00
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Pion SDP
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< h4 align = "center" > A Go implementation of the SDP< / h4 >
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2024-01-19 00:24:54 +05:30
See [DESIGN.md ](DESIGN.md ) for an overview of features and future goals.
2022-03-10 10:44:48 +01:00
### Roadmap
The library is used as a part of our WebRTC implementation. Please refer to that [roadmap ](https://github.com/pion/webrtc/issues/9 ) to track our major milestones.
### Community
Pion has an active community on the [Golang Slack ](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/ ). Sign up and join the ** #pion ** channel for discussions and support. You can also use [Pion mailing list ](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pion ).
We are always looking to support **your projects** . Please reach out if you have something to build!
If you need commercial support or don't want to use public methods you can contact us at [team@pion.ly ](mailto:team@pion.ly )
### Contributing
Check out the ** [contributing wiki ](https://github.com/pion/webrtc/wiki/Contributing )** to join the group of amazing people making this project possible:
2024-01-19 00:24:54 +05:30
* [John Bradley ](https://github.com/kc5nra ) - *Original Author*
* [Sean DuBois ](https://github.com/Sean-Der ) - *Original Author*
* [Michiel De Backker ](https://github.com/backkem ) - *Public API, Initialization*
* [Konstantin Itskov ](https://github.com/trivigy ) - *Fix documentation*
* [chenkaiC4 ](https://github.com/chenkaiC4 ) - *Fix GolangCI Linter*
* [Woodrow Douglass ](https://github.com/wdouglass ) *RTCP, RTP improvements, G.722 support, Bugfixes*
* [Michael MacDonald ](https://github.com/mjmac )
* [Max Hawkins ](https://github.com/maxhawkins )
* [mchlrhw ](https://github.com/mchlrhw )
* [Hugo Arregui ](https://github.com/hugoArregui )
* [Guilherme Souza ](https://github.com/gqgs )
* [adwpc ](https://github.com/adwpc ) - *extmap add transport-cc*
* [Atsushi Watanabe ](https://github.com/at-wat )
* [Luke S ](https://github.com/encounter )
* [Jerko Steiner ](https://github.com/jeremija )
* [Roman Romanenko ](https://github.com/r-novel )
* [Jason Brady ](https://github.com/jbrady42 )
* [Kory Miller ](https://github.com/jbrady42/korymiller1489 )
* [ZHENK ](https://github.com/scorpionknifes )
* [Tarrence van As ](https://github.com/tarrencev )
* [Maxim Oransky ](https://github.com/sdfsdhgjkbmnmxc )
* [Graham King ](https://github.com/grahamking/ )
2022-03-10 10:44:48 +01:00
### License
MIT License - see [LICENSE ](LICENSE ) for full text