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package otto
import (
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
abc = (new String("xyzzy")).length;
def = new String().length;
ghi = new String("Nothing happens.").length;
test("abc", 5)
test("def", 0)
test("ghi", 16)
test(`"".length`, 0)
test(`"a\uFFFFbc".length`, 4)
test(`String(+0)`, "0")
test(`String(-0)`, "0")
test(`""+-0`, "0")
var abc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String, "prototype");
[ [ typeof String.prototype ],
[ abc.writable, abc.enumerable, abc.configurable ] ];
`, "object,false,false,false")
func TestString_charAt(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
abc = "xyzzy".charAt(0)
def = "xyzzy".charAt(11)
test("abc", "x")
test("def", "")
func TestString_charCodeAt(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
abc = "xyzzy".charCodeAt(0)
def = "xyzzy".charCodeAt(11)
test("abc", 120)
test("def", _NaN)
func TestString_fromCharCode(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`String.fromCharCode()`, []uint16{})
test(`String.fromCharCode(88, 121, 122, 122, 121)`, []uint16{88, 121, 122, 122, 121}) // FIXME terst, Double-check these...
test(`String.fromCharCode("88", 121, 122, 122.05, 121)`, []uint16{88, 121, 122, 122, 121})
test(`String.fromCharCode("88", 121, 122, NaN, 121)`, []uint16{88, 121, 122, 0, 121})
test(`String.fromCharCode("0x21")`, []uint16{33})
test(`String.fromCharCode(-1).charCodeAt(0)`, 65535)
test(`String.fromCharCode(65535).charCodeAt(0)`, 65535)
test(`String.fromCharCode(65534).charCodeAt(0)`, 65534)
test(`String.fromCharCode(4294967295).charCodeAt(0)`, 65535)
test(`String.fromCharCode(4294967294).charCodeAt(0)`, 65534)
test(`String.fromCharCode(0x0024) === "$"`, true)
func TestString_concat(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"".concat()`, "")
test(`"".concat("abc", "def")`, "abcdef")
test(`"".concat("abc", undefined, "def")`, "abcundefineddef")
func TestString_indexOf(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"".indexOf("")`, 0)
test(`"".indexOf("", 11)`, 0)
test(`"abc".indexOf("")`, 0)
test(`"abc".indexOf("", 11)`, 3)
test(`"abc".indexOf("a")`, 0)
test(`"abc".indexOf("bc")`, 1)
test(`"abc".indexOf("bc", 11)`, -1)
test(`"$$abcdabcd".indexOf("ab", function(){return -Infinity;}())`, 2)
test(`"$$abcdabcd".indexOf("ab", function(){return NaN;}())`, 2)
var abc = {toString:function(){return "\u0041B";}}
var def = {valueOf:function(){return true;}}
var ghi = "ABB\u0041BABAB";
var jkl;
with(ghi) {
jkl = indexOf(abc, def);
`, 3)
func TestString_lastIndexOf(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"".lastIndexOf("")`, 0)
test(`"".lastIndexOf("", 11)`, 0)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("")`, 3)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("", 11)`, 3)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("a")`, 0)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("bc")`, 1)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("bc", 11)`, 1)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("bc", 0)`, -1)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("abcabcabc", 2)`, -1)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("abc", 0)`, 0)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("abc", 1)`, 0)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("abc", 2)`, 0)
test(`"abc".lastIndexOf("abc", 3)`, 0)
abc = new Object(true);
abc.lastIndexOf = String.prototype.lastIndexOf;
abc.lastIndexOf(true, false);
`, 0)
func TestString_match(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"abc____abc_abc___".match(/__abc/)`, "__abc")
test(`"abc___abc_abc__abc__abc".match(/abc/g)`, "abc,abc,abc,abc,abc")
test(`"abc____abc_abc___".match(/__abc/g)`, "__abc")
abc = /abc/g
`, "abc,abc,abc,abc,abc")
test(`abc.lastIndex`, 23)
func TestString_replace(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"abc_abc".replace(/abc/, "$&123")`, "abc123_abc")
test(`"abc_abc".replace(/abc/g, "$&123")`, "abc123_abc123")
test(`"abc_abc_".replace(/abc/g, "$&123")`, "abc123_abc123_")
test(`"_abc_abc_".replace(/abc/g, "$&123")`, "_abc123_abc123_")
test(`"abc".replace(/abc/, "$&123")`, "abc123")
test(`"abc_".replace(/abc/, "$&123")`, "abc123_")
test("\"^abc$\".replace(/abc/, \"$`def\")", "^^def$")
test("\"^abc$\".replace(/abc/, \"def$`\")", "^def^$")
test(`"_abc_abd_".replace(/ab(c|d)/g, "$1")`, "_c_d_")
"_abc_abd_".replace(/ab(c|d)/g, function(){
`, "_undefined_undefined_")
test(`"b".replace(/(a)?(b)?/, "_$1_")`, "__")
"b".replace(/(a)?(b)?/, function(a, b, c, d, e, f){
return [a, b, c, d, e, f]
`, "b,,b,0,b,")
var abc = 'She sells seashells by the seashore.';
var def = /sh/;
[ abc.replace(def, "$'" + 'sch') ];
`, "She sells seaells by the seashore.schells by the seashore.")
func TestString_search(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"abc".search(/abc/)`, 0)
test(`"abc".search(/def/)`, -1)
test(`"abc".search(/c$/)`, 2)
test(`"abc".search(/$/)`, 3)
func TestString_split(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"abc".split("", 1)`, "a")
test(`"abc".split("", 2)`, "a,b")
test(`"abc".split("", 3)`, "a,b,c")
test(`"abc".split("", 4)`, "a,b,c")
test(`"abc".split("", 11)`, "a,b,c")
test(`"abc".split("", 0)`, "")
test(`"abc".split("")`, "a,b,c")
test(`"abc".split(undefined)`, "abc")
test(`"__1__3_1__2__".split("_")`, ",,1,,3,1,,2,,")
test(`"__1__3_1__2__".split(/_/)`, ",,1,,3,1,,2,,")
test(`"ab".split(/a*/)`, ",b")
test(`_ = "A<B>bold</B>and<CODE>coded</CODE>".split(/<(\/)?([^<>]+)>/)`, "A,,B,bold,/,B,and,,CODE,coded,/,CODE,")
test(`_.length`, 13)
test(`_[1] === undefined`, true)
test(`_[12] === ""`, true)
var abc = new String("one-1 two-2 three-3");
var def = abc.split(new RegExp);
[ def.constructor === Array, abc.length, def.length, def.join('') ];
`, "true,19,19,one-1 two-2 three-3")
func TestString_slice(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"abc".slice()`, "abc")
test(`"abc".slice(0)`, "abc")
test(`"abc".slice(0,11)`, "abc")
test(`"abc".slice(0,-1)`, "ab")
test(`"abc".slice(-1,11)`, "c")
test(`abc = "abc"; abc.slice(abc.length+1, 0)`, "")
func TestString_substring(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"abc".substring()`, "abc")
test(`"abc".substring(0)`, "abc")
test(`"abc".substring(0,11)`, "abc")
test(`"abc".substring(11,0)`, "abc")
test(`"abc".substring(0,-1)`, "")
test(`"abc".substring(-1,11)`, "abc")
test(`"abc".substring(11,1)`, "bc")
test(`"abc".substring(1)`, "bc")
test(`"abc".substring(Infinity, Infinity)`, "")
func TestString_toCase(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`"abc".toLowerCase()`, "abc")
test(`"ABC".toLowerCase()`, "abc")
test(`"abc".toLocaleLowerCase()`, "abc")
test(`"ABC".toLocaleLowerCase()`, "abc")
test(`"abc".toUpperCase()`, "ABC")
test(`"ABC".toUpperCase()`, "ABC")
test(`"abc".toLocaleUpperCase()`, "ABC")
test(`"ABC".toLocaleUpperCase()`, "ABC")
func Test_floatToString(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`String(-1234567890)`, "-1234567890")
test(`-+String(-(-1234567890))`, -1234567890)
test(`String(-1e128)`, "-1e+128")
test(`String(0.12345)`, "0.12345")
test(`String(-0.00000012345)`, "-1.2345e-7")
test(`String(0.0000012345)`, "0.0000012345")
test(`String(1000000000000000000000)`, "1e+21")
test(`String(1e21)`, "1e+21")
test(`String(1E21)`, "1e+21")
test(`String(-1000000000000000000000)`, "-1e+21")
test(`String(-1e21)`, "-1e+21")
test(`String(-1E21)`, "-1e+21")
test(`String(0.0000001)`, "1e-7")
test(`String(1e-7)`, "1e-7")
test(`String(1E-7)`, "1e-7")
test(`String(-0.0000001)`, "-1e-7")
test(`String(-1e-7)`, "-1e-7")
test(`String(-1E-7)`, "-1e-7")
func TestString_indexing(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
// Actually a test of stringToArrayIndex, under the hood.
abc = new String("abc");
index = Math.pow(2, 32);
[ abc.length, abc[index], abc[index+1], abc[index+2], abc[index+3] ];
`, "3,,,,")
func TestString_trim(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`' \n abc \t \n'.trim();`, "abc")
test(`" abc\u000B".trim()`, "abc")
test(`"abc ".trim()`, "abc")
var a = "\u180Eabc \u000B "
var b = a.trim()
a.length + b.length
`, 10)
func TestString_trimLeft(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`" abc\u000B".trimLeft()`, "abc\u000B")
test(`"abc ".trimLeft()`, "abc ")
var a = "\u180Eabc \u000B "
var b = a.trimLeft()
a.length + b.length
`, 13)
func TestString_trimRight(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`" abc\u000B".trimRight()`, " abc")
test(`" abc ".trimRight()`, " abc")
var a = "\u180Eabc \u000B "
var b = a.trimRight()
a.length + b.length
`, 11)
func TestString_localeCompare(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test, _ := test()
test(`'a'.localeCompare('c');`, -1)
test(`'c'.localeCompare('a');`, 1)
test(`'a'.localeCompare('a');`, 0)