*`Time`: The time the server transmitted its response, according to its own clock.
*`ClockOffset`: The estimated offset of the local system clock relative to the server's clock. For a more accurate time reading, you may add this offset to any subsequent system clock reading.
*`RTT`: An estimate of the round-trip-time delay between the client and the server.
*`Precision`: The precision of the server's clock reading.
*`Stratum`: The server's stratum, which indicates the number of hops from the server to the reference clock. A stratum 1 server is directly attached to the reference clock. If the stratum is zero, the server has responded with the "kiss of death".
*`ReferenceID`: A unique identifier for the consulted reference clock.
*`ReferenceTime`: The time at which the server last updated its local clock setting.
*`RootDelay`: The server's aggregate round-trip-time delay to the stratum 1 server.
*`RootDispersion`: The server's estimated maximum measurement error relative to the reference clock.
*`RootDistance`: An estimate of the root synchronization distance between the client and the stratum 1 server.
*`Leap`: The leap second indicator, indicating whether a second should be added to or removed from the current month's last minute.
*`MinError`: A lower bound on the clock error between the client and the server.
*`KissCode`: A 4-character string describing the reason for a "kiss of death" response (stratum=0).
*`Poll`: The maximum polling interval between successive messages to the server.