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2022-03-10 09:44:48 +00:00
//go:build !js
// +build !js
package webrtc
import (
2022-03-10 09:44:48 +00:00
// SettingEngine allows influencing behavior in ways that are not
// supported by the WebRTC API. This allows us to support additional
// use-cases without deviating from the WebRTC API elsewhere.
type SettingEngine struct {
ephemeralUDP struct {
PortMin uint16
PortMax uint16
detach struct {
DataChannels bool
timeout struct {
ICEDisconnectedTimeout *time.Duration
ICEFailedTimeout *time.Duration
ICEKeepaliveInterval *time.Duration
ICEHostAcceptanceMinWait *time.Duration
ICESrflxAcceptanceMinWait *time.Duration
ICEPrflxAcceptanceMinWait *time.Duration
ICERelayAcceptanceMinWait *time.Duration
candidates struct {
ICELite bool
ICENetworkTypes []NetworkType
InterfaceFilter func(string) bool
NAT1To1IPs []string
NAT1To1IPCandidateType ICECandidateType
MulticastDNSMode ice.MulticastDNSMode
MulticastDNSHostName string
UsernameFragment string
Password string
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replayProtection struct {
DTLS *uint
SRTP *uint
SRTCP *uint
dtls struct {
retransmissionInterval time.Duration
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sdpMediaLevelFingerprints bool
answeringDTLSRole DTLSRole
disableCertificateFingerprintVerification bool
disableSRTPReplayProtection bool
disableSRTCPReplayProtection bool
vnet *vnet.Net
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BufferFactory func(packetType packetio.BufferPacketType, ssrc uint32) io.ReadWriteCloser
LoggerFactory logging.LoggerFactory
iceTCPMux ice.TCPMux
iceUDPMux ice.UDPMux
iceProxyDialer proxy.Dialer
disableMediaEngineCopy bool
srtpProtectionProfiles []dtls.SRTPProtectionProfile
receiveMTU uint
// getReceiveMTU returns the configured MTU. If SettingEngine's MTU is configured to 0 it returns the default
func (e *SettingEngine) getReceiveMTU() uint {
if e.receiveMTU != 0 {
return e.receiveMTU
return receiveMTU
// DetachDataChannels enables detaching data channels. When enabled
// data channels have to be detached in the OnOpen callback using the
// DataChannel.Detach method.
func (e *SettingEngine) DetachDataChannels() {
e.detach.DataChannels = true
// SetSRTPProtectionProfiles allows the user to override the default SRTP Protection Profiles
// The default srtp protection profiles are provided by the function `defaultSrtpProtectionProfiles`
func (e *SettingEngine) SetSRTPProtectionProfiles(profiles ...dtls.SRTPProtectionProfile) {
e.srtpProtectionProfiles = profiles
// SetICETimeouts sets the behavior around ICE Timeouts
// * disconnectedTimeout is the duration without network activity before a Agent is considered disconnected. Default is 5 Seconds
// * failedTimeout is the duration without network activity before a Agent is considered failed after disconnected. Default is 25 Seconds
// * keepAliveInterval is how often the ICE Agent sends extra traffic if there is no activity, if media is flowing no traffic will be sent. Default is 2 seconds
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func (e *SettingEngine) SetICETimeouts(disconnectedTimeout, failedTimeout, keepAliveInterval time.Duration) {
e.timeout.ICEDisconnectedTimeout = &disconnectedTimeout
e.timeout.ICEFailedTimeout = &failedTimeout
e.timeout.ICEKeepaliveInterval = &keepAliveInterval
// SetHostAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICEHostAcceptanceMinWait
func (e *SettingEngine) SetHostAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
e.timeout.ICEHostAcceptanceMinWait = &t
// SetSrflxAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICESrflxAcceptanceMinWait
func (e *SettingEngine) SetSrflxAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
e.timeout.ICESrflxAcceptanceMinWait = &t
// SetPrflxAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICEPrflxAcceptanceMinWait
func (e *SettingEngine) SetPrflxAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
e.timeout.ICEPrflxAcceptanceMinWait = &t
// SetRelayAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICERelayAcceptanceMinWait
func (e *SettingEngine) SetRelayAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
e.timeout.ICERelayAcceptanceMinWait = &t
// SetEphemeralUDPPortRange limits the pool of ephemeral ports that
// ICE UDP connections can allocate from. This affects both host candidates,
// and the local address of server reflexive candidates.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetEphemeralUDPPortRange(portMin, portMax uint16) error {
if portMax < portMin {
return ice.ErrPort
e.ephemeralUDP.PortMin = portMin
e.ephemeralUDP.PortMax = portMax
return nil
// SetLite configures whether or not the ice agent should be a lite agent
func (e *SettingEngine) SetLite(lite bool) {
e.candidates.ICELite = lite
// SetNetworkTypes configures what types of candidate networks are supported
// during local and server reflexive gathering.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetNetworkTypes(candidateTypes []NetworkType) {
e.candidates.ICENetworkTypes = candidateTypes
// SetInterfaceFilter sets the filtering functions when gathering ICE candidates
// This can be used to exclude certain network interfaces from ICE. Which may be
// useful if you know a certain interface will never succeed, or if you wish to reduce
// the amount of information you wish to expose to the remote peer
func (e *SettingEngine) SetInterfaceFilter(filter func(string) bool) {
e.candidates.InterfaceFilter = filter
// SetNAT1To1IPs sets a list of external IP addresses of 1:1 (D)NAT
// and a candidate type for which the external IP address is used.
// This is useful when you are host a server using Pion on an AWS EC2 instance
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// which has a private address, behind a 1:1 DNAT with a public IP (e.g.
// Elastic IP). In this case, you can give the public IP address so that
// Pion will use the public IP address in its candidate instead of the private
// IP address. The second argument, candidateType, is used to tell Pion which
// type of candidate should use the given public IP address.
// Two types of candidates are supported:
// ICECandidateTypeHost:
// The public IP address will be used for the host candidate in the SDP.
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// ICECandidateTypeSrflx:
// A server reflexive candidate with the given public IP address will be added
// to the SDP.
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// Please note that if you choose ICECandidateTypeHost, then the private IP address
// won't be advertised with the peer. Also, this option cannot be used along with mDNS.
// If you choose ICECandidateTypeSrflx, it simply adds a server reflexive candidate
// with the public IP. The host candidate is still available along with mDNS
// capabilities unaffected. Also, you cannot give STUN server URL at the same time.
// It will result in an error otherwise.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetNAT1To1IPs(ips []string, candidateType ICECandidateType) {
e.candidates.NAT1To1IPs = ips
e.candidates.NAT1To1IPCandidateType = candidateType
// SetAnsweringDTLSRole sets the DTLS role that is selected when offering
// The DTLS role controls if the WebRTC Client as a client or server. This
// may be useful when interacting with non-compliant clients or debugging issues.
// DTLSRoleActive:
// Act as DTLS Client, send the ClientHello and starts the handshake
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// DTLSRolePassive:
// Act as DTLS Server, wait for ClientHello
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func (e *SettingEngine) SetAnsweringDTLSRole(role DTLSRole) error {
if role != DTLSRoleClient && role != DTLSRoleServer {
return errSettingEngineSetAnsweringDTLSRole
e.answeringDTLSRole = role
return nil
// SetVNet sets the VNet instance that is passed to pion/ice
// VNet is a virtual network layer for Pion, allowing users to simulate
// different topologies, latency, loss and jitter. This can be useful for
// learning WebRTC concepts or testing your application in a lab environment
func (e *SettingEngine) SetVNet(vnet *vnet.Net) {
e.vnet = vnet
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// SetICEMulticastDNSMode controls if pion/ice queries and generates mDNS ICE Candidates
func (e *SettingEngine) SetICEMulticastDNSMode(multicastDNSMode ice.MulticastDNSMode) {
e.candidates.MulticastDNSMode = multicastDNSMode
// SetMulticastDNSHostName sets a static HostName to be used by pion/ice instead of generating one on startup
// This should only be used for a single PeerConnection. Having multiple PeerConnections with the same HostName will cause
// undefined behavior
func (e *SettingEngine) SetMulticastDNSHostName(hostName string) {
e.candidates.MulticastDNSHostName = hostName
// SetICECredentials sets a staic uFrag/uPwd to be used by pion/ice
// This is useful if you want to do signalless WebRTC session, or having a reproducible environment with static credentials
func (e *SettingEngine) SetICECredentials(usernameFragment, password string) {
e.candidates.UsernameFragment = usernameFragment
e.candidates.Password = password
// DisableCertificateFingerprintVerification disables fingerprint verification after DTLS Handshake has finished
func (e *SettingEngine) DisableCertificateFingerprintVerification(isDisabled bool) {
e.disableCertificateFingerprintVerification = isDisabled
// SetDTLSReplayProtectionWindow sets a replay attack protection window size of DTLS connection.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSReplayProtectionWindow(n uint) {
e.replayProtection.DTLS = &n
// SetSRTPReplayProtectionWindow sets a replay attack protection window size of SRTP session.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetSRTPReplayProtectionWindow(n uint) {
e.disableSRTPReplayProtection = false
e.replayProtection.SRTP = &n
// SetSRTCPReplayProtectionWindow sets a replay attack protection window size of SRTCP session.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetSRTCPReplayProtectionWindow(n uint) {
e.disableSRTCPReplayProtection = false
e.replayProtection.SRTCP = &n
// DisableSRTPReplayProtection disables SRTP replay protection.
func (e *SettingEngine) DisableSRTPReplayProtection(isDisabled bool) {
e.disableSRTPReplayProtection = isDisabled
// DisableSRTCPReplayProtection disables SRTCP replay protection.
func (e *SettingEngine) DisableSRTCPReplayProtection(isDisabled bool) {
e.disableSRTCPReplayProtection = isDisabled
// SetSDPMediaLevelFingerprints configures the logic for DTLS Fingerprint insertion
// If true, fingerprints will be inserted in the sdp at the fingerprint
// level, instead of the session level. This helps with compatibility with
// some webrtc implementations.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetSDPMediaLevelFingerprints(sdpMediaLevelFingerprints bool) {
e.sdpMediaLevelFingerprints = sdpMediaLevelFingerprints
// SetICETCPMux enables ICE-TCP when set to a non-nil value. Make sure that
// NetworkTypeTCP4 or NetworkTypeTCP6 is enabled as well.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetICETCPMux(tcpMux ice.TCPMux) {
e.iceTCPMux = tcpMux
// SetICEUDPMux allows ICE traffic to come through a single UDP port, drastically
// simplifying deployments where ports will need to be opened/forwarded.
// UDPMux should be started prior to creating PeerConnections.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetICEUDPMux(udpMux ice.UDPMux) {
e.iceUDPMux = udpMux
// SetICEProxyDialer sets the proxy dialer interface based on
func (e *SettingEngine) SetICEProxyDialer(d proxy.Dialer) {
e.iceProxyDialer = d
// DisableMediaEngineCopy stops the MediaEngine from being copied. This allows a user to modify
// the MediaEngine after the PeerConnection has been constructed. This is useful if you wish to
// modify codecs after signaling. Make sure not to share MediaEngines between PeerConnections.
func (e *SettingEngine) DisableMediaEngineCopy(isDisabled bool) {
e.disableMediaEngineCopy = isDisabled
// SetReceiveMTU sets the size of read buffer that copies incoming packets. This is optional.
// Leave this 0 for the default receiveMTU
func (e *SettingEngine) SetReceiveMTU(receiveMTU uint) {
e.receiveMTU = receiveMTU
// SetDTLSRetransmissionInterval sets the retranmission interval for DTLS.
func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSRetransmissionInterval(interval time.Duration) {
e.dtls.retransmissionInterval = interval