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synced 2025-02-03 10:25:35 +00:00
354 lines
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354 lines
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package transfer
import (
ethTypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
walletCommon "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/wallet/common"
type BuildRouteExtraParams struct {
AddressFrom common.Address
AddressTo common.Address
Username string
PublicKey string
PackID *big.Int
SlippagePercentage float32
func (tm *TransactionManager) ClearLocalRouterTransactionsData() {
tm.routerTransactions = nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) ApprovalRequiredForPath(pathProcessorName string) bool {
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.routerPath.ProcessorName == pathProcessorName &&
desc.routerPath.ApprovalRequired {
return true
return false
func (tm *TransactionManager) ApprovalPlacedForPath(pathProcessorName string) bool {
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.routerPath.ProcessorName == pathProcessorName &&
desc.approvalTxSentHash != (types.Hash{}) {
return true
return false
func (tm *TransactionManager) TxPlacedForPath(pathProcessorName string) bool {
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.routerPath.ProcessorName == pathProcessorName &&
desc.txSentHash != (types.Hash{}) {
return true
return false
func (tm *TransactionManager) buildApprovalTxForPath(path *routes.Path, addressFrom common.Address,
usedNonces map[uint64]int64, signer ethTypes.Signer) (types.Hash, error) {
lastUsedNonce := int64(-1)
if nonce, ok := usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID]; ok {
lastUsedNonce = nonce
data, err := walletCommon.PackApprovalInputData(path.AmountIn.ToInt(), path.ApprovalContractAddress)
if err != nil {
return types.Hash{}, err
addrTo := types.Address(path.FromToken.Address)
approavalSendArgs := &transactions.SendTxArgs{
Version: transactions.SendTxArgsVersion1,
// tx fields
From: types.Address(addressFrom),
To: &addrTo,
Value: (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0)),
Data: data,
Gas: (*hexutil.Uint64)(&path.ApprovalGasAmount),
MaxFeePerGas: path.MaxFeesPerGas,
MaxPriorityFeePerGas: path.ApprovalPriorityFee,
// additional fields version 1
FromChainID: path.FromChain.ChainID,
if path.FromToken != nil {
approavalSendArgs.FromTokenID = path.FromToken.Symbol
builtApprovalTx, usedNonce, err := tm.transactor.ValidateAndBuildTransaction(approavalSendArgs.FromChainID, *approavalSendArgs, lastUsedNonce)
if err != nil {
return types.Hash{}, err
approvalTxHash := signer.Hash(builtApprovalTx)
usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID] = int64(usedNonce)
tm.routerTransactions = append(tm.routerTransactions, &RouterTransactionDetails{
routerPath: path,
approvalTxArgs: approavalSendArgs,
approvalTx: builtApprovalTx,
approvalHashToSign: types.Hash(approvalTxHash),
return types.Hash(approvalTxHash), nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) buildTxForPath(path *routes.Path, pathProcessors map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor,
usedNonces map[uint64]int64, signer ethTypes.Signer, params BuildRouteExtraParams) (types.Hash, error) {
lastUsedNonce := int64(-1)
if nonce, ok := usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID]; ok {
lastUsedNonce = nonce
processorInputParams := pathprocessor.ProcessorInputParams{
FromAddr: params.AddressFrom,
ToAddr: params.AddressTo,
FromChain: path.FromChain,
ToChain: path.ToChain,
FromToken: path.FromToken,
ToToken: path.ToToken,
AmountIn: path.AmountIn.ToInt(),
AmountOut: path.AmountOut.ToInt(),
Username: params.Username,
PublicKey: params.PublicKey,
PackID: params.PackID,
data, err := pathProcessors[path.ProcessorName].PackTxInputData(processorInputParams)
if err != nil {
return types.Hash{}, err
addrTo := types.Address(params.AddressTo)
sendArgs := &transactions.SendTxArgs{
Version: transactions.SendTxArgsVersion1,
// tx fields
From: types.Address(params.AddressFrom),
To: &addrTo,
Value: path.AmountIn,
Data: data,
Gas: (*hexutil.Uint64)(&path.TxGasAmount),
MaxFeePerGas: path.MaxFeesPerGas,
MaxPriorityFeePerGas: path.TxPriorityFee,
// additional fields version 1
ValueOut: path.AmountOut,
FromChainID: path.FromChain.ChainID,
ToChainID: path.ToChain.ChainID,
SlippagePercentage: params.SlippagePercentage,
if path.FromToken != nil {
sendArgs.FromTokenID = path.FromToken.Symbol
sendArgs.ToContractAddress = types.Address(path.FromToken.Address)
// special handling for transfer tx if selected token is not ETH
// TODO: we should fix that in the trasactor, but till then, the best place to handle it is here
if !path.FromToken.IsNative() {
sendArgs.Value = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
if path.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorTransferName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorStickersBuyName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSRegisterName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSReleaseName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorENSPublicKeyName {
// TODO: update functions from `TransactorIface` to use `ToContractAddress` (as an address of the contract a transaction should be sent to)
// and `To` (as the destination address, recipient) of `SendTxArgs` struct appropriately
toContractAddr := types.Address(path.FromToken.Address)
sendArgs.To = &toContractAddr
if path.ToToken != nil {
sendArgs.ToTokenID = path.ToToken.Symbol
builtTx, usedNonce, err := pathProcessors[path.ProcessorName].BuildTransactionV2(sendArgs, lastUsedNonce)
if err != nil {
return types.Hash{}, err
txHash := signer.Hash(builtTx)
usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID] = int64(usedNonce)
tm.routerTransactions = append(tm.routerTransactions, &RouterTransactionDetails{
routerPath: path,
txArgs: sendArgs,
tx: builtTx,
txHashToSign: types.Hash(txHash),
return types.Hash(txHash), nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) BuildTransactionsFromRoute(route routes.Route, pathProcessors map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor,
params BuildRouteExtraParams) (*responses.SigningDetails, error) {
if len(route) == 0 {
return nil, ErrNoRoute
accFrom, err := tm.accountsDB.GetAccountByAddress(types.Address(params.AddressFrom))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keypair, err := tm.accountsDB.GetKeypairByKeyUID(accFrom.KeyUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := &responses.SigningDetails{
Address: accFrom.Address,
AddressPath: accFrom.Path,
KeyUid: accFrom.KeyUID,
SignOnKeycard: keypair.MigratedToKeycard(),
usedNonces := make(map[uint64]int64)
for _, path := range route {
signer := ethTypes.NewLondonSigner(big.NewInt(int64(path.FromChain.ChainID)))
// always check for approval tx first for the path and build it if needed
if path.ApprovalRequired && !tm.ApprovalPlacedForPath(path.ProcessorName) {
approvalTxHash, err := tm.buildApprovalTxForPath(path, params.AddressFrom, usedNonces, signer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response.Hashes = append(response.Hashes, approvalTxHash)
// if approval is needed for swap, we cannot build the swap tx before the approval tx is mined
if path.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorSwapParaswapName {
// build tx for the path
txHash, err := tm.buildTxForPath(path, pathProcessors, usedNonces, signer, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response.Hashes = append(response.Hashes, txHash)
return response, nil
func getSignatureForTxHash(txHash string, signatures map[string]SignatureDetails) ([]byte, error) {
sigDetails, ok := signatures[txHash]
if !ok {
err := &errors.ErrorResponse{
Code: ErrMissingSignatureForTx.Code,
Details: fmt.Sprintf(ErrMissingSignatureForTx.Details, txHash),
return nil, err
err := sigDetails.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(sigDetails.R)
sBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(sigDetails.S)
vByte := byte(0)
if sigDetails.V == "01" {
vByte = 1
signature := make([]byte, crypto.SignatureLength)
copy(signature[32-len(rBytes):32], rBytes)
copy(signature[64-len(rBytes):64], sBytes)
signature[64] = vByte
return signature, nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) ValidateAndAddSignaturesToRouterTransactions(signatures map[string]SignatureDetails) error {
if len(tm.routerTransactions) == 0 {
return ErrNoTrsansactionsBeingBuilt
// check if all transactions have been signed
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.approvalTx != nil && desc.approvalTxSentHash == (types.Hash{}) {
sig, err := getSignatureForTxHash(desc.approvalHashToSign.String(), signatures)
if err != nil {
return err
desc.approvalSignature = sig
if desc.tx != nil && desc.txSentHash == (types.Hash{}) {
sig, err := getSignatureForTxHash(desc.txHashToSign.String(), signatures)
if err != nil {
return err
desc.txSignature = sig
return nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) SendRouterTransactions(ctx context.Context, multiTx *MultiTransaction) (transactions []*responses.RouterSentTransaction, err error) {
transactions = make([]*responses.RouterSentTransaction, 0)
// send transactions
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.approvalTx != nil && desc.approvalTxSentHash == (types.Hash{}) {
var approvalTxWithSignature *ethTypes.Transaction
approvalTxWithSignature, err = tm.transactor.AddSignatureToTransaction(desc.approvalTxArgs.FromChainID, desc.approvalTx, desc.approvalSignature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
desc.approvalTxSentHash, err = tm.transactor.SendTransactionWithSignature(common.Address(desc.approvalTxArgs.From), desc.approvalTxArgs.FromTokenID, multiTx.ID, approvalTxWithSignature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
transactions = append(transactions, responses.NewRouterSentTransaction(desc.approvalTxArgs, desc.approvalTxSentHash, true))
// if approval is needed for swap, then we need to wait for the approval tx to be mined before sending the swap tx
if desc.routerPath.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorSwapParaswapName {
if desc.tx != nil && desc.txSentHash == (types.Hash{}) {
var txWithSignature *ethTypes.Transaction
txWithSignature, err = tm.transactor.AddSignatureToTransaction(desc.txArgs.FromChainID, desc.tx, desc.txSignature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
desc.txSentHash, err = tm.transactor.SendTransactionWithSignature(common.Address(desc.txArgs.From), desc.txArgs.FromTokenID, multiTx.ID, txWithSignature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
transactions = append(transactions, responses.NewRouterSentTransaction(desc.txArgs, desc.txSentHash, false))