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synced 2025-02-18 08:06:49 +00:00
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# Description:
# Script that listens to new GitHub pull requests
# and assigns them to the REVIEW column on the "Pipeline for QA" project
module.exports = (robot) ->
context = require("./github-context.coffee")
robot.on "github-repo-event", (repo_event) ->
githubPayload = repo_event.payload
when "pull_request"
# Make sure we don't listen to our own messages
return if context.equalsRobotName(robot, githubPayload.pull_request.user.login)
return console.error "No Github token provided to Hubot" unless process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN
action = githubPayload.action
if action == "opened"
# A new PR was opened
greetNewContributor context.github, githubPayload, robot
greetNewContributor = (github, githubPayload, robot) ->
welcomeMessage = "Thanks for making your first PR here!" # TODO: Read the welcome message from a (per-repo?) file (e.g. status-react.welcome-msg.md)
ownerName = githubPayload.repository.owner.login
repoName = githubPayload.repository.name
prNumber = githubPayload.pull_request.number
robot.logger.info "greetNewContributor - Handling Pull Request ##{prNumber} on repo #{ownerName}/#{repoName}"
github.issues.getForRepo {
owner: ownerName,
repo: repoName
state: 'all',
creator: githubPayload.pull_request.user.login
}, (err, ghissues) ->
if err
robot.logger.error "Couldn't fetch the user's github issues for repo: #{err}",
ownerName, repoName
userPullRequests = ghissues.data.filter (issue) -> issue.pull_request
if userPullRequests.length == 1
github.issues.createComment {
owner: ownerName,
repo: repoName,
number: prNumber,
body: welcomeMessage
}, (err, result) ->
if err
robot.logger.error "Couldn't fetch the github projects for repo: #{err}", ownerName, repoName unless err.code == 404
robot.logger.info "Commented on PR with welcome message", ownerName, repoName
robot.logger.debug "This is not the user's first PR on the repo, ignoring", ownerName, repoName, githubPayload.pull_request.user.login |