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synced 2025-02-21 09:28:30 +00:00
161 lines
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161 lines
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// Description:
// Script that listens for PRs moving into the 'TO TEST' column
// and triggers a Jenkins build.
// Dependencies:
// github: "^13.1.0"
// jenkins: "^0.20.1"
// probot-config: "^0.1.0"
// Author:
// PombeirP
const getConfig = require('probot-config')
const jenkins = require('jenkins')({ baseUrl: process.env.JENKINS_URL, crumbIssuer: true, promisify: true })
const HashMap = require('hashmap')
const defaultConfig = require('../lib/config')
const gitHubHelpers = require('../lib/github-helpers')
const pendingPullRequests = new HashMap()
module.exports = (robot) => {
if (!process.env.JENKINS_URL) {
robot.log.info('trigger-automation-test-build - Jenkins is not configured, not loading script')
setInterval(checkPendingPullRequests, 5 * 1000 * 60, robot)
function registerForRelevantCardEvents (robot) {
robot.on('project_card.created', context => processChangedProjectCard(robot, context))
robot.on('project_card.moved', context => processChangedProjectCard(robot, context))
async function processChangedProjectCard (robot, context) {
const config = await getConfig(context, 'github-bot.yml', defaultConfig(robot, '.github/github-bot.yml'))
const projectBoardConfig = config ? config['project-board'] : null
const automatedTestsConfig = config ? config['automated-tests'] : null
if (!projectBoardConfig || !automatedTestsConfig) {
const { github, payload } = context
if (payload.project_card.note) {
robot.log.trace(`trigger-automation-test-build - Card is a note, ignoring`)
const projectBoardName = projectBoardConfig['name']
const testColumnName = projectBoardConfig['test-column-name']
const repo = payload.repository
if (repo.full_name !== automatedTestsConfig['repo-full-name']) {
robot.log.trace(`trigger-automation-test-build - Pull request project doesn't match watched repo, exiting`, repo.full_name, automatedTestsConfig['repo-full-name'])
let inTestColumn
try {
const columnPayload = await github.projects.getProjectColumn({ id: payload.project_card.column_id })
if (columnPayload.data.name !== testColumnName) {
robot.log.trace(`trigger-automation-test-build - Card column name doesn't match watched column name, exiting`, columnPayload.data.name, testColumnName)
inTestColumn = columnPayload.data
} catch (error) {
robot.log.warn(`trigger-automation-test-build - Error while fetching project column`, payload.project_card.column_id, error)
const last = (a, index) => {
return a[a.length + index]
let project
try {
const projectId = last(inTestColumn.project_url.split('/'), -1)
const projectPayload = await github.projects.getProject({ id: projectId })
project = projectPayload.data
if (project.name !== projectBoardName) {
robot.log.trace(`trigger-automation-test-build - Card column name doesn't match watched column name, exiting`, project.name, projectBoardName)
} catch (error) {
robot.log.warn(`trigger-automation-test-build - Error while fetching project column`, payload.project_card.column_id, error)
const prNumber = last(payload.project_card.content_url.split('/'), -1)
const fullJobName = automatedTestsConfig['job-full-name']
await processPullRequest(github, robot, repo.owner.login, repo.name, prNumber, fullJobName)
async function processPullRequest (github, robot, repoOwner, repoName, prNumber, fullJobName) {
// Remove the PR from the pending PR list, if it is there
try {
const state = await gitHubHelpers.getReviewApprovalState(github, robot, repoOwner, repoName, prNumber)
switch (state) {
case 'unstable':
case 'awaiting_reviewers':
case 'changes_requested':
pendingPullRequests.set(prNumber, { github: github, repoOwner: repoOwner, repoName: repoName, fullJobName: fullJobName })
robot.log.debug(`trigger-automation-test-build - State is '${state}', adding to backlog to check periodically`, prNumber)
case 'failed':
robot.log.debug(`trigger-automation-test-build - State is '${state}', exiting`, prNumber)
case 'approved':
robot.log.debug(`trigger-automation-test-build - State is '${state}', proceeding`, prNumber)
robot.log.warn(`trigger-automation-test-build - State is '${state}', ignoring`, prNumber)
} catch (err) {
robot.log.error(`Couldn't calculate the PR approval state: ${err}`, repoOwner, repoName, prNumber)
try {
const args = { parameters: { pr_id: prNumber, apk: `--apk=${prNumber}.apk` } }
if (process.env.DRY_RUN) {
robot.log(`trigger-automation-test-build - Would start ${fullJobName} job in Jenkins`, prNumber, args)
} else {
robot.log(`trigger-automation-test-build - Starting ${fullJobName} job in Jenkins`, prNumber, args)
const buildId = await jenkins.job.build(fullJobName, args)
robot.log(`trigger-automation-test-build - Started job in Jenkins`, prNumber, buildId)
} catch (error) {
robot.log.error(`trigger-automation-test-build - Error while triggering Jenkins build. Will retry later`, prNumber, error)
pendingPullRequests.set(prNumber, { github: github, repoOwner: repoOwner, repoName: repoName, fullJobName: fullJobName })
async function checkPendingPullRequests (robot) {
const _pendingPullRequests = pendingPullRequests.clone()
robot.log.trace(`trigger-automation-test-build - Processing ${_pendingPullRequests.size} pending PRs`)
for (const kvp of _pendingPullRequests.entries()) {
const prNumber = kvp[0]
const { github, repoOwner, repoName, fullJobName } = kvp[1]
await processPullRequest(github, robot, repoOwner, repoName, prNumber, fullJobName)
robot.log.trace(`trigger-automation-test-build - Finished processing ${_pendingPullRequests.size} pending PRs`)