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synced 2025-02-18 16:16:31 +00:00
161 lines
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161 lines
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// Description:
// Script that listens to new labels on GitHub issues
// and assigns the issues to the bounty-awaiting-approval column on the 'Status SOB Swarm' project
// Dependencies:
// github: "^13.1.0"
// probot-config: "^0.1.0"
// probot-slack-status: "^0.2.2"
// Author:
// PombeirP
// const getConfig = require('probot-config')
const slackHelper = require('../lib/slack')
const defaultConfig = require('../lib/config')
const Slack = require('probot-slack-status')
let slackClient = null
module.exports = (robot) => {
// robot.on('slack.connected', ({ slack }) => {
Slack(robot, (slack) => {
robot.log.trace('Connected, assigned slackClient')
slackClient = slack
robot.on('issues.labeled', async context => {
// Make sure we don't listen to our own messages
if (context.isBot) { return }
// A new issue was labeled
await assignIssueToBountyAwaitingForApproval(context, robot, true)
robot.on('issues.unlabeled', async context => {
// Make sure we don't listen to our own messages
if (context.isBot) { return }
// An issue was unlabeled
await assignIssueToBountyAwaitingForApproval(context, robot, false)
async function assignIssueToBountyAwaitingForApproval (context, robot, assign) {
const github = context.github
const payload = context.payload
const ownerName = payload.repository.owner.login
const repoName = payload.repository.name
// const config = await getConfig(context, 'github-bot.yml', defaultConfig(robot, '.github/github-bot.yml'))
const config = defaultConfig(robot, '.github/github-bot.yml')
if (!config['bounty-project-board']) {
const watchedLabelName = config['bounty-project-board']['label-name']
if (payload.label.name !== watchedLabelName) {
robot.log.debug(`assignIssueToBountyAwaitingForApproval - ${payload.label.name} doesn't match watched ${watchedLabelName} label. Ignoring`)
if (assign) {
robot.log(`assignIssueToBountyAwaitingForApproval - Handling labeling of #${payload.issue.number} with ${payload.label.name} on repo ${ownerName}/${repoName}`)
} else {
robot.log(`assignIssueToBountyAwaitingForApproval - Handling unlabeling of #${payload.issue.number} with ${payload.label.name} on repo ${ownerName}/${repoName}`)
// Fetch org projects
// TODO: The org project and project column info should be cached
// in order to improve performance and reduce roundtrips
let column = null
const projectBoardName = config['bounty-project-board'].name
const approvalColumnName = config['bounty-project-board']['awaiting-approval-column-name']
try {
const orgName = ownerName
const ghprojectsPayload = await github.projects.getOrgProjects({
org: orgName,
state: 'open'
// Find 'Status SOB Swarm' project
const project = ghprojectsPayload.data.find(p => p.name === projectBoardName)
if (!project) {
robot.log.error(`Couldn't find project ${projectBoardName} in ${orgName} org`)
robot.log.debug(`Fetched ${project.name} project (${project.id})`)
// Fetch bounty-awaiting-approval column ID
try {
const ghcolumnsPayload = await github.projects.getProjectColumns({ project_id: project.id })
column = ghcolumnsPayload.data.find(c => c.name === approvalColumnName)
if (!column) {
robot.log.error(`Couldn't find ${approvalColumnName} column in project ${project.name}`)
robot.log.debug(`Fetched ${column.name} column (${column.id})`)
} catch (err) {
robot.log.error(`Couldn't fetch the github columns for project: ${err}`, ownerName, repoName, project.id)
} catch (err) {
robot.log.error(`Couldn't fetch the github projects for repo: ${err}`, ownerName, repoName)
let ghcardPayload = null
if (process.env.DRY_RUN) {
if (assign) {
robot.log.info(`Would have created card for issue`, column.id, payload.issue.id)
} else {
robot.log.info(`Would have deleted card for issue`, column.id, payload.issue.id)
} else {
if (assign) {
try {
// Create project card for the issue in the bounty-awaiting-approval column
ghcardPayload = await github.projects.createProjectCard({
column_id: column.id,
content_type: 'Issue',
content_id: payload.issue.id
const ghcard = ghcardPayload.data
robot.log(`Created card: ${ghcard.url}`, ghcard.id)
} catch (err) {
robot.log.error(`Couldn't create project card for the issue: ${err}`, column.id, payload.issue.id)
} else {
try {
const ghcard = await getProjectCardForIssue(github, column.id, payload.issue.url)
if (ghcard) {
await github.projects.deleteProjectCard({id: ghcard.id})
robot.log(`Deleted card: ${ghcard.url}`, ghcard.id)
} catch (err) {
robot.log.error(`Couldn't delete project card for the issue: ${err}`, column.id, payload.issue.id)
if (!process.env.DRY_RUN_BOUNTY_APPROVAL) {
// Send message to Slack
if (assign) {
slackHelper.sendMessage(robot, slackClient, config.slack.notification.room, `Assigned issue to ${approvalColumnName} in ${projectBoardName} project\n${payload.issue.html_url}`)
} else {
slackHelper.sendMessage(robot, slackClient, config.slack.notification.room, `Unassigned issue from ${approvalColumnName} in ${projectBoardName} project\n${payload.issue.html_url}`)
async function getProjectCardForIssue (github, columnId, issueUrl) {
const ghcardsPayload = await github.projects.getProjectCards({column_id: columnId})
const ghcard = ghcardsPayload.data.find(c => c.content_url === issueUrl)
return ghcard