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synced 2025-02-20 00:48:07 +00:00
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// Description:
// Script that listens to new GitHub pull requests
// and assigns them to the REVIEW column on the "Pipeline for QA" project
// Dependencies:
// github: "^13.1.0"
// hubot-github-webhook-listener: "^0.9.1"
// hubot-slack: "^4.4.0"
// Notes:
// The hard-coded names for the project board and review column are just below.
// These could be read from a config file (e.g. YAML)
// Author:
// PombeirP
module.exports = function(robot) {
const gitHubContext = require('./github-context.js')();
return robot.on("github-repo-event", function(repo_event) {
const githubPayload = repo_event.payload;
switch(repo_event.eventType) {
case "pull_request":
// Make sure we don't listen to our own messages
if (gitHubContext.equalsRobotName(robot, githubPayload.pull_request.user.login)) { return; }
var { action } = githubPayload;
if (action === "opened") {
// A new PR was opened
return assignPullRequestToReview(gitHubContext, githubPayload, robot);
async function assignPullRequestToReview(gitHubContext, githubPayload, robot) {
const github = gitHubContext.api();
const githubConfig = gitHubContext.config();
const ownerName = githubPayload.repository.owner.login;
const repoName = githubPayload.repository.name;
const prNumber = githubPayload.pull_request.number;
robot.logger.info(`assignPullRequestToReview - Handling Pull Request #${prNumber} on repo ${ownerName}/${repoName}`);
// Fetch repo projects
// TODO: The repo project and project column info should be cached
// in order to improve performance and reduce roundtrips
try {
ghprojects = await github.projects.getRepoProjects({
owner: ownerName,
repo: repoName,
state: "open"
// Find "Pipeline for QA" project
const projectBoardName = githubConfig['new-pull-requests']['project-board'].name;
const project = ghprojects.data.find(function(p) { return p.name === projectBoardName });
if (!project) {
robot.logger.warn(`Couldn't find project ${projectBoardName} in repo ${ownerName}/${repoName}`);
robot.logger.debug(`Fetched ${project.name} project (${project.id})`);
// Fetch REVIEW column ID
try {
ghcolumns = await github.projects.getProjectColumns({ project_id: project.id });
const reviewColumnName = githubConfig['new-pull-requests']['project-board']['review-column-name'];
const column = ghcolumns.data.find(function(c) { return c.name === reviewColumnName });
if (!column) {
robot.logger.warn(`Couldn't find ${projectBoardName} column in project ${project.name}`);
robot.logger.debug(`Fetched ${column.name} column (${column.id})`);
// Create project card for the PR in the REVIEW column
try {
ghcard = await github.projects.createProjectCard({
column_id: column.id,
content_type: 'PullRequest',
content_id: githubPayload.pull_request.id
robot.logger.debug(`Created card: ${ghcard.data.url}`, ghcard.data.id);
// Send message to Slack
robot.messageRoom(githubConfig.slack.notification.room, `Moved PR #${githubPayload.pull_request.number} (${githubPayload.pull_request.title}) to ${reviewColumnName} in ${projectBoardName} project\n${githubPayload.pull_request.html_url}`);
} catch (err) {
robot.logger.error(`Couldn't create project card for the PR: ${err}`, column.id, githubPayload.pull_request.id);
} catch (err) {
robot.logger.error(`Couldn't fetch the github columns for project: ${err}`, ownerName, repoName, project.id);
} catch (err) {
robot.logger.error(`Couldn't fetch the github projects for repo: ${err}`, ownerName, repoName);