// Description: // Script that listens to new GitHub pull requests // and greets the user if it is their first PR on the repo // // Dependencies: // github: "^13.1.0" // probot-config: "^0.1.0" // // Author: // PombeirP const getConfig = require('probot-config') const slackHelper = require('../lib/slack') const defaultConfig = require('../lib/config') const botName = 'greet-new-contributor' module.exports = (robot) => { robot.on('pull_request.opened', async context => { // Make sure we don't listen to our own messages if (context.isBot) { return } // A new PR was opened await greetNewContributor(context, robot) }) } function executeTemplate (templateString, templateVars) { let s = templateString for (const templateVar in templateVars) { if (templateVars.hasOwnProperty(templateVar)) { const value = templateVars[templateVar] s = s.replace(`{${templateVar}}`, value) } } return s } async function greetNewContributor (context, robot) { const { github, payload } = context const config = await getConfig(context, 'github-bot.yml', defaultConfig(robot, '.github/github-bot.yml')) const repoInfo = { owner: payload.repository.owner.login, repo: payload.repository.name } const prInfo = { ...repoInfo, number: payload.pull_request.number } const welcomeBotConfig = config ? config['welcome-bot'] : null if (!welcomeBotConfig) { return } robot.log(`${botName} - Handling Pull Request #${prInfo.number} on repo ${repoInfo.owner}/${repoInfo.repo}`) try { const ghissuesPayload = await github.issues.getForRepo({ ...repoInfo, state: 'all', creator: payload.pull_request.user.login }) const userPullRequests = ghissuesPayload.data.filter(issue => issue.pull_request) if (userPullRequests.length === 1) { try { const welcomeMessage = executeTemplate(welcomeBotConfig['message-template'], { user: payload.pull_request.user.login, 'pr-number': prInfo.number, 'repo-name': repoInfo.repo }) if (process.env.DRY_RUN) { robot.log(`${botName} - Would have created comment in GHI`, prInfo, welcomeMessage) } else { await github.issues.createComment({ ...prInfo, body: welcomeMessage }) } // Send message to Slack slackHelper.sendMessage(robot, config.slack.notification.room, `Greeted ${payload.pull_request.user.login} on his first PR in the ${repoInfo.repo} repo\n${payload.pull_request.html_url}`) } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 404) { robot.log.error(`${botName} - Couldn't create comment on PR: ${err}`, repoInfo) } } } else { robot.log.debug(`${botName} - This is not the user's first PR on the repo, ignoring`, repoInfo, payload.pull_request.user.login) } } catch (err) { robot.log.error(`${botName} - Couldn't fetch the user's github issues for repo: ${err}`, repoInfo) } }