// Description: // Script that monitors the balance of the wallet used by // the bot to do payouts and sends a Slack DM if it falls // under a threshold // // Dependencies: // // Author: // iSasFTW const slackHelper = require('../lib/slack') const ethers = require('ethers') const options = getOptions(process.env.CHECK_BOT_BALANCE_CONFIG) const botName = 'check-bot-balance' const checkIntervalInSecs = parseInt(options.options.check_interval_in_secs) const minWarningAgeInMillisecs = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 var isCheckingBalance = false module.exports = robot => { if (!options || options.accounts.length === 0) { robot.log.debug(`${botName} - No accounts counfigured. Disabling script`) return } robot.log.info(`${botName} - Repeating script every ${checkIntervalInSecs} seconds`) if (process.env.DISABLE_DELAY) { setTimeout(() => checkBotBalance(robot), 1 * 1000) } setInterval(() => checkBotBalance(robot), checkIntervalInSecs * 1000) } function getOptions (optionsString) { return JSON.parse(optionsString.split(`'`).join(`"`)) } async function checkBotBalance (robot) { if (isCheckingBalance) { return } isCheckingBalance = true try { for (const account of options.accounts) { try { const lastWarningTimestamp = account.lastWarningTimestamp || 0 const warningThresholdTimestamp = lastWarningTimestamp + minWarningAgeInMillisecs const now = (new Date()).getTime() // Make sure we don't flood Slack with repeated notifications if (now > warningThresholdTimestamp) { const provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(account.network_id) const balance = await provider.getBalance(account.address) const minBalance = ethers.utils.parseUnits(account.min_balance.toString(), 'ether') // Format balance to ether, check if is under threshold if (balance.lt(minBalance)) { // Send slack message const slackChannelID = options.slack.notification.channel_id const msg = `@here URGENT: ${account.name} account ETH will run out soon, current balance is ${ethers.utils.formatEther(balance)} ETH (threshold: ${ethers.utils.formatEther(minBalance)} ETH)` robot.log.info(`${botName} - Opened Channel ${slackChannelID}`) robot.log.info(`Notifying ${options.slack.notification.room} about bot balance`) robot.slackWeb.chat.postMessage(slackChannelID, msg, {unfurl_links: true, as_user: slackHelper.BotUserName}) account.lastWarningTimestamp = now } } } catch (error) { robot.log.error(`${botName} - Error while checking ${account.name} account balance: ${error}`) } } } finally { isCheckingBalance = false } }