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+// Script that listens to GitHub pull reviews +// and assigns the PR to TO TEST column on the "Pipeline for QA" project +// +// Dependencies: +// github: "^13.1.0" +// probot-config "^0.1.0" +// probot-slack-status: "^0.2.2" +// +// Author: +// PombeirP + +const getConfig = require('probot-config') +const defaultConfig = require('../lib/config') +const Slack = require('probot-slack-status') + +let slackClient = null + +module.exports = function(robot) { + // robot.on('slack.connected', ({ slack }) => { + Slack(robot, (slack) => { + robot.log.trace("Connected, assigned slackClient") + slackClient = slack + }) + + robot.on('pull_request_review.submitted', context => assignPullRequestToTest(context, robot)) + robot.on('pull_request_review.edited', context => assignPullRequestToTest(context, robot)) +} + +async function getReviewApprovalState(github, payload) { + const ownerName = payload.repository.owner.login + const repoName = payload.repository.name + const prNumber = payload.pull_request.number + + const ghreviews = await github.pullRequests.getReviews({owner: ownerName, repo: repoName, number: prNumber}) + const approvedReviews = ghreviews.data.filter(review => review.state === 'APPROVED') + if (approvedReviews.length >= 2) { + return 'approved' + } + + return 'pending' +} + +async function getProjectCardForPullRequest(github, robot, columnId, pullRequestUrl) { + const ghcards = await github.projects.getProjectCards({column_id: columnId}) + ghcard = ghcards.data.find(c => c.content_url === pullRequestUrl) + + return ghcard +} + +async function assignPullRequestToTest(context, robot) { + // Make sure we don't listen to our own messages + if (context.isBot) { return } + + const payload = context.payload + const github = context.github + //const config = await getConfig(context, 'github-bot.yml', defaultConfig(robot, '.github/github-bot.yml')) + const config = defaultConfig(robot, '.github/github-bot.yml') + const ownerName = payload.repository.owner.login + const repoName = payload.repository.name + const prNumber = payload.pull_request.number + + if (!config['project-board']) { + return; + } + + robot.log(`assignPullRequestToTest - Handling Pull Request #${prNumber} on repo ${ownerName}/${repoName}`) + + state = getReviewApprovalState(github, payload) + + const reviewColumnName = config['project-board']['review-column-name'] + const testColumnName = config['project-board']['test-column-name'] + if (state === 'approved') { + srcColumnName = reviewColumnName + dstColumnName = testColumnName + } else { + srcColumnName = testColumnName + dstColumnName = reviewColumnName + } + + // Fetch repo projects + // TODO: The repo project and project column info should be cached + // in order to improve performance and reduce roundtrips + try { + ghprojects = await github.projects.getRepoProjects({ + owner: ownerName, + repo: repoName, + state: "open" + }) + + // Find "Pipeline for QA" project + const projectBoardName = config['project-board'].name + const project = ghprojects.data.find(p => p.name === projectBoardName) + if (!project) { + robot.log.error(`Couldn't find project ${projectBoardName} in repo ${ownerName}/${repoName}`) + return + } + + robot.log.debug(`Fetched ${project.name} project (${project.id})`) + + // Fetch column IDs + try { + ghcolumns = await github.projects.getProjectColumns({ project_id: project.id }) + + const srcColumn = ghcolumns.data.find(c => c.name === srcColumnName) + if (!srcColumn) { + robot.log.error(`Couldn't find ${srcColumnName} column in project ${project.name}`) + return + } + + const dstColumn = ghcolumns.data.find(c => c.name === dstColumnName) + if (!dstColumn) { + robot.log.error(`Couldn't find ${dstColumnName} column in project ${project.name}`) + return + } + + robot.log.debug(`Fetched ${srcColumn.name} (${srcColumn.id}), ${dstColumn.name} (${dstColumn.id}) columns`) + + // Move PR card to the destination column + let ghcard = null + try { + ghcard = await getProjectCardForPullRequest(github, robot, srcColumn.id, payload.pull_request.issue_url) + } catch (err) { + robot.log.error(`Failed to retrieve project card for the PR, aborting: ${err}`, srcColumn.id, payload.pull_request.issue_url) + return + } + + if (ghcard) { + try { + robot.log.trace(`Found card in source column ${ghcard.id}`, srcColumn.id) + + // Found in the source column, let's move it to the destination column + await github.projects.moveProjectCard({id: ghcard.id, position: 'bottom', column_id: dstColumn.id}) + + robot.log.debug(`Moved card: ${ghcard.url}`, ghcard.id) + } catch (err) { + robot.log.error(`Couldn't move project card for the PR: ${err}`, srcColumn.id, dstColumn.id, payload.pull_request.id) + return + } + } else { + try { + robot.log.debug(`Didn't find card in source column`, srcColumn.id) + + // It wasn't in source column, let's create a new card for it in the destination column + ghcard = await github.projects.createProjectCard({ + column_id: dstColumn.id, + content_type: 'PullRequest', + content_id: payload.pull_request.id + }) + + robot.log.debug(`Created card: ${ghcard.data.url}`, ghcard.data.id) + } catch (err) { + robot.log.error(`Couldn't create project card for the PR: ${err}`, dstColumn.id, payload.pull_request.id) + return + } + } + + // Send message to Slack + const slackHelper = require('../lib/slack') + slackHelper.sendMessage(robot, slackClient, config.slack.notification.room, `Assigned PR to ${dstColumnName} in ${projectBoardName} project\n${payload.pull_request.html_url}`) + } catch (err) { + robot.log.error(`Couldn't fetch the github columns for project: ${err}`, ownerName, repoName, project.id) + } + } catch (err) { + robot.log.error(`Couldn't fetch the github projects for repo: ${err}`, ownerName, repoName) + } +}