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// Description:
// Script that listens for new Review Requests and notifies reviewers on Slack
// Dependencies:
// @slack/client: ""
// Author:
// Martin Klepsch (martinklepsch)
const { WebClient } = require('@slack/client')
const slackWeb = new WebClient(process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN)
const botName = 'notify-reviwers-via-slack'
module.exports = (robot, getSlackIdFromGitHubId) => {
robot.log(`${botName} - Starting...`)
registerForNewReviewRequests(robot, getSlackIdFromGitHubId)
function registerForNewReviewRequests (robot, getSlackIdFromGitHubId) {
robot.on('pull_request.review_requested', async context => {
// Make sure we don't listen to our own messages
if (context.isBot) return null
await notifyReviewers(context, robot, getSlackIdFromGitHubId)
async function notifyReviewers (context, robot, getSlackIdFromGitHubId) {
const { payload } = context
for (var reviewer of payload.pull_request.requested_reviewers) {
const userID = getSlackIdFromGitHubId(reviewer.login)
if (userID === undefined) {
robot.log.error('Could not find Slack ID for GitHub user', reviewer.login)
} else {
slackWeb.im.open(userID).then((resp) => {
const dmChannelID = resp.channel.id
const octoboxNote = 'For more powerful management of GitHub notifications also check out https://octobox.io/'
const msg = `New Pull Request awaiting review: ${payload.pull_request.html_url}\n${octoboxNote}`
robot.log.info(`${botName} - Opened DM Channel ${dmChannelID}`)
robot.log.info(`Notifying ${userID} about review request in ${payload.pull_request.url}`)
slackWeb.chat.postMessage(dmChannelID, msg, {unfurl_links: true, as_user: 'probot'})
}).catch(error => robot.log.error('Could not open DM channel for review request notification', error))