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Feature: Wallet -> Saved addresses Management
Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key
And the user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
And the user lands on the signed in app
And the user opens the wallet section
And the user accepts the signing phrase
Scenario Outline: The user can add saved address with all network options, edit address name and delete address record
When the user adds a saved address named "<name>" and address "<address>"
And the user edits a saved address with name "<name>" to "<new_name>"
Then the name "<new_name>" is in the list of saved addresses
When the user deletes the saved address with name "<new_name>"
Then the name "<new_name>" is not in the list of saved addresses
| name | address |new_name |
| bar | 0x8397bc3c5a60a1883174f722403d63a8833312b7 |foo |
# | foo | nastya.stateofus.eth | bar |
# TODO: actions from burger menu
# TODO: split the scenario above to several (exclude delete i think)
# TODO: enhance edit actions to change networks
# TODO: test for Share button
# TODO: add logic to recognize mainnet / testnet and select appropriate networks