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synced 2025-02-01 01:06:07 +00:00
214 lines
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214 lines
7.3 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import "../../../../imports"
import "../../../../shared"
Item {
id: sendModalContent
property var closePopup: function(){}
property alias amountInput: txtAmount
property alias passwordInput: txtPassword
property var accounts: []
property var assets: []
property int selectedAccountIndex: 0
property string selectedAccountAddress: accounts && accounts.length ? accounts[selectedAccountIndex].address : ""
property string selectedAccountName: accounts && accounts.length ? accounts[selectedAccountIndex].name : ""
property string selectedAccountIconColor: accounts && accounts.length ? accounts[selectedAccountIndex].iconColor : ""
property int selectedAssetIndex: 0
property string selectedAssetName: assets && assets.length ? assets[selectedAssetIndex].name : ""
property string selectedAssetAddress: assets && assets.length ? assets[selectedAssetIndex].address : ""
property string selectedAssetSymbol: assets && assets.length ? assets[selectedAssetIndex].symbol : ""
property string selectedAccountValue: assets && assets.length ? assets[selectedAssetIndex].value : ""
property string passwordValidationError: ""
property string toValidationError: ""
property string amountValidationError: ""
function send() {
if (!validate()) {
let result = walletModel.onSendTransaction(selectedAccountAddress,
if (!result.startsWith('0x')) {
// It's an error
sendingError.text = result
return sendingError.open()
//% "Transaction sent to the blockchain. You can watch the progress on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/tx/%1"
sendingSuccess.text = qsTrId("transaction-sent-to-the-blockchain.-you-can-watch-the-progress-on-etherscan:-https://etherscan.io/tx/%1").arg(result)
function validate() {
if (txtPassword.text === "") {
//% "You need to enter a password"
passwordValidationError = qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-a-password")
} else if (txtPassword.text.length < 4) {
//% "Password needs to be 4 characters or more"
passwordValidationError = qsTrId("password-needs-to-be-4-characters-or-more")
} else {
passwordValidationError = ""
if (txtTo.text === "") {
//% "You need to enter a destination address"
toValidationError = qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-a-destination-address")
} else if (!Utils.isAddress(txtTo.text)) {
//% "This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x)"
toValidationError = qsTrId("this-needs-to-be-a-valid-address-(starting-with-0x)")
} else {
toValidationError = ""
if (txtAmount.text === "") {
//% "You need to enter an amount"
amountValidationError = qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-an-amount")
} else if (isNaN(txtAmount.text)) {
//% "This needs to be a number"
amountValidationError = qsTrId("this-needs-to-be-a-number")
} else if (parseFloat(txtAmount.text) > parseFloat(selectedAccountValue)) {
//% "Amount needs to be lower than your balance (%1)"
amountValidationError = qsTrId("amount-needs-to-be-lower-than-your-balance-(%1)").arg(selectedAccountValue)
} else {
amountValidationError = ""
return passwordValidationError === "" && toValidationError === "" && amountValidationError === ""
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
MessageDialog {
id: sendingError
title: "Error sending the transaction"
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
MessageDialog {
id: sendingSuccess
//% "Success sending the transaction"
title: qsTrId("success-sending-the-transaction")
icon: StandardIcon.NoIcon
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
onAccepted: {
Input {
id: txtAmount
//% "Amount"
label: qsTrId("amount")
anchors.top: parent.top
//% "Enter amount..."
placeholderText: qsTrId("enter-amount...")
validationError: amountValidationError
Select {
id: assetTypeSelect
iconHeight: 24
iconWidth: 24
icon: "../../../img/tokens/" + selectedAssetSymbol.toUpperCase() + ".png"
//% "Select the asset"
label: qsTrId("select-the-asset")
anchors.top: txtAmount.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
selectedText: selectedAssetName
selectOptions: sendModalContent.assets.map(function (asset, index) {
return {
text: asset.name,
onClicked: function () {
selectedAssetIndex = index
StyledText {
id: currentBalanceText
//% "Balance: %1"
text: qsTrId("balance:-%1").arg(selectedAccountValue)
font.pixelSize: 13
color: Style.current.darkGrey
anchors.top: assetTypeSelect.top
anchors.topMargin: 0
anchors.right: assetTypeSelect.right
anchors.rightMargin: 0
Select {
id: txtFrom
iconHeight: 12
iconWidth: 12
icon: "../../../img/walletIcon.svg"
iconColor: selectedAccountIconColor
//% "From account"
label: qsTrId("from-account")
anchors.top: assetTypeSelect.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
selectedText: selectedAccountName
selectOptions: sendModalContent.accounts.map(function (account, index) {
return {
text: account.name,
onClicked: function () {
selectedAccountIndex = index
StyledText {
id: textSelectAccountAddress
text: selectedAccountAddress
font.family: Style.current.fontHexRegular.name
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 2
elide: Text.ElideMiddle
anchors.top: txtFrom.bottom
font.pixelSize: 12
color: Style.current.darkGrey
Input {
id: txtTo
//% "Recipient"
label: qsTrId("recipient")
//% "Send to"
placeholderText: qsTrId("send-to")
anchors.top: textSelectAccountAddress.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
validationError: toValidationError
Input {
id: txtPassword
//% "Password"
label: qsTrId("password")
//% "Enter Password"
placeholderText: qsTrId("biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label")
anchors.top: txtTo.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
textField.echoMode: TextInput.Password
validationError: passwordValidationError
Designer {