Lukáš Tinkl fe9bb7d398 chore: Update StatusBaseButton content item layout
- introduce StatusButton storybook page with controls to play around
with the its options and variants
- StatusBaseButton: make the content item horizontally centered by
- StatusBaseButton: remove `textAlignment` and fix `textFillWidth` for
the intended usage
- fixup usage of the 2 above options which were introduced merely as a
workaround, mostly in wallet + corresponding storybook pages

Fixes #10903
2023-06-20 14:10:35 +02:00

147 lines
4.9 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import Storybook 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
readonly property QtObject mockupModelData: QtObject {
property int timestamp: / 1000
property int txType: ctrlType.currentValue
property string from: "0xfB8131c260749c7835a08ccBdb64728De432858E"
property string to: "0x3fb81384583b3910BB14Cc72582E8e8a56E83ae9"
property bool isNFT: false
property string tokenID: "4981676894159712808201908443964193325271219637660871887967796332739046670337"
property string nftName: "Happy Meow"
property string nftImageUrl: Style.png("collectibles/HappyMeow")
readonly property QtObject mockupStore: QtObject {
function formatCurrencyAmount(cryptoValue, symbol) {
return "%1 %2".arg(cryptoValue).arg(symbol)
SplitView {
orientation: Qt.Vertical
SplitView.fillWidth: true
Item {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: column
anchors.margins: -1
border.color: "lightgray"
ColumnLayout {
id: column
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 600
TransactionDelegate {
id: delegate
Layout.fillWidth: true
modelData: root.mockupModelData
swapCryptoValue: 0.18
swapFiatValue: 340
swapSymbol: "SNT"
timeStampText: LocaleUtils.formatRelativeTimestamp(modelData.timestamp * 1000)
cryptoValue: 0.1234
fiatValue: 123123
currentCurrency: "USD"
networkName: "Optimism"
symbol: "ETH"
bridgeNetworkName: "Mainnet"
feeFiatValue: 10.34
feeCryptoValue: 0.013
transactionStatus: ctrlStatus.currentValue
rootStore: root.mockupStore
LogsAndControlsPanel {
SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
SplitView.preferredHeight: 200
SplitView.fillWidth: true
Pane {
SplitView.minimumWidth: 300
SplitView.preferredWidth: 300
ColumnLayout {
CheckBox {
text: "Is loading"
checked: delegate.loading
onToggled: delegate.loading = checked
CheckBox {
text: "Is activity details header"
readonly property string headerState: "header"
checked: delegate.state === headerState
onToggled: delegate.state = checked ? headerState : ""
CheckBox {
text: "Is NFT"
checked: delegate.isNFT
onToggled: root.mockupModelData.isNFT = checked
Label {
Layout.topMargin: 10
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Transaction type:"
ComboBox {
id: ctrlType
Layout.fillWidth: true
textRole: "name"
valueRole: "type"
model: ListModel {
ListElement { name: "Sent"; type: Constants.TransactionType.Send }
ListElement { name: "Receive"; type: Constants.TransactionType.Receive }
ListElement { name: "Buy"; type: Constants.TransactionType.Buy }
ListElement { name: "Sell"; type: Constants.TransactionType.Sell }
ListElement { name: "Destroy"; type: Constants.TransactionType.Destroy }
ListElement { name: "Swap"; type: Constants.TransactionType.Swap }
ListElement { name: "Bridge"; type: Constants.TransactionType.Bridge }
Label {
Layout.topMargin: 10
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Transaction status:"
ComboBox {
id: ctrlStatus
Layout.fillWidth: true
textRole: "name"
valueRole: "status"
model: ListModel {
ListElement { name: "Failed"; status: Constants.TransactionStatus.Failed }
ListElement { name: "Pending"; status: Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending }
ListElement { name: "Complete"; status: Constants.TransactionStatus.Complete }
ListElement { name: "Finished"; status: Constants.TransactionStatus.Finished }