Michał Cieślak 5238074ed3 Settings list simplified
- UI simplified, made independent from the backend
- dedicated model created, filtering on the level of model instead of
  per delegate
- using ListView instead of mutliple Repeaters
- UI models removed from ProfileSectionStore

Closes: #16675
2024-11-04 13:53:28 +01:00

79 lines
2.2 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
\qmltype SettingsList
\inherits StatusListView
\inqmlmodule AppLayouts.Profile.controls
\brief List view rendering setting entries
Expected model structure:
subsection [int] - identifier of the entry (Constants.settingsSubsection)
text [string] - readable name of the entry
icon [string] - icon name
badgeCount [int] - number presented on the badge
isExperimental [bool] - indicates if the beta tag should be presented
experimentalTooltip [string] - tooltip text for the beta tag
StatusListView {
id: root
property int currenctSubsection
readonly property int availableWidth: width - leftMargin - rightMargin
signal clicked(int subsection)
spacing: Theme.halfPadding
delegate: StatusNavigationListItem {
id: delegate
objectName: model.subsection + "-MenuItem"
width: ListView.view.availableWidth
title: model.text
asset.name: model.icon
selected: root.currenctSubsection === model.subsection
highlighted: !!betaTagLoader.item && betaTagLoader.item.hovered
badge.value: model.badgeCount
Loader {
id: betaTagLoader
active: model.isExperimental
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.padding +
? delegate.badge.width + Theme.halfPadding : 0)
sourceComponent: StatusBetaTag {
tooltipText: model.experimentalTooltip
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: root.clicked(model.subsection)
section.property: "group"
section.delegate: StatusBaseText {
text: section
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
width: ListView.view.availableWidth
leftPadding: Theme.padding
rightPadding: Theme.padding
topPadding: Theme.smallPadding
bottomPadding: Theme.smallPadding