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synced 2025-02-20 18:48:47 +00:00
Fixes: 1. Fixing the laggy scrolling on transaction requiests popups. The root cause of this issue was the fees request and also the estimated time request. These periodic requests were blocking. Now we'll call these API async. 2. Fixing the max fees: The fees computation was using 21k as gasLimit. This value was hardcoded in WC. Now we're requesting the gasLimit if it's not provided by the dApp. This call is also async. 3. Fixing the periodicity of the fees computation. The fees were computed by the client only if the tx object didn't already provide the fees. But the tx could fail if when the fees are highly volatile because it was not being overridden. Now Status is computing the fees periodically for all tx requests. 4. Fixing an issue where the loading state of the fees text in the modal was showing text underneath the loading animation. Fixed by updating the AnimatedText to support a custom target property. The text component used for session requests is using `cusomColor` property to set the text color and the `color` for the text must not be overriden.
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188 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
QObject {
id: root
required property var controller
/// \c dappsJson serialized from status-go.wallet.GetDapps
signal dappsListReceived(string dappsJson)
signal activeSessionsReceived(var activeSessionsJsonObj, bool success)
signal userAuthenticated(string topic, string id, string password, string pin, string payload)
signal userAuthenticationFailed(string topic, string id)
signal signingResult(string topic, string id, string data)
signal estimatedTimeResponse(string topic, int timeCategory, bool success)
signal suggestedFeesResponse(string topic, var suggestedFeesJsonObj, bool success)
signal estimatedGasResponse(string topic, string gasEstimate, bool success)
function addWalletConnectSession(sessionJson) {
return controller.addWalletConnectSession(sessionJson)
function deactivateWalletConnectSession(topic) {
return controller.deactivateWalletConnectSession(topic)
function updateWalletConnectSessions(activeTopicsJson) {
return controller.updateSessionsMarkedAsActive(activeTopicsJson)
function authenticateUser(topic, id, address, payload) {
let ok = controller.authenticateUser(topic, id, address, payload)
if(!ok) {
function signMessageUnsafe(topic, id, address, message, password, pin = "") {
controller.signMessageUnsafe(topic, id, address, message, password, pin)
function signMessage(topic, id, address, message, password, pin = "") {
controller.signMessage(topic, id, address, message, password, pin)
function safeSignTypedData(topic, id, address, typedDataJson, chainId, legacy, password, pin = "") {
controller.safeSignTypedData(topic, id, address, typedDataJson, chainId, legacy, password, pin)
// Remove leading zeros from hex number as expected by status-go
function stripLeadingZeros(hexNumber) {
let fixed = hexNumber.replace(/^0x0*/, '0x')
return fixed == '0x' ? '0x0' : fixed;
// Strip leading zeros from numbers as expected by status-go
function prepareTxForStatusGo(txObj) {
let tx = Object.assign({}, txObj)
if (txObj.gasLimit) {
tx.gasLimit = stripLeadingZeros(txObj.gasLimit)
if (txObj.gas) {
tx.gas = stripLeadingZeros(txObj.gas)
if (txObj.gasPrice) {
tx.gasPrice = stripLeadingZeros(txObj.gasPrice)
if (txObj.nonce) {
tx.nonce = stripLeadingZeros(txObj.nonce)
if (txObj.maxFeePerGas) {
tx.maxFeePerGas = stripLeadingZeros(txObj.maxFeePerGas)
if (txObj.maxPriorityFeePerGas) {
tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = stripLeadingZeros(txObj.maxPriorityFeePerGas)
if (txObj.value) {
tx.value = stripLeadingZeros(txObj.value)
return tx
// Empty maxFeePerGas will fetch the current chain's maxFeePerGas
// Returns ui/imports/utils -> Constants.TransactionEstimatedTime values
function requestEstimatedTime(topic, chainId, maxFeePerGasHex) {
controller.requestEstimatedTime(topic, chainId, maxFeePerGasHex)
// Returns nim's SuggestedFeesDto; see src/app_service/service/transaction/dto.nim
// Returns all value initialized to 0 if error
function requestSuggestedFees(topic, chainId) {
controller.requestSuggestedFeesJson(topic, chainId)
function requestGasEstimate(topic, chainId, txObj) {
try {
let tx = prepareTxForStatusGo(txObj)
controller.requestGasEstimate(topic, chainId, JSON.stringify(tx))
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to prepare tx for status-go", e)
root.estimatedGasResponse(topic, "", false)
function signTransaction(topic, id, address, chainId, password, txObj) {
let tx = prepareTxForStatusGo(txObj)
controller.signTransaction(topic, id, address, chainId, JSON.stringify(tx), password, pin)
function sendTransaction(topic, id, address, chainId, txObj, password, pin = "") {
let tx = prepareTxForStatusGo(txObj)
controller.sendTransaction(topic, id, address, chainId, JSON.stringify(tx), password, pin)
/// \c getDapps triggers an async response to \c dappsListReceived
function getDapps() {
return controller.getDapps()
/// \c getActiveSessions triggers an async response to \c activeSessionsReceived
/// \returns true if the request was sent successfully
function getActiveSessions() {
return controller.getActiveSessions()
function hexToDec(hex) {
return controller.hexToDecBigString(hex)
// Return just the modified fields { "maxFeePerGas": "0x<...>", "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x<...>" }
function convertFeesInfoToHex(feesInfoJson) {
return controller.convertFeesInfoToHex(feesInfoJson)
// Handle async response from controller
Connections {
target: controller
function onDappsListReceived(dappsJson) {
function onActiveSessionsReceived(activeSessionsJson) {
try {
const jsonObj = JSON.parse(activeSessionsJson)
root.activeSessionsReceived(jsonObj, true)
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to parse activeSessionsJson", e)
root.activeSessionsReceived({}, false)
function onUserAuthenticationResult(topic, id, success, password, pin, payload) {
if (success) {
root.userAuthenticated(topic, id, password, pin, payload)
} else {
root.userAuthenticationFailed(topic, id)
function onSigningResultReceived(topic, id, data) {
root.signingResult(topic, id, data)
function onEstimatedTimeResponse(topic, timeCategory) {
root.estimatedTimeResponse(topic, timeCategory, !!timeCategory)
function onSuggestedFeesResponse(topic, suggestedFeesJson) {
try {
const jsonObj = JSON.parse(suggestedFeesJson)
root.suggestedFeesResponse(topic, jsonObj, true)
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to parse suggestedFeesJson", e)
root.suggestedFeesResponse(topic, {}, false)
function onEstimatedGasResponse(topic, gasEstimate) {
root.estimatedGasResponse(topic, gasEstimate, !!gasEstimate)