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import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 as QC
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import utils 1.0
\qmltype StatusNetworkSelector
\inherits Rectangle
\inqmlmodule StatusQ.Components
\since StatusQ.Components 0.1
\brief It allows to add items and display them as a tag item with an image and text. It also allows to store and display logical `and` / `or` operators into the list. Inherits \l{https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-rectangle.html}{Item}.
The \c StatusNetworkSelector is populated with a data model. The data model is commonly a JavaScript array or a ListModel object with specific expected roles.
Example of how the component looks like:
\image status_item_selector.png
Example of how to use it:
StatusNetworkSelector {
id: networkSelector
title: "Network preference"
enabled: addressInput.valid
defaultItemText: "Add networks"
defaultItemImageSource: "add"
itemsModel: ListModel {}
addButton.onClicked: {
onItemClicked: {
onItemRightButtonClicked: {
For a list of components available see StatusQ.
Rectangle {
id: root
\qmlproperty string StatusNetworkSelector::title
This property holds the title shown on top of the component.
property string title
\qmlproperty string StatusNetworkSelector::defaultItemText
This property holds the default item text shown when the list of items is empty.
property string defaultItemText
\qmlproperty url StatusNetworkSelector::defaultItemImageSource
This property holds the default item icon shown when the list of items is empty.
property string defaultItemImageSource: ""
\qmlproperty StatusRoundButton StatusNetworkSelector::addButton
This property holds an alias to the `add` button.
readonly property alias addButton: addItemButton
\qmlproperty ListModel StatusNetworkSelector::itemsModel
This property holds the data that will be populated in the items selector.
Here an example of the model roles expected:
itemsModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
text: "Ethereum"
iconUrl: "Network=Ethereum"
ListElement {
text: "Optimism"
iconUrl: "Network=Optimism"
property var itemsModel: ListModel { }
\qmlproperty bool StatusNetworkSelector::useIcons
This property determines if the imageSource role from the model will be handled as
an image or an icon.
property bool useIcons: false
property StatusAssetSettings asset: StatusAssetSettings {
height: 20
width: 20
bgColor: "transparent"
isImage: !root.useIcons
isLetterIdenticon: root.useLetterIdenticons
\qmlproperty bool StatusNetworkSelector::useLetterIdenticons
This property determines if letter identicons should be used. If set to
true, the model is expected to contain roles "color" and "emoji".
property bool useLetterIdenticons: false
\qmlsignal StatusNetworkSelector::itemClicked
This signal is emitted when the item is clicked.
signal itemClicked(var item, int index, var mouse)
\qmlsignal StatusNetworkSelector::itemRightButtonClicked
This signal is emitted when the item's right button is clicked.
signal itemRightButtonClicked(var item, int index, var mouse)
color: "transparent"
implicitHeight: columnLayout.implicitHeight
implicitWidth: 560
property bool rightButtonVisible: false
\qmlproperty StatusNetworkListItemTag StatusNetworkSelector::defaultItem
This property holds an alias to the `defaultItem` tag
property alias defaultItem: defaultListItemTag
ColumnLayout {
id: columnLayout
spacing: 8
StatusBaseText {
text: root.title
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
font.pixelSize: 15
Flow {
id: flow
Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 6
StatusRoundButton {
id: addItemButton
objectName: "addNetworkTagItemButton"
implicitHeight: 32
implicitWidth: implicitHeight
height: width
type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2
icon.name: root.defaultItemImageSource
visible: itemsModel.count > 0
icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
StatusNetworkListItemTag {
id: defaultListItemTag
objectName: "networkSelectorTag"
visible: !itemsModel || itemsModel.count === 0
title: root.defaultItemText
button.visible: true
button.icon.name: root.defaultItemImageSource
button.enabled: false
button.icon.disabledColor: titleText.color
button.icon.color: titleText.color
onClicked: {
root.itemClicked(this, 0, mouse)
Repeater {
model: itemsModel
StatusNetworkListItemTag {
id: networkTag
title: model.shortName
asset.height: root.asset.height
asset.width: root.asset.width
asset.name: root.useLetterIdenticons ? model.text : (model.isTest ? Style.svg(model.iconUrl + "-test") : Style.svg(model.iconUrl))
asset.isImage: root.asset.isImage
asset.bgColor: root.asset.bgColor
asset.isLetterIdenticon: root.useLetterIdenticons
button.visible: root.rightButtonVisible
titleText.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
button.icon.disabledColor: titleText.color
button.icon.color: titleText.color
hoverEnabled: false
property var modelRef: model // model is not reachable outside via item.model.someData, so expose it
onClicked: {
root.itemClicked(this, index, mouse)
button.onClicked: {
root.itemRightButtonClicked(networkTag, index, mouse)