
351 lines
12 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import Models 1.0
import utils 1.0
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import shared.stores 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
readonly property var currencyStore: CurrenciesStore{}
readonly property var senderAccounts: WalletSendAccountsModel {
Component.onCompleted: selectedSenderAccount = senderAccounts.get(0)
property var accounts: senderAccounts
property WalletAssetsStore walletAssetStore
property QtObject tmpActivityController: QtObject {
property ListModel model: ListModel{}
property var allNetworksModel: NetworksModel.allNetworks
property var fromNetworksModel: NetworksModel.sendFromNetworks
property var toNetworksModel: NetworksModel.sendToNetworks
property var selectedSenderAccount: senderAccounts.get(0)
readonly property QtObject collectiblesModel: WalletCollectiblesModel {}
readonly property QtObject nestedCollectiblesModel: WalletNestedCollectiblesModel {}
readonly property QtObject walletSectionSendInst: QtObject {
signal transactionSent(var chainId, var txHash, var uuid, var error)
signal suggestedRoutesReady(var txRoutes)
readonly property QtObject mainModuleInst: QtObject {
signal resolvedENS(var resolvedPubKey, var resolvedAddress, var uuid)
property string selectedAssetKey
property bool showUnPreferredChains: false
property int sendType: Constants.SendType.Transfer
property string selectedRecipient
readonly property var savedAddressesModel: ListModel {
Component.onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
name: "some saved addr name " + i,
ens: [],
address: "0x2B748A02e06B159C7C3E98F5064577B96E55A7b4",
chainShortNames: "eth:arb"
function splitAndFormatAddressPrefix(textAddrss, updateInStore) {
return textAddrss
function resolveENS() {
return ""
function getAsset(assetsList, symbol) {
const idx = SQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(assetsList, "symbol", symbol)
if (idx < 0) {
return {}
return SQUtils.ModelUtils.get(assetsList, idx)
function getCollectible(uid) {
const idx = SQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(collectiblesModel, "uid", uid)
if (idx < 0) {
return {}
return SQUtils.ModelUtils.get(collectiblesModel, idx)
function getSelectorCollectible(uid) {
const idx = SQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(nestedCollectiblesModel, "uid", uid)
if (idx < 0) {
return {}
return SQUtils.ModelUtils.get(nestedCollectiblesModel, idx)
function getHolding(holdingId, holdingType) {
if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) {
return getAsset(processedAssetsModel, holdingId)
} else if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721) {
return getCollectible(holdingId)
} else {
return {}
function getSelectorHolding(holdingId, holdingType) {
if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) {
return getAsset(processedAssetsModel, holdingId)
} else if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721) {
return getSelectorCollectible(holdingId)
} else {
return {}
function assetToSelectorAsset(asset) {
return asset
function collectibleToSelectorCollectible(collectible) {
return {
uid: collectible.uid,
chainId: collectible.chainId,
iconUrl: collectible.imageUrl,
collectionUid: collectible.collectionUid,
collectionName: collectible.collectionName,
isCollection: false
function holdingToSelectorHolding(holding, holdingType) {
if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) {
return assetToSelectorAsset(holding)
} else if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721) {
return collectibleToSelectorCollectible(holding)
} else {
return {}
readonly property string currentCurrency: "USD"
function getAllNetworksSupportedString() {
return "OPT"
function plainText(text) {
return text
function prepareTransactionsForAddress(address) {
console.log("prepareTransactionsForAddress:", address)
function getTransactions() {
return transactions
readonly property var transactions_: ListModel {
id: transactions
Component.onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
to: "to",
loadingTransaction: false,
value: {
displayDecimals: true,
stripTrailingZeroes: true,
amount: 3.234
timestamp: new Date()
function switchSenderAccount(index) {
selectedSenderAccount = senderAccounts.get(index)
function getNetworkShortNames(chainIds) {
return ""
function getShortChainIds(chainIds) {
let listOfChains = chainIds.split(":")
let listOfChainIds = []
for (let k =0;k<listOfChains.length;k++) {
listOfChainIds.push(SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(NetworksModel.allNetworks, "shortName", listOfChains[k], "chainId"))
return listOfChainIds
function setSendType(sendType) {
root.sendType = sendType
function setSelectedRecipient(recipientAddress) {
root.selectedRecipient = recipientAddress
function setSelectedAssetKey(assetsKey) {
root.selectedAssetKey = assetsKey
function getWei2Eth(wei, decimals) {
return wei/(10**decimals)
function updateRoutePreferredChains(chainIds) {
function toggleShowUnPreferredChains() {
root.showUnPreferredChains = !root.showUnPreferredChains
property string amountToSend
property bool suggestedRoutesCalled: false
function suggestedRoutes(amount) {
root.amountToSend = amount
root.suggestedRoutesCalled = true
enum EstimatedTime {
Unknown = 0,
function getLabelForEstimatedTxTime(estimatedFlag) {
switch(estimatedFlag) {
case TransactionStore.EstimatedTime.Unknown:
return qsTr("~ Unknown")
case TransactionStore.EstimatedTime.LessThanOneMin :
return qsTr("< 1 minute")
case TransactionStore.EstimatedTime.LessThanThreeMins :
return qsTr("< 3 minutes")
case TransactionStore.EstimatedTime.LessThanFiveMins:
return qsTr("< 5 minutes")
return qsTr("> 5 minutes")
function resetStoredProperties() {
root.amountToSend = ""
root.sendType = Constants.SendType.Transfer
root.selectedRecipient = ""
root.selectedAssetKey = ""
root.showUnPreferredChains = false
function getNetworkName(chainId) {
return SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(NetworksModel.allNetworks, "chainId", chainId, "chainName")
function formatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt(balance, symbol, decimals) {
let bigIntBalance = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(balance)
let decimalBalance = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.toNumber(bigIntBalance, decimals)
return currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(decimalBalance, symbol)
// Property and methods below are used to apply advanced token management settings to the SendModal
property bool showCommunityAssetsInSend: true
property bool balanceThresholdEnabled: true
property real balanceThresholdAmount
// Property set from TokenLIstView and HoldingSelector to search token by name, symbol or contract address
property string assetSearchString
// Model prepared to provide filtered and sorted assets as per the advanced Settings in token management
property var processedAssetsModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: walletAssetStore.groupedAccountAssetsModel
proxyRoles: [
FastExpressionRole {
name: "isCommunityAsset"
expression: !!model.communityId
expectedRoles: ["communityId"]
FastExpressionRole {
name: "currentBalance"
expression: __getTotalBalance(model.balances, model.decimals, model.symbol, root.selectedSenderAccount)
expectedRoles: ["balances", "decimals", "symbol"]
FastExpressionRole {
name: "currentCurrencyBalance"
expression: {
if (!!model.marketDetails) {
return model.currentBalance * model.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount
return 0
expectedRoles: ["marketDetails", "currentBalance"]
filters: [
FastExpressionFilter {
function search(symbol, name, addressPerChain, searchString) {
return (
symbol.startsWith(searchString.toUpperCase()) ||
name.toUpperCase().startsWith(searchString.toUpperCase()) || __searchAddressInList(addressPerChain, searchString)
expression: search(symbol, name, addressPerChain, root.assetSearchString)
expectedRoles: ["symbol", "name", "addressPerChain"]
ValueFilter {
roleName: "isCommunityAsset"
value: false
enabled: !showCommunityAssetsInSend
FastExpressionFilter {
expression: {
if (model.isCommunityAsset)
return true
return model.currentCurrencyBalance > balanceThresholdAmount
expectedRoles: ["isCommunityAsset", "currentCurrencyBalance"]
enabled: balanceThresholdEnabled
sorters: RoleSorter {
roleName: "isCommunityAsset"
/* Internal function to search token address */
function __searchAddressInList(addressPerChain, searchString) {
let addressFound = false
let tokenAddresses = SQUtils.ModelUtils.modelToFlatArray(addressPerChain, "address")
for (let i =0; i< tokenAddresses.length; i++){
if(tokenAddresses[i].toUpperCase().startsWith(searchString.toUpperCase())) {
addressFound = true
return addressFound
/* Internal function to calculate total balance */
function __getTotalBalance(balances, decimals, symbol) {
let totalBalance = 0
for(let i=0; i<balances.count; i++) {
let balancePerAddressPerChain = SQUtils.ModelUtils.get(balances, i)
totalBalance+=SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.toNumber(balancePerAddressPerChain.balance, decimals)
return totalBalance