218 lines
5.3 KiB
218 lines
5.3 KiB
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import Sandbox 0.1
Column {
spacing: 8
StatusInput {
placeholderText: "Placeholder"
StatusInput {
label: "Label"
placeholderText: "Disabled"
input.enabled: false
StatusInput {
placeholderText: "Clearable"
input.clearable: true
StatusInput {
placeholderText: "Invalid"
input.valid: false
StatusInput {
label: "Label"
input.icon.name: "search"
placeholderText: "Input with icon"
StatusInput {
label: "Label"
placeholderText: "Placeholder"
input.clearable: true
StatusInput {
charLimit: 30
placeholderText: "Placeholder"
input.clearable: true
StatusInput {
label: "Label"
charLimit: 30
placeholderText: "Placeholder"
input.clearable: true
Item {
implicitWidth: 480
implicitHeight: 82
z: 100000
StatusSeedPhraseInput {
id: statusSeedInput
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
height: parent.height
textEdit.input.anchors.leftMargin: 16
textEdit.input.anchors.rightMargin: 16
textEdit.input.anchors.topMargin: 11
textEdit.label: "Input with drop down selection list"
leftComponentText: "1"
inputList: ListModel {
ListElement {
seedWord: "panda"
ListElement {
seedWord: "posible"
ListElement {
seedWord: "wing"
StatusInput {
label: "Label"
charLimit: 30
errorMessage: "Error message"
input.clearable: true
input.valid: false
placeholderText: "Placeholder"
StatusInput {
label: "StatusInput"
secondaryLabel: "with right icon"
input.icon.width: 15
input.icon.height: 11
input.icon.name: text !== "" ? "checkmark" : ""
input.leftIcon: false
StatusInput {
label: "Label"
secondaryLabel: "secondary label"
placeholderText: "Placeholder"
minimumHeight: 56
maximumHeight: 56
StatusInput {
id: input
label: "Label"
charLimit: 30
placeholderText: "Input with validator"
validators: [
StatusMinLengthValidator {
minLength: 10
errorMessage: {
if (input.errors && input.errors.minLength) {
return `Value can't be shorter than ${input.errors.minLength.min} but got ${input.errors.minLength.actual}`
return ""
StatusInput {
label: "Input with <i>StatusRegularExpressionValidator</i>"
charLimit: 30
placeholderText: `Must match regex(${validators[0].regularExpression.toString()}) and <= 30 chars`
validationMode: StatusInput.ValidationMode.IgnoreInvalidInput
validators: [
StatusRegularExpressionValidator {
regularExpression: /^[0-9A-Za-z_\$-\s]*$/
errorMessage: "Bad input!"
StatusInput {
label: "Label"
placeholderText: "Input width component (right side)"
input.rightComponent: StatusIcon {
icon: "cancel"
height: 16
color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
StatusInput {
input.multiline: true
placeholderText: "Multiline"
StatusInput {
input.multiline: true
placeholderText: "Multiline with static height"
minimumHeight: 100
maximumHeight: 100
StatusInput {
input.multiline: true
placeholderText: "Multiline with max/min"
minimumHeight: 80
maximumHeight: 200
StatusInput {
property bool toggled: true
label: "Input with emoji icon"
placeholderText: "Enter Name"
input.icon.emoji: toggled ? "😁" : "🧸"
input.icon.color: "blue"
input.isIconSelectable: true
onIconClicked: {
toggled = !toggled
StatusInput {
property bool toggled: true
label: "Input with selectable icon which is not an emoji"
placeholderText: "Enter Name"
input.icon.emoji: ""
input.icon.name: toggled ? "filled-account" : "image"
input.icon.color: "blue"
input.isIconSelectable: true
onIconClicked: {
toggled = !toggled
StatusInput {
label: "Input with inline token selector"
input.leftComponent: StatusTokenInlineSelector {
tokens: [{amount: 0.1, token: "ETH"},
{amount: 10, token: "SNT"},
{amount: 15, token: "MANA"}]
StatusToolTip {
id: toolTip
text: "posted"
onTriggered: toolTip.visible = true
input.edit.readOnly: true