
134 lines
6.4 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import utils 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
property string hoveredMessage
property string activeMessage
property string fromAuthor: "0x0011223344556677889910"
property string userName: "Jotaro Kujo"
property string alias: ""
property string localName: ""
property string message: "That's right. We're friends... Of justice, that is."
property string plainText: "That's right. We're friends... Of justice, that is."
property bool isCurrentUser: false
property string timestamp: "1234567"
property string sticker: "Qme8vJtyrEHxABcSVGPF95PtozDgUyfr1xGjePmFdZgk9v"
property int contentType: 1 // constants don't work in default props
property string chatId: "chatId"
property string outgoingStatus: ""
property string responseTo: ""
property string messageId: ""
property string emojiReactions: ""
property int prevMessageIndex: -1
property int nextMessageIndex: -1
property bool timeout: false
property bool hasMention: false
property string linkUrls: ""
property bool placeholderMessage: false
property bool activityCenterMessage: false
property bool pinnedMessage: false
property bool read: true
property string pinnedBy
property bool forceHoverHandler: false // Used to force the HoverHandler to be active (useful for messages in popups)
property string communityId: ""
property int stickerPackId: -1
property int gapFrom: 0
property int gapTo: 0
property bool isEdit: false
property string replaces: ""
property bool isEdited: false
property bool showEdit: true
property var messageContextMenu
property bool isMessageActive: typeof root.activeMessage !== "undefined" && root.activeMessage === root.messageId
property string displayUserName: {
if (isCurrentUser) {
return qsTr("You")
if (localName !== "") {
return localName
if (userName !== "") {
return Utils.removeStatusEns(userName)
return Utils.removeStatusEns(alias)
property string authorCurrentMsg: "authorCurrentMsg"
property string authorPrevMsg: "authorPrevMsg"
property string prevMsgTimestamp: chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(prevMessageIndex, "timestamp")
property string nextMsgTimestamp: chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(nextMessageIndex, "timestamp")
property bool shouldRepeatHeader: ((parseInt(timestamp, 10) - parseInt(prevMsgTimestamp, 10)) / 60 / 1000) > Constants.repeatHeaderInterval
property bool isEmoji: contentType === Constants.emojiType
property bool isImage: contentType === Constants.imageType
property bool isAudio: contentType === Constants.audioType
property bool isStatusMessage: contentType === Constants.systemMessagePrivateGroupType
property bool isSticker: contentType === Constants.stickerType
property bool isText: contentType === Constants.messageType || contentType === Constants.editType
property bool isMessage: isEmoji || isImage || isSticker || isText || isAudio
|| contentType === Constants.communityInviteType || contentType === Constants.transactionType
property bool isExpired: (outgoingStatus === "sending" && (Math.floor(timestamp) + 180000) <
property int statusAgeEpoch: 0
// property int replyMessageIndex: chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageIndex(responseTo);
// property string repliedMessageAuthor: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "userName") : "";
// property string repliedMessageAuthorPubkey: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "publicKey") : "";
// property bool repliedMessageAuthorIsCurrentUser: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? repliedMessageAuthorPubkey === userProfile.pubKey : "";
// property bool repliedMessageIsEdited: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "isEdited") === "true" : false;
// property string repliedMessageContent: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "message") : "";
// property int repliedMessageType: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? parseInt(chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "contentType")) : 0;
// property string repliedMessageImage: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "image") : "";
// property string repliedMessageUserIdenticon: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "identicon") : "";
// property string repliedMessageUserImage: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? appMain.getProfileImage(repliedMessageAuthorPubkey, repliedMessageAuthorIsCurrentUser , false) || "" : "";
property var imageClick: function () {}
property var scrollToBottom: function () {}
property string userPubKey: {
if (contentType === Constants.chatIdentifier) {
return chatId
return fromAuthor
property bool useLargeImage: contentType === Constants.chatIdentifier
property string profileImageSource: !placeholderMessage && appMain.getProfileImage(userPubKey, isCurrentUser, useLargeImage) || ""
property var emojiReactionsModel: {
if (!emojiReactions) {
return []
try {
// group by id
var allReactions = Object.values(JSON.parse(emojiReactions))
var byEmoji = {}
allReactions.forEach(function (reaction) {
if (!byEmoji[reaction.emojiId]) {
byEmoji[reaction.emojiId] = {
emojiId: reaction.emojiId,
fromAccounts: [],
count: 0,
currentUserReacted: false
if (!byEmoji[reaction.emojiId].currentUserReacted && reaction.from === userProfile.pubKey) {
byEmoji[reaction.emojiId].currentUserReacted = true
return Object.values(byEmoji)
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error parsing emoji reactions', e)
return []