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synced 2025-02-19 18:18:38 +00:00
- create new dedicated (asset) token selector component - integrate it into `SwapInputPanel` and `SwapModal` - add respective SB page and QML tests suite Fixes #14783
246 lines
8.5 KiB
246 lines
8.5 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import utils 1.0
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.popups.swap 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
Logs { id: logs }
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property var accountsModel: WalletAccountsModel {}
readonly property var tokenBySymbolModel: TokensBySymbolModel {}
readonly property var flatNetworksModel: NetworksModel.flatNetworks
readonly property var filteredNetworksModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: d.flatNetworksModel
filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "isTest"; value: areTestNetworksEnabledCheckbox.checked }
function launchPopup() {
readonly property SwapTransactionRoutes dummySwapTransactionRoutes: SwapTransactionRoutes{}
PopupBackground {
id: popupBg
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
Button {
id: reopenButton
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Reopen"
enabled: !swapModal.visible
onClicked: d.launchPopup()
Component.onCompleted: d.launchPopup()
SwapStore {
id: dSwapStore
signal suggestedRoutesReady(var txRoutes)
readonly property var accounts: d.accountsModel
readonly property var flatNetworks: d.flatNetworksModel
readonly property bool areTestNetworksEnabled: areTestNetworksEnabledCheckbox.checked
function fetchSuggestedRoutes(accountFrom, accountTo, amount, tokenFrom, tokenTo,
disabledFromChainIDs, disabledToChainIDs, preferredChainIDs, sendType, lockedInAmounts) {
console.debug("fetchSuggestedRoutes called >> accountFrom = ",accountFrom, " accountTo =",
accountTo, "amount = ",amount, " tokenFrom = ",tokenFrom, " tokenTo = ", tokenTo,
" disabledFromChainIDs = ",disabledFromChainIDs, " disabledToChainIDs = ",disabledToChainIDs,
" preferredChainIDs = ",preferredChainIDs, " sendType =", sendType, " lockedInAmounts = ",lockedInAmounts)
function authenticateAndTransfer(uuid, accountFrom, accountTo, tokenFrom,
tokenTo, sendType, tokenName, tokenIsOwnerToken, paths) {
console.debug("authenticateAndTransfer called >> uuid ", uuid, " accountFrom = ",accountFrom, " accountTo =",
accountTo, "tokenFrom = ",tokenFrom, " tokenTo = ",tokenTo, " sendType = ", sendType,
" tokenName = ", tokenName, " tokenIsOwnerToken = ", tokenIsOwnerToken, " paths = ", paths)
function getWei2Eth(wei, decimals) {
return wei/(10**decimals)
TokensStore {
id: tokensStore
readonly property var plainTokensBySymbolModel: TokensBySymbolModel {}
getDisplayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdDisplayAmount: () => 0
Component {
id: swapModal
SwapModal {
id: modal
visible: true
modal: false
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape
destroyOnClose: true
swapInputParamsForm: SwapInputParamsForm {
onSelectedAccountAddressChanged: {
if (selectedAccountAddress !== accountComboBox.currentValue)
accountComboBox.currentIndex = accountComboBox.indexOfValue(selectedAccountAddress)
fromTokenAmount: swapInput.text
swapAdaptor: SwapModalAdaptor {
swapStore: dSwapStore
walletAssetsStore: WalletAssetsStore {
id: thisWalletAssetStore
walletTokensStore: tokensStore
readonly property var baseGroupedAccountAssetModel: GroupedAccountsAssetsModel {}
assetsWithFilteredBalances: thisWalletAssetStore.groupedAccountsAssetsModel
currencyStore: CurrenciesStore {}
swapFormData: modal.swapInputParamsForm
swapOutputData: SwapOutputData{}
Binding {
target: swapInputParamsForm
property: "fromTokensKey"
value: fromTokenComboBox.currentValue ?? ""
Binding {
target: swapInputParamsForm
property: "toTokenKey"
value: toTokenComboBox.currentValue ?? ""
Binding {
target: swapInputParamsForm
property: "selectedNetworkChainId"
value: networksComboBox.currentValue ?? -1
Binding {
target: swapInputParamsForm
property: "selectedAccountAddress"
value: accountComboBox.currentValue ?? ""
Binding {
target: swapInputParamsForm
property: "fromTokenAmount"
value: swapInput.text
Pane {
id: rightPanel
SplitView.minimumWidth: 300
SplitView.preferredWidth: 300
SplitView.minimumHeight: 300
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 10
CheckBox {
id: areTestNetworksEnabledCheckbox
text: "areTestNetworksEnabled"
checked: true
onToggled: networksComboBox.currentIndex = 0
StatusBaseText {
text:"Selected Account"
ComboBox {
id: accountComboBox
textRole: "name"
valueRole: "address"
model: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: d.accountsModel
filters: ValueFilter {
roleName: "walletType"
value: Constants.watchWalletType
inverted: true
sorters: RoleSorter { roleName: "position"; sortOrder: Qt.AscendingOrder }
currentIndex: 0
StatusBaseText {
text: "Selected Network"
ComboBox {
id: networksComboBox
textRole: "chainName"
valueRole: "chainId"
model: d.filteredNetworksModel
currentIndex: 0
onCountChanged: currentIndex = 0
StatusBaseText {
text: "From Token"
ComboBox {
id: fromTokenComboBox
textRole: "name"
valueRole: "key"
model: d.tokenBySymbolModel
StatusInput {
id: swapInput
Layout.preferredWidth: 250
label: "Token amount to swap"
text: ""
StatusBaseText {
text: "To Token"
ComboBox {
id: toTokenComboBox
textRole: "name"
valueRole: "key"
model: d.tokenBySymbolModel
currentIndex: 1
Button {
text: "emit no routes found event"
onClicked: {
Button {
text: "emit no approval needed route"
onClicked: {
Button {
text: "emit approval needed route"
onClicked: {
// category: Popups