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synced 2025-02-19 10:09:38 +00:00
- implement the basic Onboarding UI skeleton and the Create Profile flows - adjust the PasswordView and EnterSeedPhrase views to the latest design - add the main OnboardingLayout and StatusPinInput pages to Storybook - change terminology app-wide: "Seed phrase" -> "Recovery phrase" - implement the Login flows (seed, sync, keycard) - amend the keycard flow sequences with separate (non) empty page Fixes #16719 Fixes #16742 Fixes #16743
133 lines
4.2 KiB
133 lines
4.2 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
StatusTextField {
id: root
required property bool valid
required property var seedSuggestions // [{seedWord:string}, ...]
placeholderText: qsTr("Enter word")
leftPadding: Theme.padding
rightPadding: Theme.padding + rightIcon.width + spacing
topPadding: Theme.smallPadding
bottomPadding: Theme.smallPadding
background: Rectangle {
radius: Theme.radius
color: d.isEmpty ? Theme.palette.baseColor2 : root.valid ? Theme.palette.successColor2 : Theme.palette.dangerColor3
border.width: 1
border.color: {
if (d.isEmpty)
return Theme.palette.primaryColor1
if (root.valid)
return Theme.palette.successColor3
return Theme.palette.dangerColor2
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property int delegateHeight: 33
readonly property bool isEmpty: root.text === ""
Keys.onPressed: {
switch (event.key) {
case Qt.Key_Tab:
case Qt.Key_Return:
case Qt.Key_Enter: {
if (root.text === "") {
event.accepted = true
if (filteredModel.count > 0) {
event.accepted = true
root.text = filteredModel.get(suggestionsList.currentIndex).seedWord
case Qt.Key_Space: {
event.accepted = !event.text.match(/^[a-zA-Z]$/)
Keys.forwardTo: [suggestionsList]
StatusDropdown {
x: 0
y: parent.height + 4
width: parent.width
contentHeight: ((suggestionsList.count <= 5) ? suggestionsList.count : 5) * d.delegateHeight // max 5 delegates
visible: filteredModel.count > 0 && root.cursorVisible && !d.isEmpty && !root.valid
verticalPadding: Theme.halfPadding
horizontalPadding: 0
contentItem: StatusListView {
id: suggestionsList
currentIndex: 0
model: SortFilterProxyModel {
id: filteredModel
sourceModel: root.seedSuggestions
filters: RegExpFilter {
pattern: `^${root.text}`
caseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive
sorters: StringSorter {
roleName: "seedWord"
delegate: StatusItemDelegate {
width: ListView.view.width
height: d.delegateHeight
text: model.seedWord
font.pixelSize: Theme.additionalTextSize
highlightColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
highlighted: hovered || index === suggestionsList.currentIndex
onClicked: {
root.text = text
onCountChanged: currentIndex = 0
StatusIcon {
id: rightIcon
width: 20
height: 20
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.padding
visible: !d.isEmpty
icon: root.valid ? "checkmark-circle" : root.activeFocus ? "clear" : "warning"
color: root.valid ? Theme.palette.successColor1 :
root.activeFocus ? Theme.palette.directColor9 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1
HoverHandler {
id: hhandler
cursorShape: hovered ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : undefined
TapHandler {
enabled: rightIcon.icon === "clear"
onSingleTapped: root.clear()
StatusToolTip {
text: root.valid ? qsTr("Correct word") : root.activeFocus ? qsTr("Clear") : qsTr("Wrong word")
visible: hhandler.hovered && rightIcon.visible