Pascal Precht e4b8814bfa feat(Communities): allow for creating community permissions
This commit is the first of implementing community permissions.
**It is not implementing the complete feature**, rather does it
introduce the first pieces, such that we can get code reviewed and
merged before it grows too big.

To review these features, please make sure to

1. Enable wallet (Settings -> Advanced -> Wallet toggle)
2. Enable community permissions (Settings -> Advanced -> Community
   Permissions toggle)

You'll have to restart the app after doing so.

The commit introduces the following:

**UI, API calls and view models to CRUD community permissions**

After creating a community, the user can go to the community
settings and create new token permissions. The user can also update
and delete existing permissions.

**Asset and collectible view models**

To create community token permissions, users have to select
the token criteria. This commit introduces the `assetsModel` for ERC20
tokens and `collectiblesModel` for `ERC721` tokens.

The latter only supports custom minted community tokens at this point.

**This commit requires:**
2023-03-03 10:22:32 +01:00

83 lines
3.3 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import 1.0
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
QtObject {
id: root
property var mainModuleInst: mainModule
property var communitiesModuleInst: communitiesModule
readonly property bool isOwner: false
property var mintingModuleInst: mintingModule ?? null
property var permissionConflict: QtObject { // Backend conflicts object model assignment. Now mocked data.
property bool exists: false
property string holdings: qsTr("1 ETH")
property string permissions: qsTr("View and Post")
property string channels: qsTr("#general")
property var assetsModel: chatCommunitySectionModule.tokenList
property var collectiblesModel: chatCommunitySectionModule.collectiblesModel
// TODO: Replace to real data, now dummy model
property var channelsModel: ListModel {
ListElement { key: "welcome"; iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png"; name: "#welcome"}
ListElement { key: "general"; iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png"; name: "#general"}
readonly property QtObject _d: QtObject {
id: d
property int keyCounter: 0
function createPermissionEntry(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels) {
const permission = {
holdingsListModel: holdings,
channelsListModel: channels,
return permission
function createPermission(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels, index = null) {
const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry(
holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels)
chatCommunitySectionModule.createOrEditCommunityTokenPermission(, "", permissionEntry.permissionType, JSON.stringify(permissionEntry.holdingsListModel), permissionEntry.isPrivate)
function editPermission(key, holdings, permissionType, channels, isPrivate) {
const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry(
holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels)
chatCommunitySectionModule.createOrEditCommunityTokenPermission(, key, permissionEntry.permissionType, JSON.stringify(permissionEntry.holdingsListModel), permissionEntry.isPrivate)
function removePermission(key) {
chatCommunitySectionModule.deleteCommunityTokenPermission(, key)
// Minting tokens:
function mintCollectible(communityId, address, artworkSource, name, symbol, description, supply,
infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, chainId)
// TODO: Backend needs to add `artworkSource` param
mintingModuleInst.mintCollectible(communityId, address, name, symbol, description, supply,
infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, chainId)
// Network selection properties:
property var layer1Networks: networksModule.layer1
property var layer2Networks: networksModule.layer2
property var testNetworks: networksModule.test
property var enabledNetworks: networksModule.enabled
property var allNetworks: networksModule.all