Noelia cc64e443e4 test(chore/style): Applied parameters style consistency on suite_messaging and some onboarding / login statements
To make the feature files style consistent for direct string and also use it for examples (params), it has been introduced "" to all plain strings and also into the parameters, that now will be written like this: "<example-param>": Applied on the complete `suite_messaging` and in specific statements of the `onboarding / login`.
2022-10-20 16:06:39 +02:00

34 lines
1.8 KiB

Feature: User Identity
As a user I want to set my identity, that is: display name, bio and social links.
Background: Sign up and land
Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key
When user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
Then the user lands on the signed in app
Scenario: User sets display name, bio and social links
When the user opens app settings screen
And the user opens the profile settings
Then the user's display name should be "tester123"
And the user's bio should be empty
And the user's social links should be empty
When the user sets display name to "tester123_changed"
And the user sets bio to "Hello, I am super tester!"
And the user sets display links to twitter: "twitter_handle", personal site: "", "customLink": "customUrl"
And the user restarts the app
And the user "tester123_changed" logs in with password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
Then the user lands on the signed in app
When the user opens app settings screen
And the user opens the profile settings
Then the user's display name should be "tester123_changed"
And the user's bio should be "Hello, I am super tester!"
And the user's social links should be: "twitter_handle", personal site: "", "customLink": "customUrl"
Scenario: The user sets can change own display name in profile popup
When the user opens own profile popup
Then in profile popup the user's display name should be "tester123"
When in profile popup the user sets display name to "tester123_changed"
Then in profile popup the user's display name should be "tester123_changed"