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synced 2025-03-03 07:50:49 +00:00
The UI is for demo purposes. Also architecture decisions are open for change Closes: #6321
127 lines
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127 lines
3.7 KiB
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import Status.Core.Theme
import Status.Assets
/// MacOS window decoration for QML. To be used when the title-bar is hidden.
Item {
id: root
property color inactiveColor: Style.isLightTheme ? "#10000000" : "#10FFFFFF"
property color inactiveBorderColor: inactiveColor
property bool showActive: true
width: layout.implicitWidth
height: layout.implicitHeight
Row {
id: layout
spacing: 8
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
TrafficLightButton {
colors: ButtonColors{
pressed: "#B24F47"
active: Qt.lighter("#E9685C", 1.07)
inactive: root.inactiveColor
borderColors: ButtonColors {
pressed: "#943229"
active: "#D14C40"
inactive: root.inactiveBorderColor
imagePrefix: "close"
onClicked: Window.window.close()
TrafficLightButton {
colors: ButtonColors{
pressed: "#878E3B"
active: Qt.lighter("#EDB84C", 1.07)
inactive: root.inactiveColor
borderColors: ButtonColors {
pressed: "#986E29"
active: "#D79F3D"
inactive: root.inactiveBorderColor
imagePrefix: "minimise"
imageScale: 0.64
imageVCenterOffset: 0.5
onClicked: Window.window.showMinimized()
TrafficLightButton {
colors: ButtonColors{
pressed: "#48943f"
active: Qt.lighter("#62C454", 1.06)
inactive: root.inactiveColor
borderColors: ButtonColors {
pressed: "#357225"
active: "#53A73E"
inactive: root.inactiveBorderColor
imagePrefix: "maximize"
onClicked: Window.visibility === Window.FullScreen ? Window.window.showNormal() : Window.window.showFullScreen()
component ButtonColors: QtObject {
required property color pressed
required property color active
required property color inactive
component TrafficLightButton: AbstractButton {
id: button
required property ButtonColors colors
required property ButtonColors borderColors
required property string imagePrefix
property real imageScale: 0.52
property real imageVCenterOffset: 0
implicitWidth: 12
implicitHeight: 12
hoverEnabled: true
padding: 0
contentItem: Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: allMouseArea.containsMouse
source: Resources.png(`traffic_lights/${imagePrefix}${button.pressed ? "_pressed" : ""}`)
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: button.imageVCenterOffset
scale: button.imageScale
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
antialiasing: true
background: Rectangle {
radius: width / 2
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.3
color: button.down ? colors.pressed
: Window.active ? colors.active
: colors.inactive
border.color: button.down ? borderColors.pressed
: Window.active ? borderColors.active
: borderColors.inactive
border.width: Style.isLightTheme ? 0.5 : 0
z: allMouseArea.z + 1
MouseArea {
id: allMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton