mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 12:46:08 +00:00
closes #16912 Sending the dapps events to mixpanel | Event Name | Properties | Possible Values | Notes | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | dapps-health | state | - wc_available - wc_unavailable - chains_down - network_down - pair_error - connection_error - sign_error | | | | error | | string description | | dapps-navigation | flow | - dapps_list_opened - connect_initiated - disconnect_initiated - pair_initiated | | | | connector | - wallet_connect - browser_connect | | | dapps-connection | flow | - proposal_received - proposal_accepted - proposal_rejected - connected - disconnected | | | | networks | networks[string] - array of networks | Array of proposed or connected networks | | | methods | methods[string] - array of methods | Array of proposed methods | | | dapp | dapp uri | | | | connector | - wallet_connect - browser_connect | | | | isSiwe | boolean | | | dapps-sign | flow | - sign_received - sign_accepted - sign_rejected | | | | connector | - wallet_connect - browser_connect | | | | method | - personal_sign - eth_sign - eth_signTypedData_v4 - eth_signTypedData - eth_signTransaction - eth_sendTransaction | | | | dapp | string - dapp uri | | | | chainId | int - chain id | |
660 lines
25 KiB
660 lines
25 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQml 2.15
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
import QtTest 1.15
import QtQml.Models 2.14
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Backpressure 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import Models 1.0
import Storybook 1.0 as StoryBook
import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps.types 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.panels 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.popups.dapps 1.0
import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStore
import AppLayouts.stores 1.0 as AppLayoutStores
import mainui 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0 as SharedStores
import utils 1.0
Item {
id: root
// Needed for DAppsWorkflow->PairWCModal to open its instructions popup
Popups {
popupParent: root
sharedRootStore: SharedStores.RootStore {}
rootStore: AppLayoutStores.RootStore {}
communityTokensStore: SharedStores.CommunityTokensStore {}
SplitView {
anchors.fill: parent
ColumnLayout {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
Rectangle {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
Layout.preferredWidth: dappsComboBox.implicitHeight + 20
Layout.preferredHeight: dappsComboBox.implicitHeight + 20
border.color: "blue"
border.width: 1
DappsComboBox {
id: dappsComboBox
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: 8
enabled: dappsService.isServiceOnline
onConnectDapp: dappsWorkflow.chooseConnector()
onDisconnectDapp: dappsWorkflow.disconnectDapp(dappUrl)
model: dappsService.dappsModel
DAppsWorkflow {
id: dappsWorkflow
visualParent: root
enabled: dappsService.isServiceOnline
readonly property var wcService: dappsService
loginType: Constants.LoginType.Biometrics
selectedAccountAddress: ""
dAppsModel: wcService.dappsModel
accountsModel: dappModule.accountsModel
networksModel: dappModule.networksModel
sessionRequestsModel: wcService.sessionRequestsModel
walletConnectEnabled: dappsService.walletConnectFeatureEnabled
connectorEnabled: dappsService.connectorFeatureEnabled
formatBigNumber: (number, symbol, noSymbolOption) => {
print ("formatBigNumber", number, symbol, noSymbolOption)
return parseFloat(number).toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), 'f', 2)
+ (noSymbolOption ? "" : " " + (symbol || Qt.locale().currencySymbol(Locale.CurrencyIsoCode)))
onDisconnectRequested: (connectionId) => wcService.disconnectDapp(connectionId)
onPairingRequested: (uri) => wcService.pair(uri)
onPairingValidationRequested: (uri) => wcService.validatePairingUri(uri)
onConnectionAccepted: (pairingId, chainIds, selectedAccount) => wcService.approvePairSession(pairingId, chainIds, selectedAccount)
onConnectionDeclined: (pairingId) => wcService.rejectPairSession(pairingId)
onSignRequestAccepted: (connectionId, requestId) => wcService.sign(connectionId, requestId)
onSignRequestRejected: (connectionId, requestId) => wcService.rejectSign(connectionId, requestId, false /*hasError*/)
onSignRequestIsLive: (connectionId, requestId) => wcService.signRequestIsLive(connectionId, requestId)
onPairWithConnectorRequested: (connectorId) => {
if (connectorId == Constants.DAppConnectors.WalletConnect) {
} else if (connectorId == Constants.DAppConnectors.StatusConnect) {
Connections {
target: dappsWorkflow.wcService
function onPairingValidated(validationState) {
function onApproveSessionResult(pairingId, err, newConnectionId) {
if (err) {
dappsWorkflow.connectionSuccessful(pairingId, newConnectionId)
function onConnectDApp(dappChains, dappUrl, dappName, dappIcon, pairingId) {
dappsWorkflow.connectDApp(dappChains, dappUrl, dappName, dappIcon, pairingId)
ColumnLayout {}
ColumnLayout {
id: optionsSpace
RowLayout {
StatusBaseText { text: "projectId" }
StatusBaseText {
id: projectIdText
readonly property string projectId: StoryBook.SystemUtils.getEnvVar("WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID")
text: SQUtils.Utils.elideText(projectId, 3)
font.bold: true
RowLayout {
StatusBaseText { text: "SDK status:" }
Rectangle {
Layout.preferredWidth: 20
Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth
radius: Layout.preferredWidth / 2
color: dappModule.wcSdk.sdkReady ? "green" : "red"
CheckBox {
text: "Testnet Mode"
checked: settings.testNetworks
onCheckedChanged: {
settings.testNetworks = checked
StatusBaseText { text: "Custom Accounts" }
StatusTextArea {
text: settings.customAccounts
onTextChanged: {
settings.customAccounts = text
let customData = JSON.parse(text)
customData.forEach(function(account) {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.maximumHeight: 300
clip: true
Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 1
color: "grey"
StatusBaseText { text: "Requests Queue" }
ListView {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: Math.min(50, contentHeight)
model: dappsService.sessionRequestsModel
delegate: RowLayout {
StatusBaseText {
text: SQUtils.Utils.elideAndFormatWalletAddress(model.requestItem.topic, 6, 4)
Layout.fillWidth: true
Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 1
color: "grey"
StatusBaseText { text: "Persisted Sessions" }
ListView {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: Math.min(100, contentHeight)
model: sessionsModel
delegate: RowLayout {
StatusBaseText {
text: SQUtils.Utils.elideAndFormatWalletAddress(model.topic, 6, 4)
Layout.fillWidth: true
StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Clear Persistance")
visible: sessionsModel.count > 0
onClicked: {
settings.persistedSessions = "[]"
StatusBaseText { text: "Networks Down" }
NetworkFilter {
id: networkFilter
flatNetworks: dappModule.networksModel
// spacer
ColumnLayout {}
RowLayout {
CheckBox {
text: "Enable SDK"
checked: settings.enableSDK
onCheckedChanged: {
settings.enableSDK = checked
CheckBox {
text: "WC feature flag"
checked: true
onCheckedChanged: {
dappsService.walletConnectFeatureEnabled = checked
CheckBox {
text: "Connector feature flag"
checked: true
onCheckedChanged: {
dappsService.connectorFeatureEnabled = checked
RowLayout {
StatusBaseText { text: "URI" }
StatusInput {
id: pairUriInput
//placeholderText: "Enter WC Pair URI"
text: settings.pairUri
onTextChanged: {
settings.pairUri = text
Layout.fillWidth: true
ComboBox {
model: [{testCase: d.noTestCase, name: "No Test Case"},
{testCase: d.openDappsTestCase, name: "Open dApps"},
{testCase: d.openPairTestCase, name: "Open Pair"}
textRole: "name"
valueRole: "testCase"
currentIndex: settings.testCase
onCurrentValueChanged: {
settings.testCase = currentValue
if (currentValue !== d.noTestCase) {
Connections {
target: dappsWorkflow
function onPairWCReady() {
if (d.activeTestCase < d.openPairTestCase)
if (pairUriInput.text.length > 0) {
let items = StoryBook.InspectionUtils.findVisualsByTypeName(dappsWorkflow, "StatusBaseInput")
if (items.length === 1) {
items[0].text = pairUriInput.text
function clickDoneIfSDKReady() {
if (d.activeTestCase < d.openPairTestCase) {
let modals = StoryBook.InspectionUtils.findVisualsByTypeName(dappsWorkflow, "PairWCModal")
if (modals.length === 1) {
let buttons = StoryBook.InspectionUtils.findVisualsByTypeName(modals[0].footer, "StatusButton")
if (buttons.length === 1 && buttons[0].enabled && dappModule.wcSdk.sdkReady) {
d.activeTestCase = d.noTestCase
Backpressure.debounce(dappsWorkflow, 250, clickDoneIfSDKReady)()
StatusDialog {
id: authMockDialog
title: "Authenticate user"
visible: false
property string topic: ""
property string id: ""
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
StatusBaseText { text: "Topic" }
StatusBaseText { text: authMockDialog.topic }
StatusBaseText { text: "ID" }
StatusBaseText { text: authMockDialog.id }
footer: StatusDialogFooter {
rightButtons: ObjectModel {
StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Reject")
onClicked: {
dappModule.store.userAuthenticationFailed(authMockDialog.topic, authMockDialog.id)
StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Authenticate")
onClicked: {
dappModule.store.userAuthenticated(authMockDialog.topic, authMockDialog.id, "0x1234567890", "123")
DAppsModule {
id: dappModule
dappsMetrics: DAppsMetrics {
metricsStore: SharedStores.MetricsStore {
function addCentralizedMetricIfEnabled(eventName, eventValue = null) {
print ("Metrics Event", JSON.stringify(arguments))
wcSdk: WalletConnectSDK {
enabled: settings.enableSDK && dappsService.walletConnectFeatureEnabled
projectId: projectIdText.projectId
bcSdk: DappsConnectorSDK {
enabled: dappsService.connectorFeatureEnabled
projectId: projectIdText.projectId
networksModel: dappModule.networksModel
accountsModel: dappModule.accountsModel
store: SharedStores.BrowserConnectStore {
signal connectRequested(string requestId, string dappJson)
signal sendTransaction(string requestId, string requestJson)
signal sign(string requestId, string dappJson)
signal connected(string dappJson)
signal disconnected(string dappJson)
// Responses to user actions
signal approveConnectResponse(string id, bool error)
signal rejectConnectResponse(string id, bool error)
signal approveTransactionResponse(string topic, string requestId, bool error)
signal rejectTransactionResponse(string topic, string requestId, bool error)
signal approveSignResponse(string topic, string requestId, bool error)
signal rejectSignResponse(string topic, string requestId, bool error)
store: SharedStores.DAppsStore {
signal dappsListReceived(string dappsJson)
signal userAuthenticated(string topic, string id, string password, string pin)
signal userAuthenticationFailed(string topic, string id)
signal signingResult(string topic, string id, string data)
signal activeSessionsReceived(var activeSessionsJsonObj, bool success)
// Fees and gas
signal estimatedTimeResponse(string topic, int timeCategory, bool success)
signal suggestedFeesResponse(string topic, var suggestedFeesJsonObj, bool success)
signal estimatedGasResponse(string topic, string gasEstimate, bool success)
function addWalletConnectSession(sessionJson) {
console.info("Add Persisted Session", sessionJson)
let session = JSON.parse(sessionJson)
return true
function getActiveSessions() {
console.info("Get Active Sessions")
let sessions = JSON.parse(settings.persistedSessions)
let response = sessions.map(function(session) {
return {
sessionJson: JSON.stringify(session),
activeSessionsReceived(response, true)
function deactivateWalletConnectSession(topic) {
console.info("Deactivate Persisted Session", topic)
let sessions = JSON.parse(settings.persistedSessions)
let newSessions = sessions.filter(function(session) {
return session.topic !== topic
settings.persistedSessions = JSON.stringify(newSessions)
return true
function updateWalletConnectSessions(activeTopicsJson) {
console.info("Update Persisted Sessions", activeTopicsJson)
let activeTopics = JSON.parse(activeTopicsJson)
let sessions = JSON.parse(settings.persistedSessions)
let newSessions = sessions.filter(function(session) {
return activeTopics.includes(session.topic)
settings.persistedSessions = JSON.stringify(newSessions)
return true
function getDapps() {
let dappsJson = JSON.stringify(d.persistedDapps)
return true
function authenticateUser(topic, id, address) {
authMockDialog.topic = topic
authMockDialog.id = id
return true
// hardcoded for https://react-app.walletconnect.com/
function signMessageUnsafe(topic, id, address, password, message) {
console.info(`calling mocked DAppsStore.signMessageUnsafe(${topic}, ${id}, ${address}, ${password}, ${message})`)
return "0xc8f39cb4cffa5c4659e0ccc7c417cc61d0cfc9e59de310368ac734065164f5515bfbaf4550d409896f7e2210b82a1cf65edcd77f696b4d3d24477fb81a90af8a1c"
// hardcoded for https://react-app.walletconnect.com/
function signMessage(topic, id, address, password, message) {
console.info(`calling mocked DAppsStore.signMessage(${topic}, ${id}, ${address}, ${password}, ${message})`)
signingResult(topic, id, "0xca49ddfba1279d246f1c22b2002fbd1a51faf27956264b476f26505ad729cc3a17958d30e11aff33b2420e20a4647076d3a98fa6c12ed142aa75dee7063a5dc601")
// hardcoded for https://react-app.walletconnect.com/
function safeSignTypedData(topic, id, address, password, typedDataJson, chainId, legacy) {
console.info(`calling mocked DAppsStore.safeSignTypedData(${topic}, ${id}, ${address}, ${password}, ${typedDataJson}, ${chainId}, ${legacy})`)
signingResult(topic, id, "0xf8ceb3468319cc215523b67c24c4504b3addd9bf8de31c278038d7478c9b6de554f7d8a516cd5d6a066b7d48b81f03d9d6bb7d5d754513c08325674ebcc7efbc1b")
// hardcoded for https://react-app.walletconnect.com/
function signTransaction(topic, id, address, chainId, password, tx) {
console.info(`calling mocked DAppsStore.signTransaction(${topic}, ${id}, ${address}, ${chainId}, ${password}, ${tx})`)
signingResult(topic, id, "0xf8672a8402fb7acf82520894e2d622c817878da5143bbe06866ca8e35273ba8a80808401546d71a04fc89c2f007c3b27d0fcff07d3e69c29f940967fab4caf525f9af72dadb48befa00c5312a3cb6f50328889ad361a0c88bb9d1b1a4fc510f6783b287930b4e187b5")
function sendTransaction(topic, id, address, chainId, password, tx) {
console.info(`calling mocked DAppsStore.sendTransaction(${topic}, ${id}, ${address}, ${chainId}, ${password}, ${tx})`)
signingResult(topic, id, "0xf8672a8402fb7acf82520894e2d622c817878da5143bbe068")
function requestEstimatedTime(topic, chainId, maxFeePerGasHex) {
estimatedTimeResponse(topic, Constants.TransactionEstimatedTime.LessThanThreeMins, true)
function requestSuggestedFees(topic, chainId) {
const suggestedFees = getSuggestedFees()
suggestedFeesResponse(topic, suggestedFees, true)
function requestGasEstimate(topic, chainId, txObj) {
estimatedGasResponse(topic, "0x5208", true)
function getSuggestedFees() {
return {
gasPrice: 2.0,
baseFee: 5.0,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 2.0,
maxFeePerGasLow: 1.0,
maxFeePerGasMedium: 1.1,
maxFeePerGasHigh: 1.2,
l1GasFee: 4.0,
eip1559Enabled: true
function hexToDec(hex) {
if (hex.length > "0xfffffffffffff".length) {
console.warn(`Beware of possible loss of precision converting ${hex}`)
return parseInt(hex, 16).toString()
currenciesStore: SharedStores.CurrenciesStore {}
groupedAccountAssetsModel: GroupedAccountsAssetsModel {}
accountsModel: customAccountsModel.count > 0 ? customAccountsModel : defaultAccountsModel
networksModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: NetworksModel.flatNetworks
proxyRoles: [
FastExpressionRole {
name: "isOnline"
expression: !networkFilter.selection.map(Number).includes(model.chainId)
expectedRoles: "chainId"
filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "isTest"; value: settings.testNetworks; }
DAppsService {
id: dappsService
dappsModule: dappModule
accountsModel: customAccountsModel.count > 0 ? customAccountsModel : defaultAccountsModel
selectedAddress: ""
onDisplayToastMessage: (message, isErr) => {
if(isErr) {
console.log(`Storybook.displayToastMessage(${message}, "", "warning", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger, "")`)
console.log(`Storybook.displayToastMessage(${message}, "", "checkmark-circle", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success, "")`)
SQUtils.QObject {
id: d
property int activeTestCase: noTestCase
function startTestCase() {
d.activeTestCase = settings.testCase
if(root.visible) {
readonly property int noTestCase: 0
readonly property int openDappsTestCase: 1
readonly property int openPairTestCase: 2
ListModel {
id: sessionsModel
function updateSessionsModelAndAddNewIfNotNull(newSession) {
var sessions = JSON.parse(settings.persistedSessions)
if (!!newSession) {
settings.persistedSessions = JSON.stringify(sessions)
d.persistedDapps = []
sessions.forEach(function(session) {
let firstIconUrl = !!session.peer.metadata.icons && session.peer.metadata.icons.length > 0 ?
session.peer.metadata.icons[0] : ""
let persistedDapp = {
"name": session.peer.metadata.name,
"url": session.peer.metadata.url,
"iconUrl": firstIconUrl,
"topic": session.topic
var found = false
for (var i = 0; i < d.persistedDapps.length; i++) {
if (d.persistedDapps[i].url == persistedDapp.url) {
found = true
if (!found) {
property var persistedDapps: []
ListModel {
id: customAccountsModel
id: defaultAccountsModel
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible && d.activeTestCase !== d.noTestCase) {
Settings {
id: settings
property int testCase: d.noTestCase
property string pairUri: ""
property bool testNetworks: false
property bool enableSDK: true
property bool pending : false
property string customAccounts: "[]"
property string persistedSessions: "[]"
Component.onCompleted: {
// category: Wallet
// https://www.figma.com/design/HrmZp1y4S77QJezRFRl6ku/dApp-Interactions---Milestone-1?node-id=3649-30334&t=t5qqtR3RITR4yCOx-0