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synced 2025-01-26 06:21:15 +00:00
The transaction component's `reset` functionality was meant ot reset a form when the modal was closed. It was difficult to manage and added extra overhead for each additional transaction modal created. Instead of using reset functions, we can use Loaders to load and destroy the modal's as they are opened and closed. We do not need to keep them in memory and then also reset their functions. It creates a smaller memory footprint to destroy the object and reload on open. feat: load gas prediction prices asynchronously
184 lines
6.8 KiB
184 lines
6.8 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import "../../../../../imports"
import "../../../../../shared"
ModalPopup {
id: root
readonly property var asset: {"name": "Ethereum", "symbol": "ETH"}
property string ensUsername: ""
//% "Connect username with your pubkey"
title: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey")
property MessageDialog sendingError: MessageDialog {
id: sendingError
//% "Error sending the transaction"
title: qsTrId("error-sending-the-transaction")
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
function sendTransaction() {
try {
let responseStr = profileModel.ens.setPubKey(root.ensUsername,
let response = JSON.parse(responseStr)
if (!response.success) {
if (response.error.message.includes("could not decrypt key with given password")){
//% "Wrong password"
transactionSigner.validationError = qsTrId("wrong-password")
sendingError.text = response.error.message
return sendingError.open()
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error sending the transaction', e)
sendingError.text = "Error sending the transaction: " + e.message;
return sendingError.open()
TransactionStackView {
id: stack
height: parent.height
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
onGroupActivated: {
root.title = group.headerText
btnNext.label = group.footerText
TransactionFormGroup {
id: group1
//% "Connect username with your pubkey"
headerText: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey")
//% "Continue"
footerText: qsTrId("continue")
AccountSelector {
id: selectFromAccount
accounts: walletModel.accounts
selectedAccount: walletModel.currentAccount
currency: walletModel.defaultCurrency
width: stack.width
//% "Choose account"
label: qsTrId("choose-account")
showBalanceForAssetSymbol: "ETH"
minRequiredAssetBalance: 0
onSelectedAccountChanged: if (isValid) { gasSelector.estimateGas() }
RecipientSelector {
id: selectRecipient
visible: false
accounts: walletModel.accounts
contacts: profileModel.addedContacts
selectedRecipient: { "address": utilsModel.ensRegisterAddress, "type": RecipientSelector.Type.Address }
readOnly: true
onSelectedRecipientChanged: if (isValid) { gasSelector.estimateGas() }
GasSelector {
id: gasSelector
visible: false
slowestGasPrice: parseFloat(walletModel.safeLowGasPrice)
fastestGasPrice: parseFloat(walletModel.fastestGasPrice)
getGasEthValue: walletModel.getGasEthValue
getFiatValue: walletModel.getFiatValue
defaultCurrency: walletModel.defaultCurrency
property var estimateGas: Backpressure.debounce(gasSelector, 600, function() {
if (!(root.ensUsername !== "" && selectFromAccount.selectedAccount)) {
selectedGasLimit = 80000;
selectedGasLimit = profileModel.ens.setPubKeyGasEstimate(root.ensUsername, selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address)
GasValidator {
id: gasValidator
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 8
selectedAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
selectedAsset: root.asset
selectedAmount: 0
selectedGasEthValue: gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue
TransactionFormGroup {
id: group3
//% "Connect username with your pubkey"
headerText: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey")
//% "Sign with password"
footerText: qsTrId("sign-with-password")
TransactionPreview {
id: pvwTransaction
width: stack.width
fromAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
gas: {
"value": gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue,
"symbol": "ETH",
"fiatValue": gasSelector.selectedGasFiatValue
toAccount: selectRecipient.selectedRecipient
asset: root.asset
currency: walletModel.defaultCurrency
amount: {
const fiatValue = walletModel.getFiatValue(0, root.asset.symbol, currency)
return { "value": 0, "fiatValue": fiatValue }
TransactionFormGroup {
id: group4
//% "Connect username with your pubkey"
headerText: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey")
//% "Sign with password"
footerText: qsTrId("sign-with-password")
TransactionSigner {
id: transactionSigner
width: stack.width
signingPhrase: walletModel.signingPhrase
footer: Item {
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
StyledButton {
id: btnNext
anchors.right: parent.right
//% "Next"
label: qsTrId("next")
disabled: !stack.currentGroup.isValid
onClicked: {
const validity = stack.currentGroup.validate()
if (validity.isValid && !validity.isPending) {
if (stack.isLastGroup) {
return root.sendTransaction()
Designer {