Sale Djenic db44bc25d3 feat(@desktop/keycard): initial keycard implementation
Keycard implementation affected onboarding/login flows.
- new user - first run - new keys into keycard
- new user - first run - import seed phrase into keycard
- old user - first run - login importing from keycard
- login the app using keycard

Fixes: #5972
2022-08-04 09:50:04 +02:00

315 lines
12 KiB

import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import "../controls"
import "../stores"
Item {
id: root
property StartupStore startupStore
property var mnemonicInput: []
signal seedValidated()
readonly property var tabs: ([12, 18, 24])
Timer {
id: timer
function pasteWords () {
const clipboardText = globalUtils.getFromClipboard()
// Split words separated by commas and or blank spaces (spaces, enters, tabs)
let words = clipboardText.split(/[, \s]+/)
let index = root.tabs.indexOf(words.length)
if (index === -1) {
return false
let timeout = 0
if (switchTabBar.currentIndex !== index) {
switchTabBar.currentIndex = index
// Set the teimeout to 100 so the grid has time to generate the new items
timeout = 100
root.mnemonicInput = []
timer.setTimeout(function() {
// Populate mnemonicInput
for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
grid.addWord(i + 1, words[i], true)
// Populate grid
for (let j = 0; j < grid.count; j++) {
const item = grid.itemAtIndex(j)
if (!item || !item.leftComponentText) {
// The grid has gaps in it and also sometimes doesn't return the item correctly when offscreen
// in those cases, we just add the word in the array but not in the grid.
// The button will still work and import correctly. The Grid itself will be partly empty, but offscreen
// With the re-design of the grid, this should be fixed
let pos = parseInt(item.leftComponentText)
item.setWord(words[pos - 1])
}, timeout);
return true
Item {
implicitWidth: 565
implicitHeight: parent.height
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
StatusBaseText {
id: headlineText
font.pixelSize: 22
font.weight: Font.Bold
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
anchors.topMargin: (root.height - parent.childrenRect.height)/2
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("Enter seed phrase")
StatusSwitchTabBar {
id: switchTabBar headlineText.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.topMargin: 24
Repeater {
model: root.tabs
StatusSwitchTabButton {
text: qsTr("%1 words").arg(modelData)
id: seedPhraseWords
objectName: qsTr("%1SeedButton").arg(modelData)
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
root.mnemonicInput = root.mnemonicInput.filter(function(value) {
return value.pos <= root.tabs[switchTabBar.currentIndex]
clip: true
StatusGridView {
id: grid
width: parent.width
property var wordIndex: [
["1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12"]
,["1", "4", "7", "10", "13", "16", "2", "5", "8",
"11", "14", "17", "3", "6", "9", "12", "15", "18"]
,["1", "5", "9", "13", "17", "21", "2", "6", "10", "14", "18", "22",
"3", "7", "11", "15", "19", "23", "4", "8", "12", "16", "20", "24"]
height: 312
clip: false
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 12 switchTabBar.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 24
flow: GridView.FlowTopToBottom
cellWidth: (parent.width/(count/6)) - 8
cellHeight: 52
interactive: false
z: 100000
cacheBuffer: 9999
model: switchTabBar.currentItem.text.substring(0,2)
function addWord(pos, word, ignoreGoingNext) {
root.mnemonicInput.push({pos: parseInt(pos), seed: word.replace(/\s/g, '')});
for (var j = 0; j < mnemonicInput.length; j++) {
if (mnemonicInput[j].pos === pos && mnemonicInput[j].seed !== word) {
mnemonicInput[j].seed = word;
//remove duplicates
var valueArr ={ return item.pos });
var isDuplicate = valueArr.some(function(item, idx){
if (valueArr.indexOf(item) !== idx) {
root.mnemonicInput.splice(idx, 1);
return valueArr.indexOf(item) !== idx
if (!ignoreGoingNext) {
for (var i = !grid.atXBeginning ? 12 : 0; i < grid.count; i++) {
if (parseInt(grid.itemAtIndex(i).leftComponentText) !== (parseInt(pos)+1)) {
grid.currentIndex = grid.itemAtIndex(i).itemIndex;
if (grid.currentIndex !== 12) {
if (grid.count === 20) {
grid.contentX = 1500;
delegate: StatusSeedPhraseInput {
id: seedWordInput
width: (grid.cellWidth - 8)
height: (grid.cellHeight - 8)
Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: 180 } }
textEdit.text: {
let pos = parseInt(seedWordInput.leftComponentText)
for (var i in root.mnemonicInput) {
let p = root.mnemonicInput[i]
if (p.pos === pos) {
return p.seed
return ""
leftComponentText: grid.wordIndex[(grid.count/6)-2][index]
inputList: BIP39_en { }
property int itemIndex: index
z: (grid.currentIndex === index) ? 150000000 : 0
onTextChanged: {
invalidSeedTxt.visible = false;
onDoneInsertingWord: {
grid.addWord(leftComponentText, word)
onEditClicked: {
grid.currentIndex = index;
onKeyPressed: {
grid.currentIndex = index;
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Backtab) {
for (var i = 0; i < grid.count; i++) {
if (parseInt(grid.itemAtIndex(i).leftComponentText) === ((parseInt(leftComponentText)-1) >= 0 ? (parseInt(leftComponentText)-1) : 0)) {
textEdit.input.tabNavItem = grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.input.edit;
event.accepted = true
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Tab) {
for (var i = 0; i < grid.count; i++) {
if (parseInt(grid.itemAtIndex(i).leftComponentText) === ((parseInt(leftComponentText)+1) <= grid.count ? (parseInt(leftComponentText)+1) : grid.count)) {
textEdit.input.tabNavItem = grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.input.edit;
event.accepted = true
if (event.matches(StandardKey.Paste)) {
if (root.pasteWords()) {
// Paste was done by splitting the words
event.accepted = true
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return || event.key === Qt.Key_Enter) {
event.accepted = true
if (submitButton.enabled) {
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Delete || event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace) {
var wordIndex = mnemonicInput.findIndex(x => x.pos === parseInt(leftComponentText));
if (wordIndex > -1) {
mnemonicInput.splice(wordIndex , 1);
Component.onCompleted: {
let item = grid.itemAtIndex(0)
if (item) {
StatusBaseText {
id: invalidSeedTxt
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter grid.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 24
color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
visible: false
text: qsTr("Invalid seed")
StatusButton {
id: submitButton
objectName: "seedPhraseViewSubmitButton"
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter invalidSeedTxt.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 24
enabled: false
function checkMnemonicLength() {
submitButton.enabled = (root.mnemonicInput.length === root.tabs[switchTabBar.currentIndex])
text: {
if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.flowType === Constants.startupFlow.firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhrase) {
return qsTr("Import")
else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.flowType === Constants.startupFlow.firstRunOldUserImportSeedPhrase) {
return qsTr("Restore Status Profile")
else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.flowType === Constants.startupFlow.firstRunOldUserKeycardImport ||
root.startupStore.currentStartupState.flowType === Constants.startupFlow.appLogin) {
return qsTr("Recover Keycard")
else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.flowType === Constants.startupFlow.firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhraseIntoKeycard) {
return qsTr("Next")
return ""
onClicked: {
let mnemonicString = "";
var sortTable = mnemonicInput.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.pos - b.pos;
for (var i = 0; i < mnemonicInput.length; i++) {
mnemonicString += sortTable[i].seed + ((i === (grid.count-1)) ? "" : " ");
if (Utils.isMnemonic(mnemonicString) && root.startupStore.validMnemonic(mnemonicString)) {
root.mnemonicInput = [];
} else {
invalidSeedTxt.visible = true;
enabled = false;