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synced 2025-02-22 19:48:52 +00:00
Use it as import shared 1.0, import shared.controls 1.0 etc instead of import "../../../shared" Closes #3934
272 lines
9.5 KiB
272 lines
9.5 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
Item {
id: root
enum StyleType {
property int style: StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default
property int packPrice: 0
property bool isBought: false
property bool isPending: false
property bool isInstalled: false
property bool hasUpdate: false
property bool isTimedOut: false
property bool hasInsufficientFunds: false
property bool enabled: true
property var icon: new Object({
path: Style.svg("status-logo-no-bg"),
rotation: 0,
runAnimation: false
//% "Buy for %1 SNT"
property string text: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? packPrice : qsTrId("buy-for--1-snt").arg(packPrice )
property color textColor: style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.roundedButtonSecondaryForegroundColor : Style.current.buttonForegroundColor
property color bgColor: style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.blue : Style.current.secondaryBackground
signal uninstallClicked()
signal installClicked()
signal cancelClicked()
signal updateClicked()
signal buyClicked()
width: pill.width
states: [
State {
name: "installed"
when: root.isInstalled
PropertyChanges {
target: root;
//% "Uninstall"
text: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? "" : qsTrId("uninstall");
textColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.roundedButtonSecondaryForegroundColor : Style.current.red;
bgColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.green : Style.current.lightRed;
icon: new Object({
path: Style.svg("check"),
rotation: 0,
runAnimation: false
State {
name: "bought"
when: root.isBought;
PropertyChanges {
target: root;
//% "Install"
text: qsTrId("install");
icon: new Object({
path: Style.svg("arrowUp"),
rotation: 180,
runAnimation: false
State {
name: "free"
when: root.packPrice === 0;
extend: "bought"
PropertyChanges {
target: root;
//% "Free"
text: qsTrId("free");
State {
name: "insufficientFunds"
when: root.hasInsufficientFunds
PropertyChanges {
target: root;
text: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? packPrice : packPrice + " SNT";
textColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.roundedButtonSecondaryForegroundColor : Style.current.darkGrey
bgColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.darkGrey : Style.current.buttonDisabledBackgroundColor;
enabled: false;
State {
name: "pending"
when: root.isPending
PropertyChanges {
target: root;
//% "Pending..."
text: qsTrId("pending---");
textColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.roundedButtonSecondaryForegroundColor : Style.current.darkGrey
bgColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.darkGrey : Style.current.grey;
enabled: false;
icon: new Object({
path: Style.png("loading"),
rotation: 0,
runAnimation: true
State {
name: "timedOut"
when: root.isTimedOut
extend: "pending"
PropertyChanges {
target: root;
//% "Cancel"
text: qsTrId("browsing-cancel");
textColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.pillButtonTexroundedButtonSecondaryForegroundColortColor : Style.current.red;
bgColor: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? Style.current.red : Style.current.lightRed;
State {
name: "hasUpdate"
when: root.hasUpdate
extend: "bought"
PropertyChanges {
target: root;
//% "Update"
text: qsTrId("update");
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.family: Style.current.fontBold.name
font.pixelSize: 15
text: root.text
Rectangle {
id: pill
anchors.right: parent.right
width: textMetrics.width + roundedIconImage.width + (Style.current.smallPadding * 2) + 6.7
height: 44
color: root.bgColor
radius: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default ? (width / 2) : 8
states: [
State {
name: "installed"
when: root.isInstalled && root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default
PropertyChanges {
target: pill;
width: 28;
height: 28
State {
name: "large"
when: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.LargeNoIcon
PropertyChanges {
target: pill;
width: textMetrics.width + (Style.current.padding * 4);
height: 44
SVGImage {
id: roundedIconImage
width: 12
height: 12
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
source: icon.path
rotation: icon.rotation
RotationAnimator {
target: roundedIconImage;
from: 0;
to: 360;
duration: 1200
running: root.icon.runAnimation
loops: Animation.Infinite
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: roundedIconImage
source: roundedIconImage
color: Style.current.roundedButtonSecondaryForegroundColor
antialiasing: true
states: [
State {
name: "installed"
when: root.isInstalled && root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default
PropertyChanges {
target: roundedIconImage;
anchors.leftMargin: 9
width: 11;
height: 8
State {
name: "large"
when: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.LargeNoIcon
PropertyChanges {
target: roundedIconImage;
visible: false;
Text {
id: content
color: root.textColor
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: root.text
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.family: Style.current.fontBold.name
font.pixelSize: 15
states: [
State {
name: "installed"
when: root.isInstalled && root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.Default
PropertyChanges {
target: content;
anchors.rightMargin: 9;
State {
name: "large"
when: root.style === StatusStickerButton.StyleType.LargeNoIcon
PropertyChanges {
target: content;
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding * 2
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding * 2
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
enabled: !root.isPending
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: {
if (root.isPending) return;
if (root.isInstalled) return root.uninstallClicked();
if (root.packPrice === 0 || root.isBought) return root.installClicked()
if (root.isTimedOut) return root.cancelClicked()
if (root.hasUpdate) return root.updateClicked()
return root.buyClicked()
Designer {