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synced 2025-02-19 18:18:38 +00:00
637 lines
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637 lines
20 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import StatusQ.Core.Backpressure 0.1
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
import StatusQ 0.1
import AppLayouts.Onboarding.enums 1.0
import AppLayouts.Onboarding2 1.0
import AppLayouts.Onboarding2.pages 1.0
import AppLayouts.Onboarding2.stores 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import utils 1.0
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
orientation: Qt.Vertical
Logs { id: logs }
QtObject {
id: mockDriver
readonly property string mnemonic: "apple banana cat cow catalog catch category cattle dog elephant fish grape"
readonly property string pin: "111111"
readonly property string puk: "111111111111"
readonly property string password: "somepassword"
function restart() {
store.keycardState = Onboarding.KeycardState.NoPCSCService
store.addKeyPairState = Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
store.pinSettingState = Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
store.authorizationState = Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
store.restoreKeysExportState = Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
store.syncState = Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
store.keycardRemainingPinAttempts = 3
store.keycardRemainingPukAttempts = 5
LoginAccountsModel {
id: loginAccountsModel
ListModel {
id: emptyModel
OnboardingLayout {
id: onboarding
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
readonly property Item currentPage: {
if (stack.currentItem instanceof Loader)
return stack.currentItem.item
return stack.currentItem
onboardingStore: OnboardingStore {
id: store
property int keycardState: Onboarding.KeycardState.NoPCSCService
property int addKeyPairState: Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
property int pinSettingState: Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
property int authorizationState: Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
property int restoreKeysExportState: Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
property int syncState: Onboarding.ProgressState.Idle
property var loginAccountsModel: ctrlLoginScreen.checked ? loginAccountsModel : emptyModel
property int keycardRemainingPinAttempts: 3
property int keycardRemainingPukAttempts: 5
function setPin(pin: string) { // -> bool
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.setPin", ["pin"], arguments)
ctrlLoginResult.result = "🯄"
const valid = pin === mockDriver.pin
if (!valid)
if (keycardRemainingPinAttempts <= 0) { // SIMULATION: "block" the keycard
keycardState = Onboarding.KeycardState.BlockedPIN
keycardRemainingPinAttempts = 0
return valid
function setPuk(puk: string) { // -> bool
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.setPuk", ["puk"], arguments)
const valid = puk === mockDriver.puk
if (!valid)
if (keycardRemainingPukAttempts <= 0) { // SIMULATION: "block" the keycard
keycardState = Onboarding.KeycardState.BlockedPUK
keycardRemainingPukAttempts = 0
return valid
function authorize(pin: string) {
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.authorize", ["pin"], arguments)
function loadMnemonic(mnemonic: string) { // -> void
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.loadMnemonic", ["mnemonic"], arguments)
function exportRecoverKeys() { // -> void
function startKeycardFactoryReset() {
keycardState = Onboarding.KeycardState.FactoryResetting // SIMULATION: factory reset
Backpressure.debounce(root, 2000, () => {
keycardState = Onboarding.KeycardState.Empty
// password
function getPasswordStrengthScore(password: string) { // -> int
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.getPasswordStrengthScore", ["password"], arguments)
return Math.min(password.length-1, 4)
// seedphrase/mnemonic
function validMnemonic(mnemonic: string) { // -> bool
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.validMnemonic", ["mnemonic"], arguments)
return mnemonic === mockDriver.mnemonic
function generateMnemonic() { // -> string
return mockDriver.mnemonic
function validateLocalPairingConnectionString(connectionString: string) { // -> bool
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.validateLocalPairingConnectionString", ["connectionString"], arguments)
return !Number.isNaN(parseInt(connectionString))
function inputConnectionStringForBootstrapping(connectionString: string) { // -> void
logs.logEvent("OnboardingStore.inputConnectionStringForBootstrapping", ["connectionString"], arguments)
// password signals
signal accountLoginError(string error, bool wrongPassword)
biometricsAvailable: ctrlBiometrics.checked
isBiometricsLogin: localAccountSettings.storeToKeychainValue === Constants.keychain.storedValue.store
onBiometricsRequested: (profileId) => biometricsPopup.open()
onDismissBiometricsRequested: biometricsPopup.close()
onFinished: (flow, data) => {
console.warn("!!! ONBOARDING FINISHED; flow:", flow, "; data:", JSON.stringify(data))
logs.logEvent("onFinished", ["flow", "data"], arguments)
console.warn("!!! SIMULATION: SHOWING SPLASH")
stack.push(splashScreen, { runningProgressAnimation: true })
store.keycardState = Onboarding.KeycardState.NoPCSCService
onLoginRequested: (keyUid, method, data) => {
logs.logEvent("onLoginRequested", ["keyUid", "method", "data"], arguments)
// SIMULATION: emit an error in case of wrong password
if (method === Onboarding.LoginMethod.Password && data.password !== mockDriver.password) {
onboardingStore.accountLoginError("The impossible has happened", Math.random() < 0.5)
ctrlLoginResult.result = "<font color='red'>⛔</font>"
} else {
ctrlLoginResult.result = "<font color='green'>✔</font>"
// mocks
QtObject {
id: localAccountSettings
readonly property string storeToKeychainValue: ctrlTouchIdUser.checked ? Constants.keychain.storedValue.store : ""
Button {
text: "Paste password"
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.margins: 10
visible: onboarding.currentPage instanceof CreatePasswordPage ||
(onboarding.currentPage instanceof LoginScreen && !onboarding.currentPage.selectedProfileIsKeycard)
onClicked: {
const currentItem = onboarding.stack.currentItem
const loginPassInput = StorybookUtils.findChild(
if (!!loginPassInput) {
const input1 = StorybookUtils.findChild(
const input2 = StorybookUtils.findChild(
if (!input1 || !input2)
input1.text = mockDriver.password
input2.text = mockDriver.password
Button {
text: "Paste seed phrase"
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.margins: 10
visible: onboarding.currentPage instanceof SeedphrasePage
onClicked: {
const words = Utils.splitWords(mockDriver.mnemonic)
for (let i = 1;; i++) {
const input = StorybookUtils.findChild(
if (input === null)
input.text = words[i - 1]
Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.margins: 10
visible: onboarding.currentPage instanceof KeycardEnterPinPage ||
onboarding.currentPage instanceof KeycardCreatePinPage ||
(onboarding.currentPage instanceof LoginScreen && onboarding.currentPage.selectedProfileIsKeycard && store.keycardState === Onboarding.KeycardState.NotEmpty)
text: "Copy valid PIN (\"%1\")".arg(mockDriver.pin)
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
onClicked: ClipboardUtils.setText(mockDriver.pin)
Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.margins: 10
visible: onboarding.currentPage instanceof KeycardEnterPukPage
text: "Copy valid PUK (\"%1\")".arg(mockDriver.puk)
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
onClicked: ClipboardUtils.setText(mockDriver.puk)
Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.margins: 10
visible: onboarding.currentPage instanceof BackupSeedphraseVerify
text: "Paste seed phrase verification"
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
onClicked: {
const words = Utils.splitWords(mockDriver.mnemonic)
for (let i = 0;; i++) {
const input = StorybookUtils.findChild(
if (input === null)
const index = input.seedWordIndex
input.text = words[index]
Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.margins: 10
visible: onboarding.currentPage instanceof BackupSeedphraseAcks
text: "Paste seed phrase verification"
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
onClicked: {
for (let i = 1;; i++) {
const checkBox = StorybookUtils.findChild(
if (checkBox === null)
checkBox.checked = true
BiometricsPopup {
id: biometricsPopup
x: root.Window.width - width
onObtainingPasswordSuccess: {
const isKeycard = onboarding.currentPage instanceof LoginScreen
&& onboarding.currentPage.selectedProfileIsKeycard
onboarding.setBiometricResponse(isKeycard ? mockDriver.pin : mockDriver.password)
Component {
id: splashScreen
DidYouKnowSplashScreen {
property bool runningProgressAnimation
NumberAnimation on progress {
from: 0.0
to: 1
duration: 3000
running: runningProgressAnimation
onStopped: {
console.warn("!!! SPLASH SCREEN DONE")
console.warn("!!! RESTARTING FLOW")
LogsAndControlsPanel {
id: logsAndControlsPanel
SplitView.minimumHeight: 300
SplitView.preferredHeight: 300
logsView.logText: logs.logText
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 10
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: {
const stack = onboarding.stack
// trigger change when only curret item changes on replace
let content = `Stack (${stack.depth}):`
for (let i = 0; i < stack.depth; i++) {
const stackEntry = stack.get(i, StackView.ForceLoad)
content += " " + InspectionUtils.baseName(stackEntry instanceof Loader
? stackEntry.item : stackEntry)
return content
background: null
readOnly: true
selectByMouse: true
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Button {
text: "Restart"
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
onClicked: root.restart()
Switch {
id: ctrlBiometrics
text: "Biometrics available"
checked: true
ToolSeparator {}
Switch {
id: ctrlLoginScreen
text: "Show login screen"
checkable: true
onToggled: root.restart()
Switch {
id: ctrlTouchIdUser
text: "Touch ID login"
visible: ctrlLoginScreen.checked
enabled: ctrlBiometrics.checked
checked: ctrlBiometrics.checked
Text {
id: ctrlLoginResult
property string result: "🯄"
visible: ctrlLoginScreen.checked
text: "Login result: %1".arg(result)
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "Keycard state:"
Flow {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 2
ButtonGroup {
id: keycardStateButtonGroup
Repeater {
model: Onboarding.getModelFromEnum("KeycardState")
RoundButton {
text: modelData.name
checkable: true
checked: store.keycardState === modelData.value
ButtonGroup.group: keycardStateButtonGroup
onClicked: {
store.keycardState = modelData.value
ctrlLoginResult.result = "🯄"
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "Add key pair state:"
Flow {
spacing: 2
ButtonGroup {
id: addKeypairStateButtonGroup
Repeater {
model: Onboarding.getModelFromEnum("ProgressState")
RoundButton {
text: modelData.name
checkable: true
checked: store.addKeyPairState === modelData.value
ButtonGroup.group: addKeypairStateButtonGroup
onClicked: store.addKeyPairState = modelData.value
ToolSeparator {}
Label {
text: "Sync state:"
Flow {
spacing: 2
ButtonGroup {
id: syncStateButtonGroup
Repeater {
model: Onboarding.getModelFromEnum("ProgressState")
RoundButton {
text: modelData.name
checkable: true
checked: store.syncState === modelData.value
ButtonGroup.group: syncStateButtonGroup
onClicked: store.syncState = modelData.value
ToolSeparator {}
Label {
text: "PIN Setting state:"
Flow {
spacing: 2
ButtonGroup {
id: pinSettingStateButtonGroup
Repeater {
model: Onboarding.getModelFromEnum("ProgressState")
RoundButton {
text: modelData.name
checkable: true
checked: store.pinSettingState === modelData.value
ButtonGroup.group: pinSettingStateButtonGroup
onClicked: store.pinSettingState = modelData.value
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "Authorization state:"
Flow {
spacing: 2
ButtonGroup {
id: authorizationStateButtonGroup
Repeater {
model: Onboarding.getModelFromEnum("ProgressState")
RoundButton {
text: modelData.name
checkable: true
checked: store.authorizationState === modelData.value
ButtonGroup.group: authorizationStateButtonGroup
onClicked: store.authorizationState = modelData.value
ToolSeparator {}
Label {
text: "Restore Keys Export state:"
Flow {
spacing: 2
ButtonGroup {
id: restoreKeysExportStateButtonGroup
Repeater {
model: Onboarding.getModelFromEnum("ProgressState")
RoundButton {
text: modelData.name
checkable: true
checked: store.restoreKeysExportState === modelData.value
ButtonGroup.group: restoreKeysExportStateButtonGroup
onClicked: store.restoreKeysExportState = modelData.value
Item {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Settings {
property alias useBiometrics: ctrlBiometrics.checked
property alias showLoginScreen: ctrlLoginScreen.checked
property alias useTouchId: ctrlTouchIdUser.checked
// category: Onboarding
// status: good
// https://www.figma.com/design/Lw4nPYQcZOPOwTgETiiIYo/Desktop-Onboarding-Redesign?node-id=1-25&node-type=canvas&m=dev