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synced 2025-02-19 18:18:38 +00:00
Linux dockerized build and AppDir generation for compilation errors Also added AppImage TODOs, basic setup for MacOS and Windows but they still need work to have at least validation running Temporary disable CPP windows/mac until limitations are addressed in a follow up commit Extra: add build configuration fixes for rest of the platforms closes: #5998
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84 lines
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library 'status-jenkins-lib@v1.3.4'
pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
label 'linux'
dir 'ci/cpp'
filename 'Dockerfile-linux'
/* allows jenkins use cat and mounts '/dev/fuse' for linuxdeployqt */
args '--entrypoint="" --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined --device /dev/fuse'
parameters {
name: 'RELEASE',
description: 'Decides whether binaries are built with debug symbols.',
defaultValue: params.RELEASE ?: false
options {
/* Prevent Jenkins jobs from running forever */
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES')
/* manage how many builds we keep */
numToKeepStr: '10',
daysToKeepStr: '30',
artifactNumToKeepStr: '3',
environment {
TARGET = 'linux-cpp'
/* Control output the filename */
STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE = "pkg/${utils.pkgFilename(ext: 'AppImage')}"
// TODO: Move all stages to the Makefile as targets "*-linux-using-docker"
stages {
stage('CMake Build') {
steps {
sh "qt-cmake ${env.WORKSPACE} -G Ninja -B ${env.WORKSPACE}/build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
sh "cmake --build ${env.WORKSPACE}/build"
stage('Package') {
steps {
sh "linuxdeploy --plugin qt --executable=${env.WORKSPACE}/build/status-desktop --appdir ${env.WORKSPACE}/build/AppDir --desktop-file=${env.WORKSPACE}/status.desktop --icon-file=${env.WORKSPACE}/status.svg --custom-apprun=${env.WORKSPACE}/AppRun-cpp"
sh "cmake --install ${env.WORKSPACE}/build --prefix=${env.WORKSPACE}/build/install"
sh "cp ${env.WORKSPACE}/build/install/lib/* ${env.WORKSPACE}/build/AppDir/usr/lib/"
// TODO enable after deploying appimage plugin in the corresponding docker
//sh "linuxdeploy --appdir ${env.WORKSPACE}/build/AppDir --output=appimage"
// sh "mkdir pkg && cp \"\$(find ${env.WORKSPACE}/build/AppDir -maxdepth 2 -type f -iname \"*.AppImage\")\" ${env.STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE}"
// TODO: enable after generating the AppImage
// stage('Parallel Upload') {
// parallel {
// stage('Upload') {
// steps { script {
// env.PKG_URL = s3.uploadArtifact(env.STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE)
// jenkins.setBuildDesc(AppImage: env.PKG_URL)
// } }
// }
// stage('Archive') {
// steps { script {
// archiveArtifacts("${env.STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE}*")
// } }
// }
// }
// }
post {
success { script { github.notifyPR(true) } }
failure { script { github.notifyPR(false) } }
always { cleanWs() }