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synced 2025-02-12 22:56:55 +00:00
Introduced Style.svg() Style.png() Style.emoji() and Style.icon() in Style.qml. Those should be used to set the source in Images instead of using relative paths. Usage: Image { source: Style.svg("check) .... Also moved all Singletons inside a new "utils" folder and made it a QML module, to use import utils 1.0 instead of relative paths Closes #3678
109 lines
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109 lines
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import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import utils 1.0
import "../../shared"
Rectangle {
id: root
property string chatId: ""
property string name: "channelName"
property string message: "My latest message\n with a return"
property int chatType: Constants.chatTypePublic
property string identicon: ""
color: "#F7F7F7"
width: 366
height: 75
anchors.top: applicationWindow.top
radius: Style.current.radius
Loader {
id: identicon
sourceComponent: root.identicon === "" || appSettings.notificationMessagePreviewSetting === Constants.notificationPreviewAnonymous ? statusIdenticon : userOrChannelIdenticon
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
height: 40
width: 40
Component {
id: userOrChannelIdenticon
StatusIdenticon {
height: 40
width: 40
chatName: root.name
chatType: root.chatType
identicon: root.identicon
Component {
id: statusIdenticon
SVGImage {
source: Style.svg("status-logo-icon")
width: 40
height: 40
StyledText {
id: name
anchors.bottom: messagePreview.top
anchors.bottomMargin: 2
anchors.left: identicon.right
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
anchors.right: openButton.left
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
elide: Text.ElideRight
text: root.name
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Style.current.evenDarkerGrey
StyledText {
id: messagePreview
anchors.bottom: identicon.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 2
anchors.left: identicon.right
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
anchors.right: openButton.left
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
elide: Text.ElideRight
clip: true // This is needed because emojis don't ellide correctly
font.pixelSize: 14
color: Style.current.evenDarkerGrey
text: root.message
Rectangle {
id: openButton
anchors.right: parent.right
height: parent.height
width: 85
color: "transparent"
Rectangle {
height: parent.height
width: 1.2
anchors.left: parent.left
color: "#D9D9D9"
StyledText {
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.pixelSize: 14
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
//% "Open"
text: qsTrId("open")
color: Style.current.darkerGrey