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328 lines
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import steps.commonInitSteps as init_steps
from screens.StatusMainScreen import StatusMainScreen
from screens.StatusCommunityPortalScreen import StatusCommunityPortalScreen
from screens.StatusCommunityScreen import StatusCommunityScreen
from screens.StatusCommunityScreen import PermissionsView
from drivers.SquishDriver import *
_statusCommunityScreen = StatusCommunityScreen()
_statusCommunitityPortal = StatusCommunityPortalScreen()
_statusMainScreen = StatusMainScreen()
_permissionsView = PermissionsView()
@Given("the user opens the community portal section")
def step(context: any):
@Given("the user lands on the community portal section")
def step(context):
@Given("the user creates a community named \"|any|\", with description \"|any|\", intro \"|any|\" and outro \"|any|\"")
def step(context: any, community_name: str, community_description: str, community_intro: str, community_outro: str):
the_user_creates_a_community(community_name, community_description, community_intro, community_outro)
@Given("the admin creates a community channel named \"|any|\", with description \"|any|\", with the method \"|any|\"")
def step(context, community_channel_name, community_channel_description, method):
the_admin_creates_a_community_channel(community_channel_name, community_channel_description, method)
@Given("the user lands on the community named \"|any|\"")
def step(context: any, community_name: str):
@Given("the channel named \"|any|\" is open")
def step(context, community_channel_name):
@Given("the channel count is |integer|")
def step(context, community_channel_count: int):
@Given("the admin creates a community category named \"|any|\", with channels \"|any|\" and with the method \"|any|\"")
def step(context, category_name, channel_names, method):
the_admin_creates_a_community_category(category_name, channel_names, method)
@Given("the category named \"|any|\" contains channels \"|any|\"")
def step(context, category_name, channel_names):
the_category_contains_channels(category_name, channel_names)
@Given("\"|any|\" is toggled on under Experimental features")
def step(context: any, settings_type:str):
@Given("\"|any|\" is clicked in the community sidebar")
def step(context, community_sidebar_option:str):
@Given("\"|any|\" should be an available option in Community Settings")
def step(context, manage_community_option:str):
### ACTIONS region:
@When("the user opens the community named \"|any|\"")
def step(context, community_name):
@When("the user sends a test image in the current channel")
def step(context):
_statusCommunityScreen.send_test_image(context.userData["fixtures_root"], False, "")
@When("the user sends a test image in the current channel with message \"|any|\" with an image")
def step(context, message):
_statusCommunityScreen.send_test_image(context.userData["fixtures_root"], False, message)
@When("the user sends multiple test images in the current channel with message \"|any|\" with an image again")
def step(context, message):
_statusCommunityScreen.send_test_image(context.userData["fixtures_root"], True, message)
@When("the user replies to community chat message at index |integer| with \"|any|\"")
def step(context, message_index: int, message: str):
@When("the user pins the message at index |integer|")
def step(context, message_index: int):
@When("the user unpins the message at index |integer|")
def step(context, message_index: int):
@When("the user creates a community named \"|any|\", with description \"|any|\", intro \"|any|\" and outro \"|any|\"")
def step(context: any, community_name: str, community_description: str, community_intro: str, community_outro: str):
the_user_creates_a_community(community_name, community_description, community_intro, community_outro)
@When("the admin creates a community channel named \"|any|\", with description \"|any|\", with the method \"|any|\"")
def step(context, community_channel_name, community_channel_description, method):
the_admin_creates_a_community_channel(community_channel_name, community_channel_description, method)
@When("the admin edits the current community channel to the name \"|any|\"")
def step(context, new_community_channel_name):
@When("the admin creates a community category named \"|any|\", with channels \"|any|\" and with the method \"|any|\"")
def step(context, category_name, channel_names, method):
the_admin_creates_a_community_category(category_name, channel_names, method)
@When("the admin renames the category \"|any|\" to \"|any|\" and toggles the channels \"|any|\"")
def step(context, community_category_name, new_community_category_name, community_channel_names):
_statusCommunityScreen.edit_community_category(community_category_name, new_community_category_name, community_channel_names)
@When("the admin deletes category named \"|any|\"")
def step(context, community_category_name):
@When("the admin renames the community to \"|any|\" and description to \"|any|\" and color to \"|any|\"")
def step(context, new_community_name, new_community_description, new_community_color):
_statusCommunityScreen.edit_community(new_community_name, new_community_description, new_community_color)
@When("the admin changes the community name to \"|any|\"")
def step(context, new_community_name):
@When("the admin changes the community description to \"|any|\"")
def step(context, new_community_description):
@When("the admin changes the community color to \"|any|\"")
def step(context, new_community_color):
@When("the admin goes back to the community")
def step(context):
@When("the admin changes the current community channel emoji to \"|any|\"")
def step(context, emoji_description: str):
@When("the admin deletes current channel")
def step(context):
@When("the admin invites the user named |any| to the community with message |any|")
def step(context, user_name, message):
_statusCommunityScreen.invite_user_to_community(user_name, message)
@When("the admin kicks the user named |any|")
def step(context, user_name):
@When("the user opens the community portal section")
def step(context: any):
@When("the user marks the channel \"|any|\" as read")
def step(context, channel):
@When("\"|any|\" is clicked in the community sidebar")
def step(context, community_sidebar_option:str):
@When("\"|any|\" section is selected")
def step(context, section_option:str):
@When("the user adds new permission with anyone checkbox \"|any|\", holds \"|any|\" and \"|any|\" in amount \"|any|\" and \"|any|\" \"|any|\"")
def step(context, state, first_asset, second_asset, amount, allowed_to, in_general):
permission_view = _permissionsView.add_new_permission()
permission_view.set_who_holds_asset_and_amount(first_asset, amount)
permission_view.set_who_holds_asset_and_amount(second_asset, amount)
@Then("created permission with \"|any|\" and \"|any|\" and \"|any|\" is on permission page")
def step(context, title, second_title, third_title):
if title != 'No':
assert wait_for(title in _permissionsView.tags)
if second_title != 'No':
assert wait_for(second_title in _permissionsView.tags)
if third_title != 'No':
assert wait_for(third_title in _permissionsView.tags)
@Then("the user lands on the community named \"|any|\"")
def step(context: any, community_name: str):
@Then("the channel named \"|any|\" is open")
def step(context, community_channel_name):
@Then("the amount of pinned messages is |integer|")
def step(context, amount: int):
@Then("the channel count is |integer|")
def step(context, community_channel_count: int):
@Then("the category named \"|any|\" contains channels \"|any|\"")
def step(context, category_name, channel_names):
the_category_contains_channels(category_name, channel_names)
@Then("the category named \"|any|\" is missing")
def step(context, category_name):
@Then("the community channel has emoji \"|any|\"")
def step(context, emoji: str):
@Then("the count of communities in navbar is |integer|")
def step(context: any, expected_count: int):
@Then("the last chat message contains the test image")
def step(context):
_statusCommunityScreen.verify_sent_test_image(False, False)
@Then("the test image is displayed just before the last message")
def step(context):
_statusCommunityScreen.verify_sent_test_image(False, True)
@Then("the test images are displayed just before the last message")
def step(context):
_statusCommunityScreen.verify_sent_test_image(True, True)
@Then("the number of members is |any|")
def step(context, amount):
@Then("the community overview name is \"|any|\"")
def step(context, name: str):
@Then("the community overview description is \"|any|\"")
def step(context, communityDescription: str):
@Then("the community overview color is \"|any|\"")
def step(context, color: str):
@Then("the welcome \"|any|\" image is present")
def step(context, option):
@Then("\"|any|\" should be an available option in Community->Manage->left navigation")
def step(context, list):
@Then("\"|any|\" should be in the list of uncategorized channels")
def step(context, chat_name:str):
@Then("the welcome \"|any|\" title is present")
def step(context, option:str):
@Then("the welcome \"|any|\" subtitle is present")
def step(context, option:str):
@Then("the welcome \"|any|\" settings \"|any|\" is present")
def step(context, option:str, list):
_statusCommunityScreen.verify_welcome_settings_checklist(option, list)
@Then("\"|any|\" button is present")
def step (context, action_button_name):
_statusCommunityScreen.verify_action_button_present(action_button_name, True)
@Then("\"|any|\" button is disabled")
def step (context, action_button_name):
_statusCommunityScreen.verify_action_button_present(action_button_name, False)
@Then("the user is able to open Back up modal and copy private key")
def step(context):
@Then("the user is able to click Airdrop Tokens button and navigate to Airdrops screen")
def step(context):
### COMMON methods used in different steps given/when/then region:
def the_user_creates_a_community(name:str, description: str, intro:str, outro:str):
init_steps.the_user_creates_a_community(name, description, intro, outro)
def the_user_lands_on_the_community(name: str):
def the_admin_creates_a_community_channel(name: str, description: str, method: str):
init_steps.the_admin_creates_a_community_channel(name, description, method)
def the_channel_is_open(name: str):
def the_channel_count_is(community_channel_count: int):
def the_admin_creates_a_community_category(name: str, channels: str, method: str):
_statusCommunityScreen.create_community_category(name, channels, method)
def the_category_contains_channels(category_name: str, channels: str):
_statusCommunityScreen.verify_category_contains_channels(category_name, channels)