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synced 2025-03-02 23:41:18 +00:00
- legacy Style and ThemePalette removed - moved and deduplicated font definitions into `Theme` (unrelated to a color palette) - `Style.current.foo` -> `Theme.foo` - `Style.current.fooColor` -> `Theme.palette.fooColor` - upgrade the imports to 5.15 - removed some mode dead components Fixes #16514
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189 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import utils 1.0
Adaptor transforming input flat model of collectibles into grouped model,
grouped by communities and collections to form expected by components like
e.g. TokenSelector.
1. Ownership submodels filtered to have only entries for given `account`
2. Total balance calculated for remaining ownership entries in submodels
3. Balance exposed to the top level model
4. Grouping value exposed depending if token comes from community or not
(community collectibles are grouped by communtiyId, other by collectionId)
5. Entries with zero balance filtered out
6. Items are sorted by communityId and collectionId in order to group them correctly
7. Grouping by groupingValue
8. For community groups, group once again by collectionId
9. Expose groupName and type according of it's community group or collection
10. Expose sub-sub-groups count as a balance for sub-groups
QObject {
id: root
/** Account key used for filtering **/
property string accountKey
Expected model structure:
symbol [string] - unique identifier of a collectible
collectionUid [string] - unique identifier of a collection
contractAddress [string] - collectible's contract address
name [string] - collectible's name e.g. "Magicat"
collectionName [string] - collection name e.g. "Crypto Kitties"
mediaUrl [url] - collectible's media url
imageUrl [url] - collectible's image url
communityId [string] - unique identifier of a community for community collectible or empty
ownership [model] - submodel of balances per chain/account
balance [int] - balance (always 1 for ERC-721)
accountAddress [string] - unique identifier of an account
property var collectiblesModel
Model structure:
groupName [string] - group name (from collection or community name)
icon [url] - from imageUrl or mediaUrl
type [string] - can be "community" or "other"
subitems [model] - submodel of collectibles/collections of the group
key [string] - key of collection (community type) or collectible (other type)
name [string] - name of the subitem (of collectible or collection)
balance [int] - balance of collection (in case of community collectibles)
or collectible (in case of ERC-1155)
icon [url] - icon of the subitem
readonly property alias model: communityGroupsGrouppedByCollection
SortFilterProxyModel {
id: initiallyFilteredAndSorted
objectName: "collectiblesSelectionAdaptor_initiallyFilteredAndSorted"
sourceModel: ObjectProxyModel {
sourceModel: collectiblesModel ?? null
delegate: QObject {
readonly property int balance: balanceAggregator.value /* 3 */
readonly property string groupingValue: model.communityId /* 4 */
? model.communityId
: model.collectionUid
readonly property string key: model.symbol
readonly property url icon:
model.imageUrl || model.mediaUrl || Theme.png("tokens/DEFAULT-TOKEN")
SortFilterProxyModel { /* 1 */
id: ownershipFiltered
sourceModel: model.ownership
filters: ValueFilter {
roleName: "accountAddress"
value: root.accountKey
SumAggregator { /* 2 */
id: balanceAggregator
model: ownershipFiltered
roleName: "balance"
expectedRoles: [
"ownership", "communityId", "collectionUid", "imageUrl",
"mediaUrl", "symbol"
exposedRoles: ["balance", "groupingValue", "icon", "key"]
filters: RangeFilter { /* 5 */
roleName: "balance"
minimumValue: 1
sorters: [ /* 6 */
RoleSorter {
roleName: "communityId"
sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder
RoleSorter {
roleName: "collectionUid"
GroupingModel { /* 7 */
id: grouppedByCollectionOrCommunity
objectName: "collectiblesSelectionAdaptor_grouppedByCollectionOrCommunity"
sourceModel: initiallyFilteredAndSorted
groupingRoleName: "groupingValue"
submodelRoleName: "subitems"
ObjectProxyModel {
id: communityGroupsGrouppedByCollection
objectName: "collectiblesSelectionAdaptor_communityGroupsGrouppedByCollection"
sourceModel: grouppedByCollectionOrCommunity
delegate: QObject {
readonly property var subitems:
model.communityId ? collectionCountProxyLoader.item
: model.subitems
readonly property string type: /* 9 */
model.communityId ? "community" : "other"
readonly property string groupName:
model.communityName || model.collectionName
readonly property url icon:
model.communityId ? model.communityImage
: (model.icon || Qt.resolvedUrl(""))
Loader {
id: collectionCountProxyLoader
active: !!model.communityId
sourceComponent: ObjectProxyModel {
sourceModel: GroupingModel { /* 8 */
sourceModel: model.communityId ? model.subitems : null
groupingRoleName: "collectionUid"
submodelRoleName: "subitems"
delegate: QtObject { /* 10 */
readonly property int balance: model.subitems.ModelCount.count
readonly property string key: model.collectionUid
expectedRoles: ["subitems", "collectionUid"]
exposedRoles: ["balance", "key"]
expectedRoles: [
"subitems", "collectionName", "communityId",
"communityName", "communityImage", "icon"
exposedRoles: ["subitems", "type", "groupName", "icon"]