Lukáš Tinkl 38d155f590 feat(SwapModal): Integrate Sign and Approve modals
- remove old popup and related components/adaptors
- simplify the API of the Sign/Approve modals to take pre-formatted
amounts as strings
- correct login/auth icon
- SB: make it possible to open the new secondary modals
- SB: fix the `fetchSuggestedRoutes` response handling, pass around the
`uuid` and inject it to the mocked suggested routes
- adjust SB pages and tests

Fixes #15443
2024-07-12 16:04:21 +02:00

181 lines
4.8 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.popups.swap 1.0
import utils 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
Logs { id: logs }
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
property var dialog
function createAndOpenDialog() {
dialog = dlgComponent.createObject(popupBg)
Component.onCompleted: createAndOpenDialog()
QtObject {
id: priv
readonly property var accountsModel: WalletAccountsModel {}
readonly property var selectedAccount: selectedAccountEntry.item
readonly property var networksModel: NetworksModel.flatNetworks
readonly property var selectedNetwork: selectedNetworkEntry.item
ModelEntry {
id: selectedAccountEntry
sourceModel: priv.accountsModel
key: "address"
value: ctrlAccount.currentValue
ModelEntry {
id: selectedNetworkEntry
sourceModel: priv.networksModel
key: "chainId"
value: ctrlNetwork.currentValue
Item {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
PopupBackground {
id: popupBg
anchors.fill: parent
Button {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Reopen"
onClicked: createAndOpenDialog()
Component {
id: dlgComponent
SwapSignModal {
anchors.centerIn: parent
destroyOnClose: true
modal: false
closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
fromTokenSymbol: ctrlFromSymbol.text
fromTokenAmount: ctrlFromAmount.text
fromTokenContractAddress: "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"
toTokenSymbol: ctrlToSymbol.text
toTokenAmount: ctrltoAmount.text
toTokenContractAddress: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7"
accountAddress: priv.selectedAccount.address
accountEmoji: priv.selectedAccount.emoji
accountColor: Utils.getColorForId(priv.selectedAccount.colorId)
networkShortName: priv.selectedNetwork.shortName
networkName: priv.selectedNetwork.chainName
networkIconPath: Style.svg(priv.selectedNetwork.iconUrl)
networkBlockExplorerUrl: priv.selectedNetwork.blockExplorerURL
fiatFees: "1.54 EUR"
cryptoFees: "0.001 ETH"
slippage: 0.5
loginType: ctrlLoginType.currentIndex
feesLoading: ctrlLoading.checked
LogsAndControlsPanel {
SplitView.minimumWidth: 250
SplitView.preferredWidth: 250
logsView.logText: logs.logText
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: ctrlFromSymbol
text: "DAI"
placeholderText: "From symbol"
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: ctrlFromAmount
text: "100"
placeholderText: "From amount"
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: ctrlToSymbol
text: "USDT"
placeholderText: "To symbol"
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: ctrltoAmount
text: "100"
placeholderText: "To amount"
Text {
text: "Selected Account"
ComboBox {
id: ctrlAccount
textRole: "name"
valueRole: "address"
model: priv.accountsModel
currentIndex: 0
Text {
text: "Selected Network"
ComboBox {
id: ctrlNetwork
textRole: "chainName"
valueRole: "chainId"
model: priv.networksModel
currentIndex: 0
Switch {
id: ctrlLoading
text: "Fees loading"
Text {
text: "Login Type"
ComboBox {
id: ctrlLoginType
model: Constants.authenticationIconByType
// category: Popups