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synced 2025-02-24 04:28:58 +00:00
- It adds info panel when control node is offline. - It modifies UI texts when control node is offline. - It updates storybook updating permissions model and allowing permission state changes. NOTE: Only UI, no backend. There is 1 expected integration point: permissions model item `permissionState` role. Closes #11769
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124 lines
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import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import AppLayouts.Communities.panels 1.0
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
SplitView {
orientation: Qt.Vertical
SplitView.fillWidth: true
Logs { id: logs }
QtObject {
id: permissionsStoreMock
readonly property ListModel permissionsModel: ListModel {}
readonly property QtObject _d: QtObject {
id: d
property int keyCounter: 0
function createPermissionEntry(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate,
channels) {
const permission = {
holdingsListModel: holdings,
channelsListModel: channels,
return permission
function createPermission(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels) {
const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry(
holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels)
permissionEntry.key = "" + d.keyCounter++
function editPermission(key, holdings, permissionType, channels, isPrivate) {
const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry(
holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels)
const index = ModelUtils.indexOf(permissionsModel, "key", key)
permissionsModel.set(index, permissionEntry)
function removePermission(key) {
const index = ModelUtils.indexOf(permissionsModel, "key", key)
Button {
text: "Back"
onClicked: communityPermissionsSettingsPanel.navigateBack()
Rectangle {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
color: Theme.palette.statusAppLayout.rightPanelBackgroundColor
PermissionsSettingsPanel {
id: communityPermissionsSettingsPanel
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.topMargin: 50
permissionsModel: permissionsStoreMock.permissionsModel
assetsModel: AssetsModel {}
collectiblesModel: CollectiblesModel {}
channelsModel: ChannelsModel {}
onCreatePermissionRequested: {
permissionsStoreMock.createPermission(holdings, permissionType,
isPrivate, channels)
permissionsStoreMock.editPermission(key, holdings, permissionType,
channels, isPrivate)
communityDetails: QtObject {
readonly property string id: "community_id"
readonly property string name: "Socks"
readonly property string image: ModelsData.icons.socks
readonly property string color: "red"
readonly property bool owner: isOwnerCheckBox.checked
LogsAndControlsPanel {
id: logsAndControlsPanel
SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
SplitView.preferredHeight: 100
logsView.logText: logs.logText
CheckBox {
id: isOwnerCheckBox
text: "Is owner"
// category: Panels