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synced 2025-03-03 07:50:49 +00:00
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304 lines
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import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import AppLayouts.Chat.views.communities 1.0
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
import utils 1.0
SplitView {
QtObject {
id: d
// General properties:
property string name: "Uniswap"
property string communityDesc: "General channel for the community"
property string introMessage: "%1 sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
1. Ut enim ad minim veniam
2. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident
3. Duis aute irure
4. Dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur
5. 🚗 consectetur adipiscing elit
Nemo enim 😋 ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.".arg(d.name)
property color color: "orchid"
property string channelName: joinCommunity ? "general" : "#vip"
property string channelDesc: "VIP members only"
property bool joinCommunity: true // Otherwise it means join channel action
property int accessType: Constants.communityChatPublicAccess
// Overlay component:
property bool requirementsMet: true
property bool isInvitationPending: true
property bool isJoinRequestRejected: false
property bool requiresRequest: false
property int loginType: Constants.LoginType.Biometrics
property var communityHoldingsModel: PermissionsModel.shortPermissionsModel
property var viewOnlyHoldingsModel: PermissionsModel.shortPermissionsModel
property var viewAndPostHoldingsModel: PermissionsModel.shortPermissionsModel
property var moderateHoldingsModel: PermissionsModel.shortPermissionsModel
property var assetsModel: AssetsModel {}
property var collectiblesModel: CollectiblesModel {}
// Blur background:
property int membersCount: 184
property bool amISectionAdmin: false
property url image: Style.png("tokens/UNI")
property var communityItemsModel: model1
property string chatDateTimeText: "Dec 31, 2020"
property string listUsersText: "simon, Mark Cuban "
readonly property ListModel model1: ListModel {
ListElement { name: "welcome"; selected: false; notificationsCount: 0; hasUnreadMessages: false}
ListElement { name: "general"; selected: false; notificationsCount: 0; hasUnreadMessages: true}
ListElement { name: "design"; selected: true; notificationsCount: 3; hasUnreadMessages: true}
ListElement { name: "random"; selected: false; notificationsCount: 0; hasUnreadMessages: false}
ListElement { name: "vip"; selected: false; notificationsCount: 0; hasUnreadMessages: true}
readonly property ListModel model2: ListModel {
ListElement { name: "general"; selected: false; notificationsCount: 3; hasUnreadMessages: false}
ListElement { name: "blockchain"; selected: true; notificationsCount: 3; hasUnreadMessages: true}
ListElement { name: "faq"; selected: false; notificationsCount: 0; hasUnreadMessages: false}
readonly property var messagesModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
timestamp: 1656937930
senderDisplayName: "simon"
contentType: StatusMessage.ContentType.Text
message: "Hello, this is awesome! Feels like decentralized Discord!"
isContact: true
trustIndicator: StatusContactVerificationIcons.TrustedType.Verified
colorId: 4
ListElement {
timestamp: 1657937930
senderDisplayName: "Mark Cuban"
contentType: StatusMessage.ContentType.Text
message: "I know a lot of you really seem to get off or be validated by arguing with strangers online but please know it's a complete waste of your time and energy"
isContact: false
trustIndicator: StatusContactVerificationIcons.TrustedType.Untrustworthy
colorId: 2
Logs { id: logs }
SplitView {
orientation: Qt.Vertical
SplitView.fillWidth: true
Rectangle {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
color: Theme.palette.statusAppLayout.rightPanelBackgroundColor
clip: true
JoinCommunityView {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 50
// General properties:
name: d.name
communityDesc: d.communityDesc
introMessage: d.introMessage
color: d.color
channelName: d.channelName
channelDesc: d.channelDesc
joinCommunity: d.joinCommunity
accessType: d.accessType
isInvitationPending: d.isInvitationPending
loginType: d.loginType
// Blur background properties:
membersCount: d.membersCount
image: d.image
amISectionAdmin: d.amISectionAdmin
openCreateChat: false
communityItemsModel: d.communityItemsModel
chatDateTimeText: d.chatDateTimeText
listUsersText: d.listUsersText
messagesModel: d.messagesModel
// Permissions properties
requirementsMet: d.requirementsMet
isJoinRequestRejected: d.isJoinRequestRejected
requiresRequest: d.requiresRequest
communityHoldingsModel: d.communityHoldingsModel
viewOnlyHoldingsModel: d.viewOnlyHoldingsModel
viewAndPostHoldingsModel: d.viewAndPostHoldingsModel
moderateHoldingsModel: d.moderateHoldingsModel
assetsModel: d.assetsModel
collectiblesModel: d.collectiblesModel
onInfoButtonClicked: logs.logEvent("JoinCommunityView::onInfoButtonClicked()")
onAdHocChatButtonClicked: {
logs.logEvent("JoinCommunityView::store.openCloseCreateChatView(): " + openCreateChat.toString())
openCreateChat = !openCreateChat
onNotificationButtonClicked: logs.logEvent("JoinCommunityView::onNotificationButtonClicked()")
onRevealAddressClicked: {
onInvitationPendingClicked: logs.logEvent("JoinCommunityView::onInvitationPendingClicked()")
onJoined: logs.logEvent("JoinCommunityView::onJoined()")
onCancelMembershipRequest: logs.logEvent("JoinCommunityView::onCancelMembershipRequest()")
LogsAndControlsPanel {
id: logsAndControlsPanel
SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
SplitView.preferredHeight: 150
logsView.logText: logs.logText
Pane {
SplitView.minimumWidth: 300
SplitView.preferredWidth: 300
ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 16
// Blur info editor:
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 18
CommunityInfoEditor {
name: d.name
membersCount: d.membersCount
amISectionAdmin: d.amISectionAdmin
color: d.color
image: d.image
colorVisible: true
onNameChanged: d.name = name
onMembersCountChanged: d.membersCount = membersCount
onAmISectionAdminChanged: d.amISectionAdmin = amISectionAdmin
onColorChanged: d.color = color
onImageChanged: d.image = image
ColumnLayout {
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Community items model:"
RadioButton {
checked: true
text: qsTr("Model 1")
onCheckedChanged: if(checked) d.communityItemsModel = d.model1
RadioButton {
text: qsTr("Model 2")
onCheckedChanged: if(checked) d.communityItemsModel = d.model2
// Join types:
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "JOIN TYPES"
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 18
ColumnLayout {
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Is invitation pending:"
CheckBox {
checked: d.isInvitationPending
onCheckedChanged: d.isInvitationPending = checked
ColumnLayout {
visible: !d.isInvitationPending
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Access type:"
RadioButton {
checked: true
text: qsTr("Public access")
onCheckedChanged: d.accessType = Constants.communityChatPublicAccess
RadioButton {
text: qsTr("On request")
onCheckedChanged: d.accessType = Constants.communityChatOnRequestAccess
// Join community overlay editor:
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 18
JoinCommunityPermissionsEditor {
channelName: d.chanelName
joinCommunity: d.joinCommunity
requirementsMet: d.requirementsMet
isInvitationPending: d.isInvitationPending
isJoinRequestRejected: d.isJoinRequestRejected
requiresRequest: d.requiresRequest
onChannelNameChanged: d.channelName = channelName
onJoinCommunityChanged: d.joinCommunity = joinCommunity
onRequirementsMetChanged: d.requirementsMet = requirementsMet
onIsInvitationPendingChanged: d.isInvitationPending = isInvitationPending
onIsJoinRequestRejectedChanged: d.isJoinRequestRejected = isJoinRequestRejected
onRequiresRequestChanged: d.requiresRequest = requiresRequest
onCommunityHoldingsModelChanged: d.communityHoldingsModel = communityHoldingsModel
onViewOnlyHoldingsModelChanged: d.viewOnlyHoldingsModel = viewOnlyHoldingsModel
onViewAndPostHoldingsModelChanged: d.viewAndPostHoldingsModel = viewAndPostHoldingsModel
onModerateHoldingsModelChanged: d.moderateHoldingsModel = moderateHoldingsModel
ColumnLayout {
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Login type"
ComboBox {
id: loginTypeComboBox
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: ["Password","Biometrics","Keycard"]
onActivated: d.loginType = currentIndex
Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = d.loginType