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synced 2025-02-13 07:06:58 +00:00
- Open wallet connect modal when the application is opened from a deep link - Add test entry that opens wallet connect modal with mocked StatusDesktop app that can be used for testing - Add tests Closes #12641
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56 lines
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import { createWeb3Modal, walletConnectProvider, EIP6963Connector } from '@web3modal/wagmi'
import { configureChains, createConfig } from '@wagmi/core'
import { goerli } from 'viem/chains'
import { publicProvider } from '@wagmi/core/providers/public'
import { InjectedConnector } from '@wagmi/core'
import { CoinbaseWalletConnector } from '@wagmi/core/connectors/coinbaseWallet'
import { WalletConnectConnector } from '@wagmi/core/connectors/walletConnect'
const projectId = '0ff537ebcebc5ce0947866d3a90e0ebf'
const { chains, publicClient } = configureChains([goerli], [
walletConnectProvider({ projectId }),
const metadata = {
name: 'Test Web3Modal',
description: 'Web3Modal Test',
url: 'https://web3modal.com',
icons: ['https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886']
const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
autoConnect: true,
connectors: [
new WalletConnectConnector({ chains, options: { projectId, showQrModal: false, metadata } }),
new EIP6963Connector({ chains }),
new InjectedConnector({ chains, options: { shimDisconnect: true } }),
new CoinbaseWalletConnector({ chains, options: { appName: metadata.name } })
const testWalletIds = [
'af9a6dfff9e63977bbde28fb23518834f08b696fe8bff6dd6827acad1814c6be' // Status Mobile
const modal = createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains,
customWallets: [
id: 'statusDesktopTest',
name: 'Status Desktop Test',
homepage: 'https://status.app/', // Optional
image_url: 'https://res.cloudinary.com/dhgck7ebz/image/upload/f_auto,c_limit,w_1080,q_auto/Brand/Logo%20Section/Mark/Mark_01', // Optional
//mobile_link: 'mobile_link', // Optional - Deeplink or universal
desktop_link: 'status-app://', // Optional - Deeplink
//webapp_link: 'webapp_link', // Optional
//app_store: 'app_store', // Optional
//play_store: 'play_store' // Optional
featuredWalletIds: testWalletIds,
includeWalletIds: testWalletIds
modal.open({ view: 'All wallets' }) |