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synced 2025-02-08 04:34:01 +00:00
Introduced Style.svg() Style.png() Style.emoji() and Style.icon() in Style.qml. Those should be used to set the source in Images instead of using relative paths. Usage: Image { source: Style.svg("check) .... Also moved all Singletons inside a new "utils" folder and made it a QML module, to use import utils 1.0 instead of relative paths Closes #3678
119 lines
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119 lines
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import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import utils 1.0
import "../../../../shared"
import "../../../../shared/status"
import "../../Profile/Sections/Contacts"
ModalPopup {
id: popup
//% "Contact requests"
title: qsTrId("contact-requests")
ListView {
id: contactList
property Component profilePopupComponent: ProfilePopup {
id: profilePopup
onClosed: destroy()
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: -Style.current.halfPadding
anchors.rightMargin: -Style.current.halfPadding
model: profileModel.contacts.contactRequests
clip: true
delegate: ContactRequest {
name: Utils.removeStatusEns(model.name)
address: model.address
localNickname: model.localNickname
identicon: model.thumbnailImage || model.identicon
profileClick: function (showFooter, userName, fromAuthor, identicon, textParam, nickName) {
var popup = profilePopupComponent.createObject(contactList);
popup.openPopup(showFooter, userName, fromAuthor, identicon, textParam, nickName);
onBlockContactActionTriggered: {
blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactName = name
blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactAddress = address
footer: Item {
width: parent.width
height: children[0].height
BlockContactConfirmationDialog {
id: blockContactConfirmationDialog
onBlockButtonClicked: {
ConfirmationDialog {
id: declineAllDialog
//% "Decline all contacts"
header.title: qsTrId("decline-all-contacts")
//% "Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests"
confirmationText: qsTrId("are-you-sure-you-want-to-decline-all-these-contact-requests")
onConfirmButtonClicked: {
const requests = profileModel.contacts.contactRequests
const pubkeys = []
for (let i = 0; i < requests.count; i++) {
pubkeys.push(requests.rowData(i, "address"))
ConfirmationDialog {
id: acceptAllDialog
//% "Accept all contacts"
header.title: qsTrId("accept-all-contacts")
//% "Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests"
confirmationText: qsTrId("are-you-sure-you-want-to-accept-all-these-contact-requests")
onConfirmButtonClicked: {
const requests = profileModel.contacts.contactRequests
const pubkeys = []
for (let i = 0; i < requests.count; i++) {
pubkeys.push(requests.rowData(i, "address"))
StatusButton {
id: blockBtn
enabled: contactList.count > 0
anchors.right: addToContactsButton.left
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
type: "warn"
//% "Decline all"
text: qsTrId("decline-all")
onClicked: declineAllDialog.open()
StatusButton {
id: addToContactsButton
enabled: contactList.count > 0
anchors.right: parent.right
//% "Accept all"
text: qsTrId("accept-all")
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
onClicked: acceptAllDialog.open()