mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 11:45:15 +00:00
- legacy Style and ThemePalette removed - moved and deduplicated font definitions into `Theme` (unrelated to a color palette) - `Style.current.foo` -> `Theme.foo` - `Style.current.fooColor` -> `Theme.palette.fooColor` - upgrade the imports to 5.15 - removed some mode dead components Fixes #16514
180 lines
7.8 KiB
180 lines
7.8 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import utils 1.0
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import AppLayouts.Profile.controls 1.0
StatusStackModal {
id: root
property var containsSocialLink: function (text, url) {return false}
signal addLinkRequested(string linkText, string linkUrl, int linkType, string linkIcon)
implicitWidth: 480 // design
implicitHeight: 512 // design
anchors.centerIn: parent
padding: currentIndex === 0 ? 0 : Theme.padding
headerSettings.title: currentIndex === 0 ? qsTr("Add a link") :
qsTr("Add %1 link").arg(ProfileUtils.linkTypeToText(d.selectedLinkType) || qsTr("custom"))
rightButtons: [finishButton]
finishButton: StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Add")
objectName: "addButton"
enabled: linkTarget.valid && (!customTitle.visible || customTitle.valid)
onClicked: {
root.addLinkRequested(d.selectedLinkTypeText || customTitle.text, // text for custom link, otherwise the link typeId
ProfileUtils.addSocialLinkPrefix(linkTarget.text, d.selectedLinkType),
d.selectedLinkType, d.selectedIcon)
showFooter: currentIndex > 0
onClosed: destroy()
QtObject {
id: d
property int selectedLinkIndex: -1
readonly property int selectedLinkType: d.selectedLinkIndex !== -1 ? staticLinkTypesModel.get(d.selectedLinkIndex).type : 0
readonly property string selectedLinkTypeText: d.selectedLinkIndex !== -1 ? staticLinkTypesModel.get(d.selectedLinkIndex).text : ""
readonly property string selectedIcon: d.selectedLinkIndex !== -1 ? staticLinkTypesModel.get(d.selectedLinkIndex).icon : ""
readonly property var staticLinkTypesModel: ListModel {
readonly property var data: [
{ type: Constants.socialLinkType.twitter, icon: "xtwitter", text: "__twitter" },
{ type: Constants.socialLinkType.personalSite, icon: "language", text: "__personal_site" },
{ type: Constants.socialLinkType.github, icon: "github", text: "__github" },
{ type: Constants.socialLinkType.youtube, icon: "youtube", text: "__youtube" },
{ type: Constants.socialLinkType.discord, icon: "discord", text: "__discord" },
{ type: Constants.socialLinkType.telegram, icon: "telegram", text: "__telegram" },
{ type: Constants.socialLinkType.custom, icon: "link", text: "" }
Component.onCompleted: append(data)
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
//StatusAnimatedStack doesn't handle well items' visibility,
//keeping this solution for now until #8024 is fixed
if (currentIndex === 1) {
if (d.selectedLinkType === Constants.socialLinkType.custom)
stackItems: [
StatusListView {
width: root.availableWidth
height: root.availableHeight
model: d.staticLinkTypesModel
delegate: StatusListItem {
width: ListView.view.width
title: ProfileUtils.linkTypeToText(model.type) || qsTr("Custom link")
asset.name: model.icon
asset.color: ProfileUtils.linkTypeColor(model.type)
asset.bgColor: ProfileUtils.linkTypeBgColor(model.type)
onClicked: {
d.selectedLinkIndex = index
components: [
StatusIcon {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
icon: "next"
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
ColumnLayout {
width: root.availableWidth
spacing: Theme.halfPadding
StaticSocialLinkInput {
id: customTitle
Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: d.selectedLinkType === Constants.socialLinkType.custom
placeholderText: ""
label: qsTr("Title")
linkType: Constants.socialLinkType.custom
icon: "language"
charLimit: Constants.maxSocialLinkTextLength
input.tabNavItem: linkTarget.input.edit
validators: [
StatusValidator {
name: "text-validation"
validate: (value) => {
return value.trim() !== ""
errorMessage: qsTr("Invalid title")
StatusValidator {
name: "check-social-link-existence"
validate: (value) => {
return !root.containsSocialLink(value,
ProfileUtils.addSocialLinkPrefix(linkTarget.text, d.selectedLinkType))
errorMessage: d.selectedLinkType === Constants.socialLinkType.custom?
qsTr("Ttile and link combination already added") :
qsTr("Username already added")
onValidChanged: {linkTarget.validate(true)}
onTextChanged: {linkTarget.validate(true)}
StaticSocialLinkInput {
id: linkTarget
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: customTitle.visible ? Theme.padding : 0
placeholderText: ""
label: linkType === Constants.socialLinkType.custom ? qsTr("Link") : qsTr("Username")
linkType: d.selectedLinkType
icon: d.selectedIcon
input.tabNavItem: customTitle.input.edit
validators: [
StatusValidator {
name: "link-validation"
validate: (value) => {
return value.trim() !== "" && Utils.validLink(ProfileUtils.addSocialLinkPrefix(value, d.selectedLinkType))
errorMessage: qsTr("Invalid %1").arg(ProfileUtils.linkTypeToDescription(linkTarget.linkType).toLowerCase() || qsTr("link"))
StatusValidator {
name: "check-social-link-existence"
validate: (value) => {
return !root.containsSocialLink(d.selectedLinkTypeText || customTitle.text,
ProfileUtils.addSocialLinkPrefix(value, d.selectedLinkType))
errorMessage: d.selectedLinkType === Constants.socialLinkType.custom?
qsTr("Title and link combination already added") :
qsTr("Username already added")
onValidChanged: {customTitle.validate(true)}
onTextChanged: {customTitle.validate(true)}