Sale Djenic b3f8af8e06 refactor(@desktop/general): qml code referring to the old code base commented out
Qml code referring to the old code base commented out, but not deleted,
due to easier refactoring the rest of the app.
2022-02-01 11:42:42 +01:00

211 lines
7.7 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import utils 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
objectName: "hello!"
property var messageStore
property EmojiReactions emojiReactionsModel: EmojiReactions { }
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var chatsModelInst: chatsModel
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var utilsModelInst: utilsModel
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var walletModelInst: walletModel
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var profileModelInst: profileModel
property var profileModuleInst: profileModule
property var userProfileInst: userProfile
property bool isDebugEnabled: profileSectionModule.isDebugEnabled
property var accounts: walletSectionAccounts.model
property var currentAccount: walletSectionCurrent
property var currentCurrency: walletSection.currentCurrency
property ListModel addToGroupContacts: ListModel {}
function reCalculateAddToGroupContacts(channel) {
const contacts = getContactListObject()
if (channel) {
contacts.forEach(function (contact) {
if(channel.contains(contact.pubKey) ||
!contact.isContact) {
property var contactsModuleInst: contactsModule
property var stickersModuleInst: stickersModule
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var activeCommunity: chatsModelInst.communities.activeCommunity
property var contactRequests: contactsModuleInst.model.contactRequests
property var addedContacts: contactsModuleInst.model.addedContacts
property var allContacts: contactsModuleInst.model.list
function copyToClipboard(text) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.copyToClipboard(text);
function deleteMessage(messageId) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.messageView.deleteMessage(messageId);
function lastTwoItems(nodes) {
//% " and "
return nodes.join(qsTrId("-and-"));
function showReactionAuthors(fromAccounts, emojiId) {
let tooltip
if (fromAccounts.length === 1) {
tooltip = fromAccounts[0]
} else if (fromAccounts.length === 2) {
tooltip = lastTwoItems(fromAccounts);
} else {
var leftNode = [];
var rightNode = [];
const maxReactions = 12
let maximum = Math.min(maxReactions, fromAccounts.length)
if (fromAccounts.length > maxReactions) {
leftNode = fromAccounts.slice(0, maxReactions);
rightNode = fromAccounts.slice(maxReactions, fromAccounts.length);
return (rightNode.length === 1) ?
lastTwoItems([leftNode.join(", "), rightNode[0]]) :
//% "%1 more"
lastTwoItems([leftNode.join(", "), qsTrId("-1-more").arg(rightNode.length)]);
leftNode = fromAccounts.slice(0, maximum - 1);
rightNode = fromAccounts.slice(maximum - 1, fromAccounts.length);
tooltip = lastTwoItems([leftNode.join(", "), rightNode[0]])
//% " reacted with "
tooltip += qsTrId("-reacted-with-");
let emojiHtml = Emoji.getEmojiFromId(emojiId);
if (emojiHtml) {
tooltip += emojiHtml;
return tooltip
function getCommunity(communityId) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// try {
// const communityJson = chatsModelInst.communities.list.getCommunityByIdJson(communityId);
// if (!communityJson) {
// return null;
// }
// let community = JSON.parse(communityJson);
// if (community) {
// community.nbMembers = community.members.length;
// }
// return community
// } catch (e) {
// console.error("Error parsing community", e);
// }
return null;
// Not Refactored Yet
property var activeCommunityChatsModel: "" //chatsModelInst.communities.activeCommunity.chats
function createCommunity(communityName, communityDescription, checkedMembership, ensOnlySwitchChecked, communityColor, communityImage, imageCropperModalaX, imageCropperModalaY, imageCropperModalbX, imageCropperModalbY) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.createCommunity(communityName, communityDescription, checkedMembership, ensOnlySwitchChecked, communityColor, communityImage, imageCropperModalaX, imageCropperModalaY, imageCropperModalbX, imageCropperModalbY);
function editCommunity(communityId, communityName, communityDescription, checkedMembership, ensOnlySwitchChecked, communityColor, communityImage, imageCropperModalaX, imageCropperModalaY, imageCropperModalbX, imageCropperModalbY) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.editCommunity(communityId, communityName, communityDescription, checkedMembership, ensOnlySwitchChecked, communityColor, communityImage, imageCropperModalaX, imageCropperModalaY, imageCropperModalbX, imageCropperModalbY);
function createCommunityCategory(communityId, categoryName, channels) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.createCommunityCategory(communityId, categoryName, channels);
function editCommunityCategory(communityId, categoryId, categoryName, channels) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.editCommunityCategory(communityId, categoryId, categoryName, channels);
function deleteCommunityCategory(categoryId) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.deleteCommunityCategory(, categoryId);
function leaveCommunity(communityId) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.leaveCommunity(communityId);
function setCommunityMuted(communityId, checked) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.setCommunityMuted(communityId, checked);
function exportCommunity() {
// Not Refactored Yet
// return chatsModelInst.communities.exportCommunity();
function createCommunityChannel(communityId, channelName, channelDescription, categoryId) {
// TODO: pass the private value when private channels
// are implemented
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.createCommunityChannel(communityId, channelName, channelDescription, categoryId);
function editCommunityChannel(communityId, channelId, channelName, channelDescription, channelCategoryId, popupPosition) {
// TODO: pass the private value when private channels
// are implemented
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.editCommunityChannel(communityId, channelId, channelName, channelDescription, channelCategoryId, popupPosition);
function acceptRequestToJoinCommunity(id) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.acceptRequestToJoinCommunity(id);
function declineRequestToJoinCommunity(id) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModelInst.communities.declineRequestToJoinCommunity(id);
function userNameOrAlias(pk) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// return chatsModelInst.userNameOrAlias(pk);
function generateIdenticon(pk) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// return utilsModelInst.generateIdenticon(pk);
function addContact(pubKey) {
function isContactAdded(address) {
return contactsModuleInst.model.isAdded(address);